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Everything posted by UchihaMadara

  1. Since admins showed their real faces (situation with Modoy), my pt not gonna participate in this, we're not intrested in suppoting //summon2 server
  2. ehm, so easy to proof https://youtu.be/WqDr9cnsLfs?t=138
  3. It's like if you ever see any anime nickname, obv its my char, and me playing on it. Also, you can find my cp gameplay on tournament, and habber got rekt in the first round. About you, I can see your name getting rekt here. Ofc you will never even try to play on offi. Cause "here you can play 2h per day and rekt nubs, its impossible to play on offi". So, why did you mentioned me? PS: Atleast my ppl didnt ever scam any of their prev clan members. PSS: When I left server, one cp from my clan has all the acc's of my mage pt. And its obv, cause they have their own supp in pt higher lvl than mine, Guess what? All items are still there, no one took anything, try to teach your pt members same.
  4. ehm, I guess its better to ignore you, "little kiddo"
  5. getting flamed by some 2h/per day driver, lul. PS : When this movie happend already was out of l2.
  6. Only vs mobs, limited to 5 times per day
  7. How it's going playing in Scamerkunas btw?
  8. UchihaMadara

    Castle of 2kkk

    Lol, from 55 to 65lvl never saw soil in loa. Its only our side vs uq.
  9. UchihaMadara

    Castle of 2kkk

    ffs, when I joined ws at 40lvls, after reaver left. Biz had only 2cp's (Biz and Kiam). And it was kinda different back than, cause when we grow lvl a bit at 55-60. Our primes were fully pvp at loa vs uq, meanwhile soil free farmed abg. At some point we had 100ppl cc soil had around 180cc, and after that me+biz started to run around abg to see what's up. And every clan, every random there were under soil's watch. Also he even had same pk strategy not DL member? PK.
  10. I guess you never played on off server. Let me tell you, that in first month, will be a big ban wave of ppl, that will try to use any soft. It was same on GK, when many top pt got banned. And there, if you got ban, you need to exp new char, cause no one will unban you for 5$. About RMT guys, they are on every server, even here, but on ru off they will be so far ahead, and probably you will never see them. Some pt, from ROA will start on new serv, some pt from RMT will start to harass them there, but after 1-2months they will go back to gk, cause of big war, and also cause of new update that will be implemented on Gk and shillen. About zerg vs zerg, you are also wrong. GvG it's way more popular, zerg vs zerg only on epics, key rb's, pvp events, and when they didnt had 3rd prof, they had a lot of pvp in bs. Its kinda funny how you are trying to pretend that you know about ru offs, but you never played there.
  11. I guess, will be same result talking to walls..
  12. Just tired of you bragging every where : WHEN WE REACH MAX LVL YOU WILL SEE, WHEN WE GET EPIX YOU WILL SEE. First make it, after talk
  13. Recommend you to make it first , and after talk about...
  14. stop talking to yourself d4re
  15. For clown9 cp : When you think that I have dead pt, you are proving my theory that your iq around 0-50
  16. 1st place will go for ad i guess
  17. oh, clown fiesta started again