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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. yes. Its what they made on l2 ru off (mby with small changes). We will get probably most of the things here( small modifications, deleted pay to win things etc, like we had till now). Koll said in some thread, hes gonna post patch notes for next 2,0 update of our server in nearest weeks after they start working on it i think
  2. there is 1 dorf with this recipe, i crafted it, dorf was next to giran harbor wh npc, next to lula dorf, or it was even lula dorf. I dont remember nick tho
  3. Would be nice if Koll or sano could coment this suggestion.
  4. gfbot. How about ut nukes? isnt it ridicous that u nuke for 600 and m crit for 1,2k with 35 lvl nuke and +0 c weapon into archer? Plus mage weapons++ are much more op than fighter weapons because mages have (m atk*skil power) dmg formula and fighters have (skill power + p atk) dmg formula
  5. ​No its about to boost light armor mastery so its more worth to use light armor on for example dagge rthan hvy setw.o mastery
  6. ​Its about fixing evasion stat since its working in god formula where u were geting x2 more evasion per lvl. Do think god formulas stick well to classic low lvl characters? ​Heavy armor doesnt have any crit dmg reduction. Heavy armor mastery pasives have it, but archers daggers tyrants dont have such pasive, only bd sws and tanks have it. About skill evasion dependant to evasion i made 1 thread about this, not big discussion in that thread http://l2classic.club/forum/index.php?/topic/10292-light-armor-mastery-improvement/, would be fair it it worked on physical skills like m evasion on magic skils, players/admins wont agree with this idea i think, even tho it would be the most logic, and its good suggestion to discuss.
  7. ​Tallum heavy for pve. Maj light/heavy for pvp in mass pvp/archers. DC light vs mages. Doom heavy for PRs abusing their cdl skill. Changing the way evasion/accuracy works in classic will make it more difficult for summoners to hit the mob due to having wizard stats. And without beast shots, still not in the game... well we might as well just copy the database over and open up a 1x interlude server. One of the summoner's best dye setups is +12 str -15 dex. We won't be able to hit anything anymore. ​Archers? Dont they do it better right now in bw hvy? ANd i said to add 5 speed so its lower than speed set bonuses. What about daggers, its better when they are runing in hvy with shields right? I didnt say to modify mobs evasion oO
  8. ​ ​I think these guys are right. its rounding problem.
  9. Hello, SInce i see more people interested in light mastery and evasion topics, I will try to sum up the best ideas and bring more of my ideas also. Short version: Make light armor sets competetive and make game look like old good l2 (its your target since you didnt implement transformations), get rid of benefits of using heavy sets on light armor mastery classes so we dont look like high rate java server. I think many people will agree with me at this point but keep such option for people who still benefit from it on some situations. Furthermore future 2.0 update is not going to bring any change in this topic, so maybe its worth to change it by ourselves sooner or later. 1. Add +5( or +3 if +5 is too high) speed bonus in light armor mastery in EVERY class. Its crucial to keep it under 7 so we dont destroy unique +7 speed set bonuses, but we make people benefit from light armors and dont change any pvp balance almost at all. Speed bonus encourages ppl the most for set choices, you can see it on bw heavy/mithril/doom robe sets 2. Change Ultimate Evasion skill evasion bonus that it gives full bonus in light set ( lvl 1 20% skill evasion rate, lvl 2 40% skill evasion rate, if it works like this keep it, if not adjust it to 20/40% respectively). Implement penalty for heavy armor while using UE -> -10% skill evasion rate (lvl1 ue 10%, lvl 2 ue 30% total evasion rate on character) and do same for shield but make it -8% 3. Change evasion formula and mobs accuracy values into interlude chronicle ones, This would greatly increase light armors value on pve and wouldnt affect pvp that much, but would actually give some benefits to people who decide to use light armors on pvp. ========================================================== Long version: I have realised that lineage II developers used big shortcut to make l2 classic. They basically modified god client by deleting some items and locations, plus changing mons on some of old locations. It didnt require much work from them. Here us my quess: the problem is they forgot to change some things that are ruining olds game balance. GOD chatacters had stats (str/dex/wit etc) doubled. So for elf had 72 str 70 dex etc if i recall correct. Because of this change plus the fact that character stats ( p def evasion accuracy etc) were growing 2x faster pass 70 lvl, developers had to increase mobs accuracy and change evasion formula. So basically they nerfed normal attack evasion chance formula by 50% (because almost every player is 70+ on god) and they increased mobs accuracy so they can be competetive against characters with high evasion and high dex values. Same thing happened to debufs. Every1 had 70+con so they had to increase landrate of stun for example so it can land on 70+ con characters. They also added possibility to make +15 dyes into 1 basic stat because it wasnt so OP when u changed ur str from 80 to 95. But here apears the problem. They changed GOD client into classic and didnt change many of these things back. So now we have +12/-15 dyes (well they didnt add SAs, made some adjustments, so its pretty balanced now so its ok i guess, it just fcks up elf and dark elf compared to humans), we also have problems with 50% nerfed evasion formula, and mobs with high evasion that can hit light armored daggers/archers on UE with 90% chance, plus we have debufs that dont depend on con/men stats, and magic evasion taht doesnt work cos ppl have 20 wit not 40+ like on GoD. All these problems plus teh fact that skills are pretty strong on classic compared to normal attacks, led us to situation we have now. You cant pve in light set because u dont evade any monster hits and its not effective, also on pvp you dont use light armor because it has a bit lower p def vs skills, SO basicaly you can just keep pl set and