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Everything posted by hymli

  1. ​Ye dude, come work for me. I will pay u 30czk per hour for lvling my char on classic club...food and drink included:D
  2. hymli

    Pvp siege

    L2 archers talking about skill ..wtf
  3. hymli

    HellHound VS Soil

    ​go back on ur l2j x5 ​U know my hydro was always better than yours, u scared bro?
  4. hymli

    HellHound VS Soil

    HOLY FCKING SH*T that was a good read!:D Kinda starting to miss this drama server:D. So you guys are basically comparing the length of your electronic penis here well let me join you then. U guys should pvp more..​Still hanging on 5th page of pvp Serv stats even after 7months.wtf
  5. @HellHound Yeah HellHound speaking about pride. Ah dude those memories when u were flaming, spamming and insulting Perkunas on your daily basis. Flaming Dragon Valley shout chat accusing bizz and Reaver cps of autism by pking low level chars including you. Saying u would never join them. Here we go ... I came bck after 4 months and u are in Perkunas. Rly ..u should be the last one here talking about pride. @BizQQuiT Really man ..u really offered him a hand after those months ?;)
  6. ​dude, if sano ever did gladiator meeting, that class would go straight to trash, just look how many game changing bugs ppl found in last few months, like reuse of aoe range skill being 3s instead of 9s, tss having 5s instead of 10s, cannot imagine if like 10 ppl assembled and tried skills for 1 evening, what could they find Man ye I can't imagine. They would probly find that lion heart should last 10 mins, and stun duration should be 20 sec. Besides they would implement skill called Full Retardness which would give u p.atk and ego + 50%
  7. Nice u guys doing this btw Can´t imagine Gladiator meeting. Bunch of retards at one place
  8. hymli

    WTS SoES +3

    As title says 120kk
  9. ​Ah thats that fcking scammer....shame ...shame...shame...shame
  10. Hello guys, we are currently looking for more people to fill out our free cp spots in our party. We are looking for ppl who want to fight perkunas Our prime time is usually 8:00 - 12:00pm gmt+1. Atm as title says we need active OL around lvl 60, sws with good ability to tank,bish/EE and sorc/sps. We are also able to provide fully exped SwS as long as new possible upcoming member of our CP build his trust and our members will fully trust him PM/mail/private msg here Hymli, WaterWorks See ya
  11. Dude ..well all I can actually say is if u ever want to ban a person forever and everrr and comoletely erase is L2 needs on this server ...u basically have 2 options ..track down every single computer he orders ..find it and destroy it ...or u kill that person.in real life ....your choice ...if u are up for second option I might help u to dig out the hole Btw from now on ..Chevignon char is pked by sight..and his inner dick minions as well ...making me sad cuz real Chevignon was pretty good fella ...:(
  12. then check that one in DV at fort right now please.:) and check for ilegal soft...
  13. hymli


    ​Gimme dances,acu, emp, zerg,WM i can hit u in 1 sec for more than 3000 as SPS if i get lucky on magic crit
  14. ​Feel bad admiting that.....but Reaver is right:)...it would stop that stupid "spam" respawn on flags or in the castle which couse MP problems and ppl take advantage of it and try to waste as much time and MP as possible to opposition. Besides it would put a bit more adrenaline into your veins during pvp...and thats what we love on pvp in L2 right?:)
  15. hymli


