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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. Yea also add blessed beast spiritshots, blessed soulshots, bluff, blinding blow, fear to nukers, pain of sagi to pr etc. I like custom servers!
  2. ​Mby its same guy, just San0 or Phoenix troling
  3. ​https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyyiZDklyRc thats the status on high lvl's check media section for more (this is the last siege) On low lvl they allrdy answer you ​This lama likes my video!
  4. WoW! Is that divorce hearing?
  5. Eto lend me homu plz, i need to exp orfen char )))))
  6. Spain or Portugal for sure !
  7. My monkey art is deleted :(((. Let me find it... edit: here we go ^^
  8. San0 Spanish i think :)
  9. ye im disappointed also and was wondering what was the reason. Phoenix + Zorgzor = 69?
  10. :DD I want Songo set but im too poor :C. Yellow hair included to the set as bonus?
  11. Why demon set so expensive oO. Tunic + stockings 1,5kk in luxury shop, gloves 8kk in giran harbor
  12. ​i dont need to make second accounts to vote for some bullsh1t poll, it was decided long time ago to have it like that (there was poll about it) i would say its convincing for you to have this xp loss, but only thing i see is CRP festival at your flags on sieges, so i guess its not u want to change things because u cannot get castle? how long is it now?2 months w/o castle? git gud pls i honestly dont get how it is messing real fights, when the numbers of ppl on each side is pretty similar, so the number of meatshields we have is same on your side, your ppl go on suicide mission as well as long as u have flags (too bad most of the time u even fail to put it) ​becoz you are on defensive side of aden, no matter what you will always have flag on aden garden and spam meat shield endlessly, and no stragety can really win the fight unless our side got x2 or at least x1.5 of your numbers, with some cooldowns, there will be more chances for offensive sides when suprised attack will turn the table if defensive side not carefully official server make it lost exp just to make sv more hardcore and require ppl have to play more srly and spend more time for the game, but were just a free and private server, easy come - easy go, lowbies will never dare to join the siege and become meat shields for any big sides, and its just bad, our population is not so hight actually so once again, cooldowns for respawn on flags is better, i prefer 30 seconds btw, or at lest 15 secs ​on last siege, when it started whole our ally was outside of the zone, when it started we got order to retreat and put flags, u lost fight outside of the zone w/o any respawning, thats why u couldnt go put flags immediately and continue fighting, thats the truth also when u put flags, we are able to somehow destroy them eventho ppl respawn on flags all the time (tho maybe u are failing on the side where ppl rather PR and wants to regen mp, so u are losing power, but thats your bad, ps: hello zorgzor) and also, as rizos said, defenders should have advantage in defending their own castle Too many unique super pro special palyers with their briliant tactics . PR on siege for mana regen gonna be talking island 2016 hit :D
  13. Lol what is this discussion about? If you dont implement talismans it would be such a mistake. There wouldnt be a point to go oly, without mental shield/r.shock it would only be about who has better atk speed for stun or c speed for fear. 90% of classes wouldnt be able to win any match
  14. You are stupid. You want to reduce siege fun, discourage ppl to come, make siege look like on 200 ppl server, just bcos y cannot win aden siege? Good logic. Mby defenders should have advantage over atackers? Isnt it like that always in games and in real wars that its easier to defend than assault? Especially when we are talking about castles? U want to take aden easilly while having not much lvl advantage, and same numbers? You need to user ur brain, i wont tell u strategy how to do it cos ur enemy, but plz just use ur brain next time instead of making stupid polls that would kill whole siege zerg pvp fun. You call us meatshield? U say we resp on flags and rush u? You are not meatshield and dont do such thing? Its somehow forbidden for you to do same thing? Tell this sh1t about meatshield to your friend Thelord who definitely looks like resp run die, resp run die guy. 8:37-9:04
  15. I didnt find problem with ppl instant spawning, im archer tho. I wouldnt change anything, i could consider 5-10s respawn time delay if its big problem for some classes. Implementing any kind of punishment for death (for example -% exp) will drastically decrease number of ppl on siege and thats not what we want i guess, we want every1 to have fun and to promote server as good server with big online on siege streams.
  16. Rizos


    Its all wrong str doesnt give crit dmg, int doesnt give m crit, con doesnt gice stun resist, men PROBABLY doesnt give resist debuf
  17. Rizos


