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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. Eto make dagger, show us the skill, cant wait to see ur dagger gank movie :*
  2. Yea pp with around 28 con without buff block Like 70% of deadly blows. Looked rly weird in one of our tests
  3. 1. O think there shouldnt be way to do backstab for 1 dmg unless mby u land it luckily from side 2. I thought backstab dmg is too low and i tried to find proofs that its higher on offi, but i came to conclusion its correct. Backstab here dors +- same dmg as on offi. 3 backstB 2x dmg chance is bugged and already reportet but i think sano wont touch daggers before 2.0 cos if he fix em they would be nerfed and they are considered as weak now - just my guest, not official sanos statement. They would get nerfed cos deadly blow ud bugged. It has 80% landrate from front here and on offi its 45%. Backstab should crit with 5% on 40-63 lvls, 10% chance on 64-7x. And on 7x lvl- dont remember exact lvl it goes up to 15% chance (on offi). Also the more str dagger has the bigger chance he should have to x2 dmg with backstab( bugged here, doesnt work). On official test th with 52 str had 26% chance to x2 backstab (15% base chance and these 11 more were from str bonus). Next bug- daggers shouldnt lethal strike Next bug - backstab should have a little bit worse land rate
  4. Im far away to be stacked like this guy but its fun to watch *_* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoXkpkhmvFU&t
  5. didnt listen to TS flames so cant confirm anything. ​I believe this mental shield is not final version and its going to get further fix because sleep w/o mental is 90% and with mental its 20%, i think it shouldnt be this way, so dont worry about actual numbers just wait for next fix. We didnt test root because it takes a lot of time. Didnt test silence and arrest cos didnt have correct lvl chars. I think sleep and silence and SE root should be 90% w/o mental and 45-55% with mental, arrest dunno base landrate so cant. tell u. OL root should be around 70% w/o mental and around 35-40% with mental https://4gameforum.com/threads/574496/
  6. No i just agree with his sentence like this: ​so u are changing topic again? why dont u try to tell me my proof is wrong? how can u possibly have 70% land rate chance on debuff on character 5 lvls lower than u BUT 90% on character of same lvl? i guess thats your logic, however its pretty illogical for me ​Cant understand why ppl would have lower chance to land debufs on lower lvl enemies.
  7. Mental shield didnt affect necro fear before. Simple answer. And im like 95% sure it should be 70% w/o mental right now and with mental - just guess based on how it works vs other debufs- around 35-40%. But for sure not 90% not even 74 necro into lvl 1 char.
  8. ​I spoke with sano and i told him either let affected chars ( necros ) since ( OL can class change to w/e they want anyway ) let us class change to w/e we want or ill cry as much as you guys did for fatal counter. Also from now on im not buying COLs, not worth to support this shitty as server where people pretend and cry about sticking to official server only if it suits them. But when stuff like VR is custom changed they completely ignore it because it doensn't affect them as much. btw modoy i've cleaned my pk's just for u <3 ​I wanted to fix vr u can search in my posts, i made even thread bout it to balance reflect - bring back old vr or smth like that. So ur wrong again. Also modoy reported bugs like sleep trick swicth as too low land rate bug while it affect his sr game play into bad way. So i guess ur wrong again
  9. Mby he wanna reroll DA
  10. Why do u talk "how to figth vs meele" "how to fear" etc. Talk about what is bugged lol, cos if smth is bugged thats the problem, not asking for tactics how to pvp lol :D. Its like i ask MAAAAAAAAN WhAT CAN I DO VS GLADI, HE USE UE SO I CANT FC, HE USE LIONHEART SO I CANT CC, HE HAS DASH SO I CANT RUN, HE HAS RANGED STUN AND 4X MORE HP+CP, HOW TO PLAY HOW TO LIVE SANO PLZZZZZZ HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. MY STUN LAND WITH 5% CHANCE ON GLADI, GLADI STUN LAND WITH 20X BIGGER CHANCE, FC AVOIDED 40% CHANCE. PLZ CHANGE MY CLASS FOR FREEEEEEEEE Focus on debuf topic plz, dont post offtopic bullsh1t about l2 balance lol p.s i understand ur point about low chance of fear, just focus on proving how it works on offi instead of doing such posts plz if u wanna change anything
