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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. Rizos

    Part 9.5

    ​ ​ Blame uchiha, I screamed on TS to assist and help me kill Soil, but uchi said "Im not gonna kill myself from reflect" and soil ran away with 1000 hp :(((. KAPPA
  3. Rizos

    Honor CP

    ​Yesterday he hit my bishop in loa for 2,5k with some 1hand hammer skill @_@
  4. Rizos

    PvP low lvls

    ​Damn, thats what happen when they forget to PR? :C
  5. ​Agree, about RB i dotn care, just make that mini rbs with some max range to pull and they port back or smth. Also : - Fix skills to work same as on off (mental shield, resist shock, switch, trick, fear, Fatal counter, Lightning strike(?)) I think that smth is wrong with these skils
  6. Just a bit lucky on this move, chrck his other movies he land like 50% there
  7. Norm) Just reminded myself this ​https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOKtBZqRLiY&feature=youtu.be :(( ​Everytime someone says +12 wit is op, I will link them this video of this gladiator chain stunning a mage to death. ​Its not only gladi, all meeles are OP on 1.5, Gnom 73+ would do the same with that mage :D
  8. Why offtopic post? How do you coment this movie? When i 1st time noticed this thread i also thought "o god some nonfactors that dont have orfen found excuse why nolifers are 75+ and now wanan nerf orfen cos they dont have any", but after i watched some movies i came to conclusion that orfen on our server was regening 3-5x more mana than it does on official. I wish thsi server stays as close as posible to official and i dont like cusotm changes, u can see it on most of my posts. This orfen works different than on offi thats why i want it to be fixed. If u farm orfens and sacrifice ur time to do it every few days u deserve to get bonuses from it i agree and i have no problem with that. I have just problem that orfen regen 3-5x more mana here than on offi and it should be fixed (sano already cut regen by half but it still regen more mana than on offi)
  9. This might be useful also. Table shows how much exp you need on each lvl to lvl up. My conclusion is that from lvl 66+ "exp doesnt slow down each lvl that fast" like it was on old chronicles. For example to make 74->75 you need only 2x more exp than from 67 -> 68 Left column oryginal, Right colum Classic 1 1 1 268 68 3296 296 4805 805 51 716 1 716 63 154 3 154 75 249 5 249 88 136 8 136 911 955 11 955 1016 851 16 851 1122 973 22 973 1230 475 30 475 1339 516 39 516 1450 261 50 261 1562 876 62 876 1677 537 77 537 1794 421 94 421 18113 712 113 712 19135 596 135 596 20160 267 160 267 21187 921 187 921 22218 763 415 430 23252 997 509 282 24290 836 620 353 25332 497 751 775 26378 201 906 547 27428 174 1 087 989 28482 647 1 299 768 29541 856 1 547 000 30606 042 1 833 883 31675 450 2 166 843 32750 330 2 551 122 33830 937 2 994 698 34917 532 3 504 970 351 010 377 4 091 018 361 109 744 4 763 022 371 215 906 5 532 373 381 329 143 6 410 454 391 449 737 7 411 054 401 577 978 8 551 061 411 714 158 9 846 126 421 858 578 11 316 878 432 011 538 12 982 465 442 173 347 14 867 867 452 344 318 17 000 993 462 524 768 19 407 889 472 715 019 22 121 973 482 915 398 25 180 293 493 126 237 28 620 702 503 347 873 32 487 761 515 370 970 36 830 535 525 737 358 41 702 939 536 121 497 47 168 178 546 523 924 53 283 060 556 945 178 60 126 717 569 847 742 67 777 087 5710 461 823 76 324 226 5811 103 227 85 861 254 5911 772 716 96 500 949 6012 471 057 108 361 016 6119 798 546 121 569 674 6220 936 138 136 266 340 6322 120 556 152 609 718 6423 353 014 170 780 591 6524 634 737 190 968 478 6634 622 619 213 370 544 6736 467 935 238 226 785 6838 383 956 265 789 703 6940 372 393 296 323 272 7042 434 976 330 154 725 7144 573 456 367 597 290 7258 487 000 409 022 986 7373 627 796 454 835 707 7490 058 595 505 473 160 75107 843 995 561 422 356
  10. ​did you at least look movi which i post ? mag exp non stop on aoe with full mp, and still when hit with single mag attack from 3 hits 2 of tham regen him 300+ mp ​im not talking from videos, im talking from self experience, played on official for couple of months as EE main, never had one of those but played with couple of ppl who had it and i'm telling you for sure chance is something between 20% to 30% MAX of the MAX. if not less then 20%. i know this wont mean anything to you cuz you seen to be blind to reason. but just leaving the facts there. ​This guy is right. I believe normal attacks have same chance as spells on official. Here u can see this PR shooting with orfen lvl 3 and sometimes he even shoot 15x and orfen doesnt proc. I think chance is around 20% max 30%. Check this movie Also i noticed there are snipers in loa not only on that little bridge but also at loa heart- dunno if its 2.0 change ot should be same on 1.5. I think Orfen should be nerfed even more. To like 0,6%-1% mp regen with 100% chance or if u manage to make it like on offi with CHANCE to regen mana, it should be 3% mp regen and 20-30% chance
  11. would be cool :D, also add tp near disciples cata (Fields of massacre) would be cool for ganks!
  12. "everytime u log in, the crest is getting worse" ​I think zorgzor gonna create cry topic soon that GMs help perkunas :D
  13. Rizos

