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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. Wow, this orc so bad. Never uses magic barier vs mages, never uses fist fury , About dagger skills, I think description is fkd. I believe it works +/- same, as old ones, focus power "+60%" crit dmg from behind but we know how this "60%" works.
  2. I checked several classes and all looks right. I just wonder and repeat my question if sonic rage and raging force has "hex" effect as description says
  3. Welcome back bro! <3 Back to nolife?! + for him, very skilled and active player :)
  4. people have always fought with +5 limit on dyes in pre-GoD chronicles, so i don't see what's the problem here. i'd rather prefer to see people actually experiment new setups by themself and build their char how they prefer, instead of going bandwagon on a single +12 stat and follow the same copied setup as everyone else playing their same class, especially when there's new damage skills involved after hitting 76. but that's just me anyway. Classic is supposed to be following the same path and content of the old chronicles in any case, the only difference so far is in 3rd class skills that have been added, re-adjusted or removed for balance reasons. even if i hate Soulbreakers with all my strength, i'm already prepared to see them coming soon or later, together with the other 2 Kamael classes. ​Im not saying im against that idea, just saying it would ge good for some classes and bad for others. And i point out that while u ppl think dye change is to balance mages, mages actually are in probably best position after dye system change
  5. armor +6 set, should i rly try higher? Learn to read, he was on rabbit cos was very fast
  6. Its truth what u said, but do u rly think changing dye system wil nerf mages? cos i think it wont, its gonna nerf meele warriors the most, mages just change dyes to another effective setup, more hp more m atk and still smilar c speed and m crit rate cos of pasives and sa
  7. yes but he hit for 2.4k from ranged skill while archer has 3k hp
  8. When tyrant 1shot archer (full hp full cp) its ok, when archer 1shot robe its not ok
  9. o hello, the trol boy again answering my post. Again having problem with reading. Go back to elementary school plz, mby there is a chance u would learn to read. Sure stun guy that uses castle circlet, hit him for 700 with stun, then 1000 with double shot and then (assuming i start on full hp to use ur tactic cos else i would be already dead) use FC for 1000 dmg and die 2shoted, taking him 50% cp. ​I just leave it here, mby if there is just 1 short setence you would manage to understand it. Not gonna waste more time answering such retards like u are.
  10. sure. Bwt today on my archer 68 vs tyrant lovepve on pp buffs and rabit totem, i had 500 hp and did 3000 dmg ( he has 10k+ hp + cp for sure) and then he 1shoted me with ranged skil for 2400. I think custom archer too strong on custom god server . So me on class with 3k hp max going on low 500 hp to use that skill do almost same dmg as meele class with ranged attack on full hp while having 10+k hp+cp? nice game balance.
  11. Rizos

    Doom set +6

    Next time make trade post in general discussion section, gonna fit better to that section :D
  12. ​Ofcorse Bizz we die everyday everywhere http://images83.fotosik.pl/161/0efc9b07a11fa78fgen.jpg ​dunno if everytime everyday, but for sure quite a lot, getting kicked from your main farming spot by lowbies Make screen on monitor or on the wall at home kids..... Jezus, how stupid you are man omg....... ​Cmon man, say it! "Archer bugged, archer need nerf man, stun 100% even from 10 lvls lower char, zilions of dmg, zilions of speed, how can mage catch archer? how? Can farm w/o mana????? Its biggest joke! You nerf orfen! i cant solo farm in BS now but archers can! why no nerf for archers? they can go -15 dex +12 str and dont loose atk speed! BUGGED ARCHERS BUGGED DEX. GM, WHERE IS GM? PLZ FIX ARCHERS, they must need ee with recharge to farm, like mages! PLZ FIX STUN, SPEED, DEX, DMG. PLZ nerf FC dmg from 50% to 30%, still too strong" blblblblbl))))))))))))
  13. ​u forgot vop from 76 lvl for sweet 10% cast speed but u cannot say something will be op before u actually test it, so for now let it be ​because an SPS with +12 WIT isn't already a joke in 1.5, right. ​Necro is much stronger imo. Also dont forget about wit nerf so +12 wit wont give that much as it gives now, and nuker skill have reuse, so from some point of c speed you dont get much bonus because you wait for skill reuse, and acumen SA gives several % of bonus not 15% like in old times. Also if you remove +12 dye system, it willll nerf warriors the most and mages wont care much. Mages will trade 12 wit for 4 wit 4 int and 4 con which isnt that big nerf cos either 4 con or 4 int is still good for them, but warriors gonna loose 12 con and they can trade it for what, +5 str +4 con or +5 con +4 str while str doesnt scale well with physical skils.
  14. this is the reason why:
  15. Rizos

    Doom set +6

    ​No need people wishing me luck on this. If you have 1 bil you buy it, if you don't have it's fine, if you think you can make a set +6 with 1 bil try for it. Im not looking for spammers. ​But guy, 1 billion = adena lol muahahahhahaha If = 1.000 kk is already a good amount of adena, u are asking 1.000 times that amount ​1 billion in english = 1 000 000 000 adena, while for example in polish its 1 000 000 000 000.
  16. ​And backstabs even have like 20% chance to miss from behind gg
  17. When will be full 2.0 path notes? Would be good to know final decisions about dyes, custom a grade farm changes, cp pots, c weapons changes etc. Would be nice to know in advance.
  18. guys 1st u want to make custom crap on this server and vote yes for changes and then you come on forum and cry smth works different than on offi
  19. ​welcome to custom god server)
  20. Rizos


    Hes just forum troll, annoying every1, always doing offtopic or clueless posts. Dont feed him
  21. Rizos


    You can log only 1 account, if u want 2box or more, you need to buy Premium Account
  22. Rizos

    Part 9.5

    Yea man, I bet Ammonia did more frags than you so stop flaming him/her for low dmg!