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Everything posted by HellHound

  1. ​That's an old story with few words. When 1.0 was alive, perkunas were running whole DV and PKing everyone for no reason just not to lvl up and catch them, so if you wanted to free exp at DV you had to pay them. (Even low levels and ofc we didnt pay). But, we lvled up. We made a side. We can do the same and ofc I'll. You know why? Cause.. I'll say an example. We helped ES clan lvl up 66+ we protected them, we helped them and they all joined to enemy's side. So there's no trust, and that's 1 example. There are many people on this server that can just sell their souls to devil cause it's a game even if they fuck your game. That's the game in classic if you want to survive. Some people wants the easier way. Now about this guy HellHound, he's in my block list since 1.3. I remember having some good fights with perkunas 1 week ago, all were saying nice fight, gf etc nicely and he was like fck you noob if that if this,qq. He's a kid. Just change spot and keep EXPing until you catch him. Now about NF and 3 sides. Noone of 3 sides can trust you, like I said before, at least our side. So you can do safer exp but less in other areas and not abg or you join one side and you got war with others 2 or create 4th side. ;D That has nothing to do with community. However, we're not PKing randoms. ​dont remember this QQ you talk about ... anyway nob who killed you 1 vs 1 ... 3:1 i won you so show some respect... they think you are something special.. we will dance when im same lvl again..
  2. ​1st you little lier... you came to my place and agro my trains when I was lving my low lvl mage. 2nd please keep your analytics skills for someone else... I really dont need you to insult me here or anyhow analyze server situation. 3rd you were in clan with war so If im such a mad person I would relog at first moment i see you just because you are in clan that has war with my main char clan. 4th.. wtf are you doing here? if you are such a person who write this above get yourself and leave now. Can not speak behalf the others but I am not definitelly interested to have ppl like you here in game. If so you will get pk next time i see you for this lying. 5th :* cry me a river dumb
  3. ​They are mainly not telling whole story. So what happened from my perspective...? Exping my low lvl mage... doing nice trains.. not bother anybody... Then?! Party comes and start pull my trains.... "hey stop, this spot is taken" i todl them... "find some free spot" i told them... "fu*k you" THEY TOLD ME.... so yep.. i relog and massacre those bastards... when it doesnt work in a good way... @those nobs.. QQ more mthfkrs...
  4. WTS SLS*SLS +8 offer me here or in game
  5. Hello... 6-20 elven ruins / elven fortress 20-24 aba. camp (gludin village area) 24-34 forgotten temple or partisan hideway (PH can be till 36..maybe 37) 36-44 aligator island 44+ EV or DV
  6. Hello thats good question.. i know that blessing + cake or blessing + golden works... but idk if golden and cake stack....
  7. If you want do solo buy a lot of Major HP potions and put +12 DEX -15 CON or +12 STR - 15 CON... nobody mentioned ++DEX cause the addition is not so high, but you will see it works pretty fine for hitting with duals and also add crit so you will kill maybe even faster than with STR boosted. Anyway best way to lvl up is go train mobs.. for that go +12 CON - 15 STR (stun resist and +++ HP). Hope I helped you buddy
  8. 2.0 should come to use as a Christmass or New Year gift =) at least I would be glad for that
  9. WTS Samurai*Samurai (SLS duals) + 7 offer me here or in game
  10. WTS Deadmans Glory +7 offer me here or in game
  11. ​But AOE... glads aoe are much weaker than glads single target..
  12. ​Hello... you are right idk how players want play char who instant kill... go play some targeting game then... btw PR is strong enough, give me hits 1,5 - 4k dmg on FP +6... so please stop cry again and about everything. I guess its good dmg and the cost here is PR is paper char.
  13. If roolback would be done 1 min before server crash then restart we could have no topic here....
  14. omg.. really? go farm hard STR+12 DEX-15... use skills and do max dmg on trains (FARM MODE ON)
  15. Hello... pm me in game about price I buy if not high price
  16. ​lol... are you serious...?! 1.) there will be always sellers.. adena, items.. no matther rates.. 2.) wipe would make more ppl leave than come to server...
  17. Hello team, today we had an unexpected shutdown of server as you know... at around 10 AM GTM+2... please roolback with this restart cause i guess I am not the only one who lost 4% due to this shut down... and maybe ppl lost even gear.. -1 or 2min since time of crash should be enough thx
  18. pm me or mail here or in game
  19. hi offer me here or in game
  20. HellHound

    Little video

    ​ TROLOLOLOLOL ! its in party chat and nobody of my mates is not offended so sh*t the fu*k up! really man... I have been waiting for such a man like you are... make a topic about it.
  21. When this server was open one year ago there was not any starting pack... adena was 1x... not 3x like now.. and ppl had not even enought adena to buy soulshots/spiritshots.. so please... go for some high rate if you expect you will get gear and lvls easy.. this server is just amazing, but it is not matter of weeks but months/years....
  22. Hello! The EXP/SP herb is not much fair to the ppl who started here in 1,0 and had to farm with no weapon, no shots... spent XXXXX hours by getting to lvl 40.. now you give it for free.. that is not fair... give some reward to chars 60+ if so... 3 EWB / 3 EAB or some matterial pack that will contains matts for A grande items... not for craft the set... but for example 20% of cratf mats needed for set/wep... as a compensation... In the other hand I understand that it is very important to expand community at our server and this is very good idea with herbs.. but dont forget about ppl who gave a lot to this game and dont make them leave Thank you team
  23. ​lol you stupid dumb... I got TOP C jewerly +6 and mage hit me for 1800 - 3,500 for crit... if he is well set up... +/-2 lvl... so you better dont post man... btw from where you take that glad hit with normal hits to heavy 1700-2500? - dex reduce skill atk speed... are you on drugs or just soo stupid ?! ​take taimer like me, put +/-0 DEX and use skill, than make -15 DEX and check the timer. with bouth wariants my stun have 2 sec.18 mili sec cast. so dex dont change nothink, also we check on glad, tyr, and dest skills, all skills have the same attack speed ​I tryied myself... no need timer to see the huge difference... if you are buffed up it is very big difference... atk speed affects skill execution speed... dont talk shits omg... ppl are right here... you used that ability of orfen for a long time.. now when others do you cry... Buddy really, delete forum account...
  24. ​lol you stupid dumb... I got TOP C jewerly +6 and mage hit me for 1800 - 3,500 for crit... if he is well set up... +/-2 lvl... so you better dont post man... btw from where you take that glad hit with normal hits to heavy 1700-2500? - dex reduce skill atk speed... are you on drugs or just soo stupid ?!