    Trick - Switch

    I tested it too, mental always was giving resist to these skills but here it gives extreme resist ( th 7x tricking/switching my pr 67 with mental and like 1/10 landed). I think problem is that mental helps much stronger vs trick/switch than vs sleep fear etc
  14. must be 3% 50% chance now its 1,5% and 100% chance, Is that prolem or any difference for u?
  15. I think such arogant exploiters should atleast get 1 week ban as punishment for intended exploits and disrespecting admins
  16. if u wanna make concurent server to our classic ull make ppl quit from here and go there on fresh server and i guess its not a target for our admins, they want to make totaly different server not to lower online on talking island
  17. I get 40 mp from 3200 dmg when skill cost 70 mp, btw i dont see normal ansver from gm how thay change it, and for what attacks, so we have 50% chance amd 3 % mp or 100% chance and 1.5% mp or how he work now ? Or its big secret and ppl must be happy with custom things. ? ​it give u 40 mp from 3200 dmg (+- 1,5%) and before it gave u 80 mp from 3200 dmg (+/- 3%) now u know how it works and u can stop cry
  18. Same for nukers, it works 100% chance and 1,5% mp instead of 50% chance and 3% mp (offi) and it was 100% chance and 3% mp before when it was bugged, Just like San0 said.
  19. dunno but it would be big nerf for summoners/necros compared to offi tbh
  20. I think this project need mid rate HF like x5-x15, just to atract more ppl to this project and some of them would join classic also. These rates are liked by majorty of h5 players and would bring the biggest population posible
  21. TBH i dont see problem with class change as it works like sano said. U loose all points when u class change plus you cant class change when ur hero. Cant see any problem in it. Also i can understand ppl who class change to find new cp that needs other class than they play, or they are disappointed with their class like PRs who reach 59 and see custom skills. I think its fair service. Also most of classes can exp pretty efficient solo. For example i tried to exp dagger (which is considered as one of slowest solo exp clas) i just put there good bow pl set and +12 str dye and i did 12kk exp in 1h while i make 15kk on archer in sos, i doubt ppl make more exp for example in abg aoe, so even dagger can make good exp if u are dedicated for solo farm, thats why i think class change doesnt give big advantage to exp ur char faster and then switch back to ur oryginal class (it would work for supports but supports cannot switch back from dd to support so they cant use this). All in All i wouldnt change anything in class change system
  22. about "soloing nerf" well only summoners get dyes nerf? I thought all classes, so if u want bss cos of dye change, lets add some pasive p atk skills to warriors/archers also? Where is the logic? Didnt you say on another topic with list of custom change wishes that summoner should get soulshots on 1.5 cos he doesnt benmefit from +12 dye system cos his pet has static stats? Now u sudenly changed ur mind and ur saying summoner gets biggest "solo nerf" cos of dye nerf. Make up ur mind ​remember ur posts?
  23. WOW whats wrong here. Why only summoners always have over 9000 custom change wishes every chronicle we update? You already have buffer summons which dont exist on 2.0 official, what do u want more? You will get soulshots and spiritshots on 2.0 but you already want blessed spiritshots, mby you want blessed soulshots also? When sano sacrificed 1 evening and invited all summoners to rework the class only 1 summoner appeared, no1 else cared to touch that class but you just love to make cry topics on forum i see. Mby u wanna be forum trol?