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Everything posted by HellHound

  1. ​+1 .. //summon not working...
  2. Hello all, WTS Dualswords Raid * Raid +0 right now its going to auction for 16 EUR In case you want buy in game, send me offers here + your nickname in game. If im interested i will contact you back. Thx
  3. Hello all, WTS full Great Sword +0. right now its going to auction for 29 EUR (cheapest B weapon in auction) In case you want buy in game, send me offers here + your nickname in game. If im interested i will contact you back. Thx
  4. Hello all, WTS full Sword of Valhalla +0. right now its going to auction for 39 EUR (cheapest B weapon in auction) In case you want buy in game, send me offers here + your nickname in game. If im interested i will contact you back. Thx
  5. HellHound


    omg damn botter... get out of here. Even tho you will say you did nothing wrong. ****** bastard... Give him permanent ban for MAC address for this.
  6. HellHound


    ​+1 apply those solutions... read them and i agree, agree, agree.. do that so
  7. HellHound


    Anchor 99% !!! nerf the shit... not comparable with stun chance and mage can kill you 5x faster than fighter... thats damn unblaance..
  8. ​I think 1st command you mean: //set_skill_all command? ​Maybe you got me , actually I dont remember which one worked..
  9. Usefull commands that works... //give_all_skills //setparam lv (level you want) //summon (id of item or its name, use "_" instead of spaces) number of items/npc By HellHound
  10. ​ive seen you. you were spamming all round giran, but didnt reply to my pm hmmmmmm ​Heyo, sorry for that... I had many pms so i guess yours lost somewhere.. anyway write me again in game on nick HellHound or write here what you want and how many adena you offer.
  11. Hello all, WTS spellbooks: Dual weapon defence Sonic move Shield deflect magic WTB Samurai long sword if cheap pm me in game: HellHound
  12. HellHound


    ​I agree ! please make max +5
  13. Cau lidi, nevim proc je na serveru vic CZ / SK clanu... pojdtme to spojit a bejt vice PVE / Siege / Farm / Raid schopni... pm Hellound nebo Dypsik
  14. Cau lidi, nechapu proc je tu vic nez jeden CZ / SK clan... spojme to a budeme vice PVE / Siege / Farm / Raid schopni... pokud by mel nekdo zajem spojit klany tak napiste na nick Dypsik ve hre, nebo HellHound
  15. ​Congratulation bro, but if you are good player there is not any reason to be scared about this. Oly should be 1 vs 1 same conditions. Some ppl play more than the others, not all of us can play whole day or is so lucky to get enchanted weapons. That is not reason to do not go to olly. Good player will welcome this adjustment. I want compare my skills with others at the same conditions. ​Exactly, why would some1 who spend more time at the game be put to the same level as some1 who plays casually? You should be rewarded for putting effort and time into the game, olympiad has NEVER been about skills, never. it's about which clan feeds the most/best. Welcome to online gaming. ​OMG every one knows its about feeding and donators and 24/7 farmes and botters.. and that is what I want change here. Cause I do not think that it is right !!! Obviously you do not want understand that. I have donated already a bit... and I am definitely not scared to fight man to man with as similar conditions as possible. Over and over again no matter what stupid servers have the oly set for. This server can be different and support basic purpose of oly as I mentioned many times before its about show up best player of class. Enjoy your enchants and donated items within another aspect of game.. which is actually 95 % of gamming time.
  16. ​I dont agree with you... the way it is considered by players is wrong... read description from olympiad manager. The olympiad itself is in purpose to show up best player of class. It is not my opinion and definitely it is not related to rate. It is why oly is created. Dummy.
  17. vSpecter hello... I dont agree with you after all. Here are many aspects of game... as I see that... Farming, pvp, pve, sieges, raids and oly. Oly itself is about show up who is the best player of class. All the adventages of your farm or donate you can use in all other aspects of game except of oly. If you are the best you should prove it with same gear enchantment as your opponent. That is my opinion. This should prevent that one clan will feed in oly as its boosted by donators. For sure we can not touch the "ideal point" when everything is supergreat and all agree. But this improvement should be done as Oly is about what i have said above. No matter what ppl did from Oly till now. I guess it has took wrong direction on the other servers THAT IS WHY i suggest to do Oly to reduce all enchant bonuses. Thank you for understanding
  18. ​I have donated to server to make it run. Also it has helped me with starting lvls... there is nothing wrong about it, actually I guess its only donate should be...
  19. Oly is about if you know play your class... Regarding enchanted weapons it has usage within other aspects of game.. Farming/PVP/PVE/Raid bosses/Sieges.. those are still aspect and almost all game you play that you got adventage of ++ items.. oly should show who is the best of class... not who farm most or got best gear/luck for ench. Call me dumb, but if you dont understand this its obvious you will not agree.
  20. Idiot? Your mother did not learn you how to behave? If you are not mentaly grown enough you should dont post at all. This is a place to discuss politely what is the best for server. Even when you dislike i dont think you should be rude. Hide yourself.
  21. ​Congratulation bro, but if you are good player there is not any reason to be scared about this. Oly should be 1 vs 1 same conditions. Some ppl play more than the others, not all of us can play whole day or is so lucky to get enchanted weapons. That is not reason to do not go to olly. Good player will welcome this adjustment. I want compare my skills with others at the same conditions.
  22. Hello all, the topic is created cause of Olympiad is one of the most interesting aspects of this game. Unfortunately, many servers failed at this point so thats why i post here now. I suggest to start olympiad with adjustment regarding enchanting. All enchant bonusses should be removed when character enter olympiad competition. So items should be +0 like. Reason? There is donate allowed, many ppl would left server if donator with +10 item will kill them easily on Olly... Oly is in purpose to see who is better player, definitely not who is more equiped. So please administrators to take this in account and consider this suggestion. @ administrators, there is already topic created in section general discusion. So you can see reactions of players. HERE
  23. Hello all, the topic is created cause of Olympiad is one of the most interesting aspects of this game. Unfortunately, many servers failed at this point so thats why i post here now. I suggest to start olympiad with adjustment regarding enchanting. All enchant bonusses should be removed when character enter olympiad competition. So items should be +0 like. Reason? There is donate allowed, many ppl would left server if donator with +10 item will kill them easily on Olly... Oly is in purpose to see who is better player, definitely not who is more equiped. So please administrators to take this in account and consider this suggestion. @players... Please all of you vote for this suggestion. +1 = like -1 = dislike Thank you for your attention. Bye