    Yeah..my words man Well...I played L2 for very fist time 10 years ago...So I was like 15 years old kid...I didnt do any research of classes like who is OP or who is not...So i made a dwarf...After couple of weeks i realized he just spoils stuff from mobs and only skill he actually has is stun...So I was like OKAY Im gonna make a second char for killing ppl ..who am i gonna be?...Welll...Gladiator sounds cool...he has duals..heavy armor looks badass. So....I went to play gladi for a while even though it was C1 back in the days and glad could rly do sh1t in pvp So I was gladi for the only one reason---I was cool GLADI!!! So yeah this phenomenon is real and it remains. I bet if I do a research in measuring social inteligence of players across all L2 servers since C1...Gladiator players would end up on the last postion for sure...thenn I quess it would be Tyrant...cuz he is kind of similar...but u know.. he wears light..which doesnt rly fit to huge orc.
  16. ​Yeah Im usually spaming all these four skills...hydro blast was just an example besides u get a small gap on CD between hydros when u have 1.6k+ casting speed. An yeah SpS are like snipers with awp..u gotta play it like that ​wtf necro have best AOE in game. (for pve) ​They have highest power on AoE skill. However he cant spam it non stop like for example SpS or Sorc - u go - splash, frost wall + (aura flash) which gives u huge dps.
  17. Well why u gotta be so cocky I have been pvping daily since level 20 ..since days I used to have super slow casting speed and I don't remember having problems with my casting interruption from opposition or the opposition from me. Well I have to admit maybe I didn't pay that much attention to it back in the days and nowadays when most of the mages have that fast casting speed that for example sps with acu+ zerg +dance conc has his cast speed on hydro blast almost instant ...u obviously get interrupted less often than if u would ve casted the spell for 3 seconds for example. I might be wrong I might be not...I'm just saying when I face a necromancer and try to overcast him and interrupt his spells ..I see no effect at all...he casts his sh*tty spells however he wants.:)
  18. Hi guys, Okay lets talk about casting interruption. I am just wondering if capability of interrupt/cancel mages spell is bugged just here or it is same on lower versions of retail servers. I absolutely acknowledge the fact that all mages are running +12 wit build so that casting speed is too fast and chance of cancel the spell is lower than it used to be... but lets talk about 1v1. Personaly I am playing spellsinger and if I go against necro i have the only one advantage - casting speed.. so the only way how to beat a necro is overcast him and rely on spell interruption. Unfortunately I have never managed to interrupt any single spell on higher levels in which spellsinger should excel .Beside of that it makes concetration buff absolutely useless. Lets imagine sorcerer. If sorcerer face necromancer he should have exact same cast speed as necro which gives socerer super low chance of winning this match up....I feel like NCsoft realized that and gave sorcerer at least Concetration buff level 6 so his spells wont get canceled that often...well here at classic version any other nuker than necro has not even a slight chance of beating him cuz the only advantage they used to have...doesnt work here. Please GMs look into it and give us at least a smalll chance of beating Necromancers:) Thanks, Hymli
  19. Don't forget Reaver is color blind relating to his forum profile picture :P
  20. Hi guys, As title says I am looking for more people to form CP (time GMT+1). I would like to focus more on mages (cuz personaly im playing SPS). However we all know how WLs, Glads are working great in the same party with mages nowadays cuz of AoE. So basically any WL/glad is welcome as well. And most importantly ANY support is welcome! Person who would like to join me(us) has to: 1, hate perkunas 2, love pvp which would be on daily schedule cuz we would play during perkunas prime time. 3, speak english (or at least understand ) 4, willing to join TS at least to listen 5, lvl 55+ Once I get at least 3-4 people willing to join my CP I will talk about days and time we would play , ATM looking for ppl who can play duing european prime time or be able to adjust him/herself to european prime time (around gmt +1) I am a member of Syndicate clan and we have been fighting with Perkunas for loong loong time..If u by any chance are a person with no clan therefore no clan war declared to perkunas and dont wanna loose 4% during a fight I can talk to my clan leader for a possible invitiation to our clan we would gladly welcome you. Contact me ingame/here...mail me, pm me "Hymli Best regards Hymli
  21. Thanks a lot for fast reply Koll GL with bug fixing
  22. Hi, Just wondering...It`s been a while since we got patch 1.3. It says that CS should take place every 14 days. It`s already been 2 weeks and I couldn´t find any sigh of CS in game nor on forums. So the question is ...when? Sorry if it`s already mentioned somewhere..I just could`t find it. Thanks