  11. so find better proof, i wanted to help u but u deny it, i wont care bout ur class anymore, not my char not my problem
  12. ​ I coudln't care less if its bugged or not , i created my char under the understanding that debuffs actually play a role on this server and it's not a mindless damage spam fest in pvp. When debuffs work 20% of the time, according to my tests, debuffs become pointless in most pvp scenarios and it's better to just spam damage. Making the game much less skillful and a dull boring test. I told you and even argued with you on TS that it's a joke to follow some official stuff, especially if they are completely broken as 5k fatal counters on robe users when the archer is on full hp. By the way this server hasn't followed official stuff since it's release to this day. Do you see any EWC's in shop? Cuze i dont. WHY? because it makes the game better. If they release spammable cp pots in official for 5k cp w/o CD would you want it to be implemented here just because? Also it's not my fucking job and neither is your to balance the game for the admins. ​https://4gameforum.com/threads/601448/ About FC i do 3,5k to DEe on full hp and 1770+1770 to karmian set sindicate necro when we are both on full buff so dunno what ur talking about, also i get 4k dmg m crit from dee while he can cast 2 spells in time i cast fc. If u found bug on necro fear then just make bug report just like every1 else does, instead of making drama. I played with bugged fc for 1 year and didnt beg any1 to change my class for free Also im gonna defend server cos the guys did good job lately, fixed many things, just check update thread. They tried to fix mental, they fixed da fear on it sad;y fkd up some othe rthings by mistake, just give em time like 1 week, report what requires fix and wait, stop being rude without reason, It doesnt help them in any way. Look how many bugs they fixed in last 20 days of january and u still complain...
  13. find necro fear land rate from offi. I dunno exact chance on offi but im sure its not 90%. I would bet for around 50% actually. So no point to cry until u prove its bugged
  14. looks like sleep/trick/switch is bugged on mental shield (mental shield is too strong vs these debufs). Root not tested, Fear works fine on both wc and da
  15. + like cos Modoy died in the movie! ^^
  16. Fear doesnt matter. The gloom is the factor!!! If not gloom necro would be trash on oly! Didnt u know guys? Who cares about fear?
  17. yes, you can make clan skill smuch cheaper
  18. ​Problem is u cant sell CH for adena, if u could i bet namy ppl, would use this option. You can only give it away for free or try to RMT. Thats Very stupid, dunno why it works this way. But no wonder ppl try to rmt it
  19. 60 dagger killed modoy 2x hahahAha. Keep going and gj
  20. To make any income for server to pay bills and ppl work. Server has not pay to win things so has to get money from sth to continue running. I think its fair cos you still can play for free if u play with friends.
  21. It works Point is u have same bonus in robe from pasive named Magician's Movement1passive0000-Increases Atk. Spd. when equipped with a robe jacket and robe pants. Try to compare atk speed with ligth and w/o any armor to see difference
  22. I said bye. Dont spread false info. Summoner works correct. If u have proofs its bugged then show us. If no stop posting bullsh1t. Dagger has correct range and can hit and skill runing targets without problems. Destro same. Summon has problem to hit but its classic change. It works same here and on official. Summon on our server has correct attack range also. Now stop bullshit lie propaganda cos me and modoy tested it on warlock and compared to official movies. All works correct. If u have different opinion, post a proof, bye.
  23. I think if you would perma ban on 1 report not giving possibility to unban for 5 euro, number of bots would rop by like 70%. PPl simply bot on main until they are caugh 1st time, cos they know they can. Also bot on spoil and then unban to get farmed sh1t (in case they get ban) and make new acc