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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. Sure, spying enemy ts/cc is fair play. Reloging full pt on spot where 2 guys duo farm and camping when they go to toilet 2 min afk and killing them to mobs to drop items is also such a fairplay. Such a fairplay legit honorous ally, mucho wow. I think u should get ur homu back cos ur such fairplayers. We lost orfen 3 cos of ur 'fairplay' and we didnt make cry topic. U cry about homu lol
  2. Rizos

    MoDoy vol. 3 Solo pvp

    HAhAHhA probably the best of ur movies, i had so much fun. Very good choice of music lyrics to action, i lauged hard :d, to the left to the right vs cleef!. Good use of terrain and skills, nice use of mystic immunity ^^, fights vs higher lvls or outnumbered, Soon all class jumpers gonna rerol from PR to SR ;d. Typical cancer SR
  3. I pvped with some wl in sos, dont remember nick, mob last hited him and he dropped. Thx for emi
  4. ​I hear some1 agreed to pvp 1 vs 1 - who loses gets the other player's char, some1 from darklegion lost and they blocked the other player). It was bilbao who lost vs dajtovillage and didnt give char Looks like full inventory doesnt help vs korean random... :/
  5. Add anytime bwbp on siege and rizo - emi +4 and bw tunic
  6. Rizos

    Dungeon of Abyss

    It doesnt exist cos its against server concept
  7. ​Nope. 1)Every enchant is bugged, not only magic weapons 2) With PSR(PoW-Sirena-Reneval) ppl will have ~ the same m.crit rate like now with +12 wit- so lvling speed\m. crits in pvp will stay ~ the same. 3) BW and DC dpef difference ~12% only. Top A bow and top B bow patk difference is 42.5%. Still think all will reroll to mages? PS: On the subject - we dont have nobless buff here - so all "1 shot - 1 kill" skills should have simple counter measures (not a bullsh*t like - have a castle\reroll to class which has more hp and etc.) ​Dude u are clueless about this game, not gonna even coment it . bop 400 p atk *1,425 = 570. dunno what bow ur talking about. You want to use some kind of very slow bow on PR? DDDDDDD. Also demon staf + 12 = AM. Emi +12 is more like carnage bow ​This bow with 570 patk: https://l2central.info/classic/Лук_Шиид Dunno if it will be introduced here. Even if not - i dont see any reasons why ppl should reroll to mages. Why do you make examples about demon staff and emi? What point are you trying to imply? How does your point proove that will ppl reroll to mages or not? ​and u want to use this Very slow bow on PR?
  8. Just part of game and bad luck. Didnt die to mob for last 2 months.. 78/80 items in inventory and drop this.. Well my own fault. Gz to new owner.
  9. ​Nope. 1)Every enchant is bugged, not only magic weapons 2) With PSR(PoW-Sirena-Reneval) ppl will have ~ the same m.crit rate like now with +12 wit- so lvling speed\m. crits in pvp will stay ~ the same. 3) BW and DC dpef difference ~12% only. Top A bow and top B bow patk difference is 42.5%. Still think all will reroll to mages? PS: On the subject - we dont have nobless buff here - so all "1 shot - 1 kill" skills should have simple counter measures (not a bullsh*t like - have a castle\reroll to class which has more hp and etc.) ​Dude u are clueless about this game, not gonna even coment it . bop 400 p atk *1,425 = 570. dunno what bow ur talking about. You want to use some kind of very slow bow on PR? :DDDDDDDD. Also demon staf + 12 = AM. Emi +12 is more like carnage bow :D
  10. Rizos


    I played on c3-h5 and it was always 4 pk safe. Mby u played on l2j
  11. ​Yes 100% agree, thats what i was saying on forum for past half year. Either all skils offi or change every skill on every class to make ur own balance. U didnt discover America bro. To be honest i have no clue why you call me hypocrite then? As i said u are clueless about my statemets on forum and u try to flame me, go back to or cave read some old posts and come back. Cya.
  12. Rizos


