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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. Make sure u dont die on lowbie spots like dee and pinkcake
  2. what? we didnt even have 150 :D, i think vig had more ppl
  3. eto skamer cp, take care of ur items. xxxGrossxxx scammer
  4. Rizos


    Taduliz does it this way:
  5. I dont think changing skill is a good way, keep healers like this, every healer/bufer clas has its good sides
  6. UQ 69? ))))))))))) /summon @Haibara no? ;D
  7. ​ this topic must be like this ​Yea for you it should be this way. But this thread is in general for all skills and classes and whole server, not for 1 person, so dont make flame topic from it but post constructive opinions and ideas. You voted for "custom god" option so you put pr nerf more important than orfen bug, next time dont make topics about smth working wrong on this server, cos on offi its different)
  8. Hello, I want to know your opinion about custom changes on server. I dont ask about things that 99% ppl agree to be custom(deleted 10% exp loss, dance/song item skils, hat skills, scrol teleports etc like it is on official). I focus on skills What do u think skills that work different than on official. For example Summon Buffs, Orfen working a bit different than on official, fatal counter with lowered power, some debufs with modified landrate, strange things with debuf duration/land rate, modified vampiric rage. Do you want to call every skill thats is different than its oryginal version on official as bugged and wait for fix or do you want to admins/some ppl to decide what skills to change and modify in their own mind way "in name of balance". Now question is do u want all skills oryginal like on official or custom modified skills. Also if you choose custom modofications what way do u suggest to decide if something should be modified or not
  9. Rizos

    Part number 10

    even wc make 4k crits with instant cast dot even w/o buf into tank on ud so cmon
  10. Ok thx for info, didnt know
  11. Hello, i didnt receive answer to my ticket for over 24h. Account name rizos2, Can you check please?
  12. Rizos

    Lucky of Day

    looooool gz, easy adena making
  13. looks better than ur pr movie :P. GF
  14. I think its bugged cos otherweise sano would already post screens thats its working ok
  15. Rizos

    Force log out

    I die everytime i dc anyway so its useles mechanic for protection of ppl that DC. Better if its changed that ppl dont disappear from forcelog imo..
  16. Does the half kill even exist still? (Takeing down cp to 1) Cos i dont see it in skill description
  17. Rizos

    Server time zone change!

    OMG this pol so confusing. I wanted to vote to help asians
  18. Rizos

    Server time zone change!

    I dont mind if its 1h earlier for europeans in winter time if it helps other ppl
  19. Rizos


  20. I made same topics but seems like GMs dont care. Everything against archer partys.. I mean there was poll but obviously most of ppl that vote are mages(reflect dmg selfbuf) or warriors that would reflect dmg anyway if its changed to old way so most ppl voted not to change it. Its like making pol to nerf gladi, obviously 80% wiuld vote for yes cos only like 10% ppl play gladi Anyway i would vote for vr + reflect to be classic like, in my opinion either both should be interlude like or classic like, mixing 2 oposite bufs 1 from classic and 1 from IL completely doesnt make sense for me.
  21. WTB AW/Tyrant 78 :C. I think tyrant will be oly beast, with these talismans debufs dont matter if u can kill enemy in 10-20sec and he has epic dmg burst + celestial to avoid enemy talismans :D
  22. Hmm, here descriptions are same : https://eu.4game.com/lineage2classic/play/saviors/classes/#newclasskills probably copy paste from 4game to l2wiki Focus chance giving 30% crit dmg from side @_@ edit: infro from l2central (looks more logic): source: https://l2central.info/home/classic/959-lineage-ii-classic-2-0-saviors-reliznye-patchnouty Focus Death 78At 2 min. Crit chance. Front 20%, the strength of Crit dmg Front -30%. The chance of a fatal blow(blow land rate or x2 dmg chance but i think its blow land rate) to + 40%, the strength of Crit dmg in the back +90% . It requires a dagger.Focus Chance79At 2 min. Crit chance Front -30%, Crit chance side + 30% Crit chance. in the back +60% . It requires a dagger.Focus Power78At 2 min. the power of Crit. dmg. Front -30%, the strength of Crit dmg. side + 30%, the strength of Crit dmg in the back +60% . It requires a dagger.