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Everything posted by HellHound

  1. ++++ max dye addition stat +5 !!!! SUPERGREAT... BUT !!!!!!! you prevent mages have +15 wit while you give them passive skill for casting speed ??? WTF ? fighters have very big problem with mana... better if you adjust this somehow...
  2. +1 It was better before.... if you say L2 one of the first images is giran full of ppl....
  3. HellHound

    LF ppl

    Ha asi uz ne... posledni pozustatky co ja vim jsou Hymli, Kurecikridylka, Hefaistos, Blbounek a ja (ale ja uz to taky moc nehraju, mozna v zime, kdyz to neumre)
  4. HellHound


    Hello, WTB Samurai Long Sword... offer with price in adena here. Ty
  5. Hello, WTS Deamon's Staff +5... offer me here
  6. Hi, I dont even have a spoiler or craft... some good drop or some good trades from time to time can make you good budget to enchant your weapon... so its not donation only! Anyway be carefull!!!!!!! You can drop weapon or you can do enchanting and get error as I did... even when I have screenshot i did not get any support there...
  7. Hi, I am looking for some smart asses around... regardless clan/ally I want join some fighter based CP. I play usually 16-22 GMT+1
  8. Hello, WTS DaulSwords Samurai Long Sword*Samurai Long Sword +9 Offer me here in forum.. privat msg...
  9. Hello, I have tested Lionhearth skill on test server and it has the same effectiveness on lvl 2 as well as on lvl 1. Please fix. Tested stun lvl 1 land 5/10 lvl 2 6/10 (stuned by HE same lvl). Tested anchor lvl 1 land 9/10 lvl 2 land 8/10 (anchored by necro same lvl) Tested lighting strike lvl 1 land 10/10.. lvl 2 land 10/10 (by SK same lvl) PS: according to results maybe problem is aslo with Anchor and Lighting strike as reported before. Seems nothing has changed. Thx.
  10. ​+1 Fair tournament would be very nice !!! ++++++ Agree with Soil.. pvp is something different.
  11. HellHound

    Log-in error

    fixex partly -> says you have not any character to participate in auction... not true... =P
  12. HellHound

    Log-in error

    Hello, can not log in to account manager. Acc/psw is not recognized, maybe databaze connection lost by applying the status online.
  13. Hello man, DA is quite nice char SK / DA are best from tank classes right now... I am already 60+ even tho need CP can not wait but wish you good luck and hope you will like the server...
  14. Fragments of OutOfControl are fighting perkunas as well... Syndicate, Pride...
  15. You know what brainiac... try to go 1vs1 with other class VS necromancer or SK... necromancer will give you 100 % fear /anchor and kill you before you will be released... SK will instantly keep you under paralyze and meanwhile you get poison / bleed so you die for sure... This is just nonsence and if GMs want support this shi* i will leave... still hope there are inteligent ppl who will want make some reasonable environment for players.
  16. ​You must be kidding right ? Did you see the video? Obviously something is wrong when 1 SK can do such a mess with this skill.. In my opinion its number 1 that should be fixed, anchor and feer right after.. and also casting spell interuption on all mages... for sure dyes max +5 would be welcome.. ! But you can not be serious about what you wrote above... pfff... wake up...
  17. ​Fixed. ​Server.. cause it can be adjusted... GMs already told us that they will customize this server to be as they want it to be. btw no more keys for you hnidopichu
  18. First few moments with SK just shows how ridiculous and embarrassing option is set for some skills on this server...
  19. ​heard that so many times =) servers live long if there is strong competition - everyone wants to be the "one" who annihilated the "dragon". Servers die of serious bugs, economic problems, client issues, newb admin staff - and we have little to none of that especially the last one) Talking Island x3 will live for a long time, my children will play here =) ​Server is already almost death... And those cowards who cry here around are not willing to fight you... and I am not surprised... all WS use BSOE or PR... not zerg.. so WTF is this topic about? You got caslte YES, cause you are the only who is interested in this game... nobody will spend time in game long term to get killed from back by ZERG and if want pvp see only flash of PR/BSOE CG...
  20. ​I guess i dont understand you... All mages use +12 wit -15 men and still if you hit them during making spells never interupt the casting. So what you say is nonsense.. interuption of skill casting is not working.
  21. Hello Team, I am writing this topic due to I thinkg that concentration buff has not any purpose here as it is now. Mages should have use this buff to avoid spell cancelling. Unfortunatelly here it is not possible to fail casting. So buff concentracion is useless.. And I guess that this should not be like it is now. Suggestion: To bring some adventage to another mages like SPS / Sorcs are and avoid all playing only necro please add spell cancelling to game so SPS / Sorcs will have adventage of bigger casting speed and will be able kill even necromancer cause will be able fail opponent casting from time to time. For figher it works, by skill any figher can cancel other skills, why shouldnt this work for mages too? Thx
  22. ​Anchor, Lighting strike, fear 100 % here.. almost regardless level difference... 5 lvl lower and still 100 % landrate... this is insane sh*t dont understand how it can not be fiexed yet.. rewrite landrate can not be so hard to do.
  23. ​I dont see anything about chance in description of skill man... Shouldnt this be 100% ? for 8 sec? It is not such a big duration.. I would set it 100 %
  24. Hello Midonator 1x BW Heavy set +6 please...
  25. ​Find a friend man, you really need to talk with somebody... 1. you never killed me out of zerg or train 2. ppl I fought and ppl who use bsoe most often are definitelly 55+ for example... 3vs1.. Akame (64 if im right), EU (for sure 55+), some BD of your "amazing" aly... pff 1 death, 2 bsoe.. HEROES ! were farming 1 by 1, buffed !!! all active for sure no box ! 3. nothing else to say... go hide yourself whole BSOErs company of WickedSick ANT noobs... ######################################################################################## Back to topic... It is suggestion for admins... if I would want you ppl leave your hearth written down on paper I would start this topic in section "General discussion" Thx