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Everything posted by HellHound

  1. You would not take any castle anyway... last siege before this one you run and all died at ivory tower so dont cry... shits happens... take hat of your choice and stop cry... definitelly dont see any reason to give you any COLs...
  2. Hello Team, this event is really good! I would like to thank you for your hard work on this project and I guess I can say that whole the server community enjoy this event so really big thank you also for that! Keep going guys...
  3. Whether you believe you win or lose you are right!

  4. WTB Samurai Long Sword (SLS) - 16kk sendpayment request in game to "Hellhound"
  5. I love L2Classic.club & I love Enchanted Valley! There is many dark and evil like looking places in the game... I remember first time I have entered this wonderfull area! This place is just amazing with all its watterfalls, rainbows, unicorns and sparklers... If there is a peacefull place in game, then it is Enchanted Valley and I bet you have to love this place too! There is no better place to go to get rest after a bloody fight
  6. I agree with many.... You still do not have enough time for this Classic... there is many space for improvements and maybe some events like pvp promised...
  7. Definitelly play with somebody... at higher lvl you need have constant party or you will lose an interest in this game due to many fights for spots. My suggestion... get some good tea... keep your feets warm and you will be fine... =) btw: dont forget sport... you should be fit as your char gets lvls..
  8. Hello Guys, WTB top C jewels +6... nassen, seal, holy. even +5 if you sell with good price... pm me here or in game THX
  9. presumption of innocence...
  10. ​You can... this mouse got programmable buttons and 5 profiles.. so you can have more than you may ever need !
  11. buddy really ? try to get this in the picture below and bind it...
  12. Hello, I am looking for CP my lvl is 64 can play 2-4 hours per day... 18-22 (more during weekends) UTC +2
  13. It is easy.. make vote reward.. box with chance to get usefull things (not crapp)... Bsoe / Bress / Enchant armor /enchant weapon/ life stone / 5 coins of luck ... so ppl will 100% vote and server will lead ranks... = new ppl... if you give a crap in box ppl will not vote...
  14. ​rofl man you talk about tyrant/gladi and stones , mages need the same thing to do aoe. Necro needs CB , and others need Spirit ore. I need to leave town with 2k spirit ore if i want to do good aoe on my sorc. Now go and check prices and tell me if its expensive or not...... ​difference is that tyrant/glady must control usage of stones... some skills needs recharge and so on while mages do only F1/ F2... without counting or thinking... so this is the difference!
  15. Cloaks - YES (but please dont give that abbility to change stats) cloak in my opinion should be stylish thing ONLY CP potions - Yes but I would add sample with reuse 1 minute and CP elixire with reuse 5 minutes. By this way it would not be spammed. @Founders - how will you solve MP problems for fighter classes? Its not resolved anyhow.. whats official solution ?
  16. ​yes, they gonna add mana pots for u ​ I guess it will not be applied for this server + its just another disadvantage if fighters must buy another items to play...just enough that glad/tyrant must buy damn energy stones.. its very heavy (easily you get penalities) and quite expensive...
  17. leave msg here or pm in game Hellhound
  18. HellHound

    WTB great sword

    pm hellhound in game or leave msg with offer here
  19. HellHound


    pm hellhound in game or leave msg with offer here
  20. pm hellhound with offer or leave msg here
  21. ​bcoz WIT is nerfed in 2.0, so comes up passive. Also +5 max dyes ​is there solution in 2.00 for fighers mp? or still 10 skills and out of mp ? that really sux !!!!!!!!!!