    nope, 4 was safe on nonclasic chronicles
  13. This line doesnt appear if ur too high/too low lvl compared to rb or ur party mates. Overhit bonus is added to 1st line of exp. https://4gameforum.com/threads/597472/
  14. 1st! There is no love in l2, there should be hate event :(
  15. To make 1% bonus you need to do 1% rbs max hp overhit. So i doubt u can take 10% of rbs hp with 1 skill to make such overhit
  16. I didnt qq to change vr. Dont spread bulshit when u dont have any clue. When vr was changedvi played tyrant and i could solo farm trains, after change gg solo farm. So how could i qq to nerf vr? Also im always for keeping server close to offi and remove custom things so no idea whose posts ur reading but definitely not mine Too much hipocryte in 1 post. You qq that ppl suggest custom crap on 2.0( i dont suggest and, ur wrong) and after u qq to that custom skill like fc was changed into oryginal and u wanna customize it. Lol make up ur mind
  17. Best thing that ppl dont know about is overhit to rb.every1 does it but it doesnt give more than like 5k exp
  18. About weapons part i can agree. Mage weapons have lower chance to emchant for a reason. M atk scales much better woth dmg than p atk on fighter. So mage benefit much more from demon staf + 12 than fighter with gun +12. Also demon +12 is like am but emi +12 has like 100 p atk less than db, same goes for duals fists etc
  19. Haha wtf kids. I even wrote "end of sarcasm". It didnt help tho
  20. Stop crying dode. PR was custom for like 14 months. Let other ppl to feel the "custom pain" for a while. (End of sarcasm)
  21. ​Same way you could say item auction doesn't affect gameplay because they could buy the weapons through black market as well. Following this logic we could also start trading full chars through auction because people trade them on RMT, right. However there's one more thing to consider - people who trade chars like this through RMT risk losing everything when admins catch them - which is why most people avoid it. Again I'm not saying I'm against the idea of class change, I was just generally pointing out how some people abuse the word 'custom' as their only argument against certain changes in this game without realizing this server is literally riddled with custom back and forth in principle. ​Exacly what i sad in my post. Thats why class change is good thing for ppl playing here. Also i say again cos looks like you cant read, Donation service =/= custom change. Custom change is change of skill,item,location, system of farmign items, exp on spots etc, not freaking donation class change service. Also i wouldnt call "bug" a "custom change" cos its bugged since begining (wasnt noticed by testers to fix it. Good example is orfen which was giving 3 % restore of mana with 100% chance), or some fighter skills being able to crit but shouldnt. But i would call "custom change" buffer summons on summoners, old fatal counter, removing of exp scrols, changing pk system, removing transformations etc. Some of these changes are considered as good by most of community so mby its good. Well not my server not my problem. I just fought for changes which affected gameplay in bad way in my opinion. If u call it "boosting char which i play" i dont care. You can have your own opinion. Truth is i tried to fix fatal counter and it was skill of my class but also i tried to be objective in many changes and i even reported bugs of tyrant and dagger (when i was playing, and these bugs were boosting my char actually). Also i was using Orfen for several days and I admit it, orfen should be working 100% same as on official because in its current form, its better than it should be. Also im i think it would be good to keep classic dye system on 2.0 becaus it may affect game balance a lot, and it would be come much different than on official classic. I would benefit from such change max +5 dye system on PR (not gonna explain you why), just i think its good to keep server as close as possible to official. Anyway when i see your custom suggestion posts and liking custom crap suggestion of other players, i dont think i can keep up meritoric discussion with you. This system is custom by itself, is not in official. The way it is intended to work is up to what admins and community think is best. It is different than talking about skill mechanics Agree. ​Admins could even add option to lvl up character to 76 lvl for 1 euro and still i wouldnt call it custom server but pay to win server, with bad donation system lol. But if they made even small change to some lowbie quest like delete dark elf 21 lvl adena quest etc(dunno if this quest is still avilable in classic ^^) i would feel free already to call it custom server. Customizing sever gameplay mechanics, and making pay to win donate system server are 2 different things. I hope u got my point P.S. I hate your style of speach on forum, your titles of topics, your memes, images, sense of humor, emoticons etc. Just my honest opinion.
  22. U brought some old chronicle like h5 test. I think it works same as on old chronicles, doesnt matter pt lvl. Only thing that matters is who made the most of dmg. if u have 50 lvl pt but 1 guy 40 and you let him do more dmg than any1 else in pt into 40 lvl mob then you get 100% drop chance. It was always like this. Also you can kill core for example with 57 lvl mages and use only 1 52 lvl mage and let him do more dmg than any1 else (not 51% but more dmg than any other dd who hit core) you should get normal drop chance. Thats how ppl farmed baium for example in h5 with 8x lvl chars but leting lowbies do more dmg.