    ​wanted to do such thing but its a lot of work ;/ Also once i was bored and started to do it but there is not even proper forum section for it. Smth like "Guides" section and "Flames" section is needed
  18. No, It WONT give speed
  19. Summoner is the only custom buffed class on our server. Yet this guy is constantly crying on forum
  20. Rizos


    wasnt it datplays?
  21. ​Totally agree, for example, acumen SA in old l2 gave 15% casting speed, while now if i am not mistaken, at max lvl (13) gives 6.65%, just lol (and no, the weight limit dont compensate at all), limit to +5 will only break the balance, ncsoft alrdy gave compensation for those classes where +15 is not as good as in other classes via skills, is just dumb cap it as +5 but implement rushes in melees, shadow step and many others balance givers. This is new passive skills. So Elf mage will have +13% cast speed ( with passive ) + 6.5% cast speed ( with SA ) = 19.5% cast speed. PVP Balance ​Yes, however. Cov/Pow/Pof are nerfed to hell. They will not have the same stats are original l2. NCSOFT decided to change the balance of the game from whoever has a prof wins pvp, to a more balanced approach. So they they nerfed profs to hell, and kept in +12 dyes. (Not everyone will have COV in pvp, but everyone can have +12 dyes) Not only does this make your gameplay/style dynamic on how you want your character to be, but it also makes it so a person without COV has a chance to keep up with a player who has COV in pvp. ----------------- PVE Balance Not only does this affect PVP, but this effects PVE aswell. Do you really think that a new player will be able to catch up to veterans without +12 dyes? I just made 2 characters from scratch in november, and I'll tell you now. I probably would of stopped playing them if it wasnt for the +12 dye power spike. It makes gameplay not as stale from previous servers i've been on, and I've been playing l2 for years now. +12 DYES ARE FUN! Players have been farming with +12 dyes for a year+ now. This is going to severely hurt new players a lot more than you think. ----------------- Compensation?? If you are going to take this approach and remove +12 dyes. I would like free dye removal, and free giran store dyes for a month. I have multiple characters with +12 dye stats, and it will take millions of adena to switch their dyes. God, I can just sense the frustration of someone who farmed 30x +4 stat -4 stat dyes. ----------------- Thoughts I don't think you guys realize what you are doing with this gameplay change. I think you are rationalizing it by, "Oh well there are (really bad) SAs in the game now! Time to remove +12 dyes!" NCSOFT balanced dyes with the WIT nerf and DEX buff. Stop trying to make it something its not. ----------------- Personal I might seriously quit over this change depending how bad my character gets post 2.0 compared to right now. This change is VERY demotivating, I could stand the waiting a year+ for beast shots. But this is getting ridiculous. I might as well play an interlude server. WIT is already taking a significant nerf. Now I cant have +12 dyes. You're shitting on my character. Literally. NCSOFT nerfed WIT already. Stop the over-nerfs. Fighters love +12 str dyes. Mages love +12 wit dyes, I even chose my class based off of the +12 dye system, when I first started playing here. Just deal with it. This was one of my initial appeals to playing on the classic server. Something NEW and EXCITING! I really hope everyone reads this whole post. Even if it is a wall of text. ​Ive read ur spam, I dont agree with most of points. If u wanna quit just quit already, too much crying from u every post. I bet 90% of forum community would feel big relief. They guy whoi cares the most about dye change is summoner. Cool story
  22. Rizos


    Legiana i was always fan of Evasion while every1 else was underestimating it. I managed even to win some oly matches on tyrant cos of evasion (like back in c5 times, PPs couldnt finnish me in 5 min fight cos they had 25% hit rate on me with bow and i was wining cos of more dmg dealt) I suggested some changes when i came here and 1st time played classic chronicle. In my opinion its ncsoft mistake, they moded god client into classic and they forgot to change evasionb formula from god one into old one and because of this they made evasion stat totally useless. I made some research and on average you need around 25 evasion more to make it as effective as it was in old chronicles. 25 evasion is imposible to achieve. That sux :/. I think i made pretty good suggestions imo, but after some time when i noticed what custom changes cause to server ( more and more ppl giving more and more stupid sugestions and making some "new chronicle" from classic i decided not to support any custom things) but you can read these topics if u like. If ppl rly wished to change smth about evasion, i think the most healthy change would be to change hit evade chance formula from god crap into the one from pre-god chronicles.
  23. Rizos


    Wanna get ur SK char fixed? PR fixed too already, im sure ull be happy on ur FIXED char
  24. Rizos


    ​ ultimate evasion is there for a reason, you know. ​what about those who dont have it ha? like dwarves tyrants warlords gladis summoners etc etc etc??? can't take you seriously. i wonder if you're even playing classic here. judging by your post, i think you're far behind in chronicles, like stone age. at least get your infos updated, before coming here to post nonsense: https://l2wiki.com/classic/Dual_Weapon_Defense and that's probably not the only surprise you'll find. as for the rest: evasion has always been a shitty stat anyway. there's no amount of evasion/DEX that will save you from physical/magical skills, so get used to it. the only ones that ever got benefits from it were elf daggers with sws song and evasion/DEX sets back in c4 times while doing PvE, wich is basicly millennia ago. times have changed, better move on. ​Not truth, every dagger had pretty nice dodge rate from auto atacks. I played tyrant on c5 gracia final and h5 always benefited from light armor and evade rate in oly.