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Everything posted by Warpole

  1. I broke an emi and an aoba from +3 to +4 yesterday....beat that if u can!!
  2. RNG and bullshit everyone knows it's all about ppls luck. Give it to fking @RoolBackand it's easy success,or give it to me and i'll have my dwarf rdy to sell crystals in notime. PS. I have failed dc or mj boots gloves +5 to +6 15times. 0 success. Don't miss your chance to get crystals for shots.
  3. U just unwillingly proven my point. U get all that focus cause your class has some impact during pvp. Noone would spam aggro on WL in current update. But lets stop it now semen wants to chill,we can continue tommorow in TS.
  4. Cause WL as a crowd controlling mediocre damage warrior class brings nothing to the table with puri song and bw sets everywhere,while PW is still a decent damage dealer.
  5. Competitive can also be a cp that wants to fight,push for epic contest,ganks enemies blah blah blah everyday even tho it can't bring same results as a superior top competitive cp. But let's say i agree(u gonna post again either way!!). Just think if everyone was playing top setups and carrying fights then we talk for a max 15 relevant classes game? What's the point of having 31 classes if noone is gonna pick u?
  6. no doubt they are viable,but not for competitive cps. there is no such cp that would recruit warlord(maybe they get a summoner into their comp nowadays). If i am gonna find a cp that fights once in a week i prefer to stay solo and help some friends lvl up in gc while chatting in TS.
  7. Don't twist my words re,i don't like that. I just didn't expect that a healer class can deal more damage than a supposed boosted summoner's nuke.
  8. Since we share our stories here,i just realized that my pp deals more damage with nukes to ps than the opposite. (with less m.atk on more m.def)
  9. Don't ruin my hope,i was almost rdy to LF CP.
  10. Warpole

    Thrill fight bug

    Skill doesn't reduce 10% speed but a fixed 20 speed. Screenshots 1 and 2(unbuffed), 3 and 4(wind walk and zerk)
  11. So keep summoners only as oly enforcer u say? I am not sure if i like these changes but still summoners must have a place in open pvp too.
  12. @San0It seems u forgot to add option to lvl up skill war cry on warlords. I logged 3 different warlords and none can get it. My client can't be the problem cause it's updated.
  13. Bought +12 SOES= desperately tryharding to break your hero virginity in this server?
  14. Imo its good change,because now ppl will be forced to go grind in order to get better gear instead of just w8ing in town for next raid spawn with the hope of getting loot from something that they couldn't kill on their own.
  15. Warpole

    Next QQ topic

    @Koll I did create a ticket,also someone from support logged my char during last night's olympiad time. But still nothing fixed nor got any reply. Ticket ID:NSC-771-6454.
  16. Warpole

    Next QQ topic

    Also % of xp that scroll give doesn't match the description. For example it says 2 100% xp scrolls but in game u get 70% scrolls.
  17. That will never change. That's why we were like 5-6 summoners back in 1.5! Same happens with melee classes nowadays(rip WL).
  18. ES,WK are decent in mass pvp with aoe dmg(es,wk) or disable skill(wk). PS is a huge potato in mass pvp,only value u can get from PS atm is cheaper pve compared to the other ones in end game zone like GC.
  19. Warpole

    Event Frozen Holidays!

    Isn't it a good time for all the unlucky ones to post how bad this event went for us? Here is mine.
  20. Warpole

    Event Frozen Holidays!

    First you brake 2 tarbars +15 and then bring the hate on EWDs. Nice one bro.
  21. Warpole

    zaken pvp

    His cp boosted him to 80 before update, i guess they realized what a pleb he is and they don't want to feed him for hero also.