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Everything posted by Warpole

  2. It would be a great present to have 2.0 at 24th,but there are still many major bugs to be fixed or tested.
  3. But we talk about random,neutral players. Why would a big clan go hunt them at doom knights for no reason? Also its summer in europe which means that many players rest. Last summer it was the same,only a few pts in abg.
  4. Main problem is that the map is too small, it was even worse at 1.0 when there was only cruma and dv. New updates fix that by implementing new areas which are mostly for solo xp at high lvl. All we have to do is w8 for update.
  5. That's classic version concept,solo players don't get to xp at top spots. Not even neutral cps. They can easily lvl up aoe/1by1 at low spots of bs or at doom knights near devastated with decent xp. It will be even easier at 2.0 with new areas around Aden. If ppl QQ about -5% at 60-70lvl they shouldn't join classic server at all. So they either settle for this or feel free to hug aden GK for eternity. Afterall if u wanna play this game and get late game items etc u have to join a side. PS. I envy casual players that don't qq and continue doing what pleases them.
  6. it is if u wanna chase some1.
  7. Good Job, 2nd most skilled sps that i've seen in this server. Keep up the good work and have fun.
  8. Dagger cp maybe? Phantom Summoner lfp.
  9. There is only one guy for this place. He is independant,relentless,the most logical between perks and he will be objective when it comes to equality because he doesnt belong to any cp. Vote Modoy for ally leader. #Perkunasleadershipvote
  10. Theoretically it doesn't,but it actually did. I had to deal with their endless ganks for 2-3 or sometimes more hours/day during summer. I know that closing lvl gap between us was a major factor at pvps at late summer,but after their players inactivity and rerolls u could tell the difference in their gameplay. Imo that's when Oppa's cp started to gain points as best mage cp.
  11. Their peak was with ketamuh as necro,they were 72-74 lvl back then. Then ketamuh and 4g stopped playing, guy that played xwar got ol, zorgzor got xwar(then made him necro), and the rest were playing what remains,except dee and ancord. Doesnt matter if they got higher lvl at august-september, their best gameplay was before that when everybody played their mains.
  12. That sph u say is the one and only yolo RedLightSC rerolled and renamed 4 months ago,or yolo GreenLightDS. Everyone knows that guy u can't forget him,he is the king of yolo failing rush. That guy was using google translate to communicate with chinese since december.
  13. I didn't know they are 4 parties,i see new chars everyday at ev and abg. I guess all of them are twinks or chars for potential future players/drivers. Back then sides had smaller numbers and it was doable to make a side,judging by the rythm they grew. Now it's not.
  14. I am just quoting u on the chinese situation with a quick resume of the whole story,because everyone can see the post. Don't hang on the zerg sentence,nothing personal to u or anybody intended.
  15. Not actually true, if u didnt recruit chinese we wouldn't recruit minor clans. We actually told chinese back in autumn to make their own side because we show their numbers. That would make server 4-sided and more interesting. Numbers between us were not much different back then,lvl diffference was. They decided to join u. We zerged,u zerged(doesn't matter who did it first or last). Everyone who is relevant knows the rest. End of story. P.S. Weird forum sabotage.
  16. Not actually true, if u didnt recruit chinese we wouldn't recruit minor clans. We actually told chinese back in autumn to make their own side because we show their numbers. That would make server 4-sided and more interesting. Numbers between us were not much different back then,lvl diffference was. They decided to join u. We zerged,u zerged(doesn't matter who did it first or last). Everyone who is relevant knows the rest. End of story.
  17. All these topics would be worthless and pointless if the real monkey king was still here. Many tried to dethrone him,yet King Zorgzor still stands unique.
  18. WTB +6 bw boots and gloves mail Warpole/Trashlord
  19. I see some personal controversy between demoss and daj....will this affect hedera-assiriy marriage?
  20. But we keep all this deals headen from fishfood in order to keep forum alive.
  21. Countered already with that.
  22. between sides its dickhold crosshand one to the other,but your version works too. damn,did we just cooperate? wickedsick+dramateam=possible?
  23. All these months i never saw orfen spawn that late and saw core do it once. It was like 8 hours max most of the times,12 hours rarely. If this the one time she will spawn late then so'll be it. But pls don't disappoint me man, we had some rly good conversation in the past. All i can say is that personally i will leave my side the moment we dickhold with perks for epics,or the moment i will even hear that there is a possibility to dickhold with ES.
  24. Fish ffs man u rly believe that we were dickholding with perks? u were on our side and u know our tactics very well. I am sure u can understand why we were there. If this is another pointless forum post in effort to provoke dick measurements between players, i am not gonna participate. Skoupidi out.