maybe bw light set for summoners plus drake set for some fanbois and delete all other light items, since they have no use in l2 and ppl can just crystalize them or sell in grocery. I think its always better to have variety in game, and that people can use items designed for them with benefits, right now daggers/archers are penalized for using light armors. These are not our server problems, but classic chronicles problem in general, but i think nobody likes them(except new dye system) and these are most likely bugs of official server, not intended changes and they dont fit to classic server conception. Mayeb we could do something to customize it on our server as we did with other things we didnt like from official servers? Here are my suggestions. As you care about the server and want to keep it "classic style", as you already proved by not implementing transformations, i have discussed different options and tried to point the ones that wont affect pvp balance but will attract people to use light armors. The most important factors were to make light armros viable option again and not to change pvp balance of the classes, so changes cant be drastic. I had suggestions of adding skill evasion pasives in light armor mastery etc before, but this is too big big change in class balance i think. I have 1 question to San0 tho. /Summon Sano . Is it possible trom technical point of view, to modify ultimate evasion skill that it recognizes what type of armor you are using and put heavy armor penalty into physical skill evasion bonus? Or is it possible to change autoatatck evasion chance formula, or mobs accuracy? Here are the change suggestions 1. Add +5( or +3 if +5 is too high) speed bonus in light armor mastery in EVERY class. Its crucial to keep it under 7 so we dont destroy unique +7 speed set bonuses, but we make people benefit from light armors and dont change any pvp balance almost at all. Speed bonus encourages ppl the most for set choices, you can see it on bw heavy/mithril/doom robe sets, and it would work also on prophets/glads/warords/destros etc if they wished to use light set as they have light armor pasive also. This sounds logic that lightly armored characters would be faster than hevily armored, doesnt it? On otehr servers tehre are hats, custom selfbufs that increase speed weight limit etc, and ppl dont complain. Actually i think custom buff taht increases weight limit influences game and armor set choice much more than 3 or 5 speed. 2. Change Ultimate Evasion skill evasion bonus that it gives full bonus in light set ( lvl 1 20% skill evasion rate, lvl 2 40% skill evasion rate, if it works like this keep it, if not adjust it to 20/40% respectively). Implement penalty for heavy armor while using UE -> -10% skill evasion rate (character with lvl1 ue + heavy set would have 10% chance to avoid physical skills, lvl 2 ue 30%) and do same for shield but make it -8%( so for example treasure hunter with ue lvl 2 doom hvy set + shield would have 22% chance to evade skills), eventually we can even keep bonus for heavy armors and shield original but boost UE while usning light set to like 25% on lvl 1 and 50% on lvl 2. But i think 1st option is better. 3. This may be technically problematic and time consuming thing -> Change evasion formula and mobs accuracy values into interlude chronicle ones, This would greatly increase light armors value on pve and wouldnt affect pvp that much, but would actually give some benefits to people who decide to use light armors on pvp. You can add your suggesiont, maybe you have a good idea that doesnt change game balance much and is easy to implement Also looking for admisn opinion, since they didnt answer in any evasion/light armor suggestions on forum yet, plus looking for feedback from sano and guys if it spossible to make such changes easily. /discuss
  10. ​Its still almost no chance to evade nukes even when they fix these stats. here is ru off experiment https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=pl&rurl=translate.google.pl&sl=ru&tl=en&u=https://4gameforum.com/threads/573236/&usg=ALkJrhgIyHawDFaVwjekdebhj5NDAGWybQ Images dont work but u can see from coemnts below its 3-4% chance even with +12 wit dye on sr(1,2% w/o dye). Maybe if attacker is lower lvl than victim, that evasion chance increases an dplays bigger role, but 3-4% wont help anyone...
  11. My szukalismy ale znalezlismy tydzien temu. Chybaze chcesz gladem grac
  12. CP lf Glad/SWS 56-65 PM here on ingame "rizos English speaking + voice comunication, Prime time 17-23 gmt +1
  13. Didnt play here yet when destro was bugged, but i have friend who played destro here 2 months ago and he quited on 56 or so, his conclusion was spoil is better on pve cos of almost same dps + spoil skill and on pvp also bette cos of 2 stuns and 1 is with cancel. Destro totaly useless clas right now
  14. No speed no p atk no ranged attack or disable, no speed medicore dps no slow debuf. Not even top b equipment avilable unlike every other class. Nice bag of hp to kite and farm. Strong char! O wait
  15. ​I think nobody on this server would complain if destro gets old rage (+ p atk for - p def). pretty balanced imo. About Crush of doom its all about skil power
  16. ​Do you have a link/proof? Cause I don't speak russian/korean. Nor have access to 2.0. ​Q: КАК ИЗМЕНИЛИСЬ ПАРАМЕТРЫ ЛВК И МДР В ОБНОВЛЕНИИ SAVIORS? A: Параметры изменились следующим образом: Мудрость - влияет на скорость магии, шанс магического критического удара, магическую точность, магический уворот МДР 1-30: c +5% за каждый +1 значения характеристики влияние снижено до +3.5% МДР 31-99: c +2.5% за каждый +1 значения характеристики влияние снижено до +1.5% Ловкость - влияет на скорость атаки, физическую точность, физический уворот, шанс физического критического удара ЛВК 1-30: c +0.9% за каждый +1 значения характеристики влияние увеличено до +1.2% ЛВК 31-99: c +0.5% за каждый +1 значения характеристики влияние увеличено до +0.8% that means: Q: How to change the parameters DEX and WIT Saviors in the upgrade? A: to change the following manner: WIT - Affects the casting speed, magic critical strike chance, magic accuracy, magic evasion WIT 1-30: from + 5% (on classic 1,5) for each one values ​​the characteristics of the effect is reduced to + 3.5% (on classic 2,0) WIT 31-99: from + 2.5% (on classic 1,5) for each one values ​​the characteristics of the effect is reduced to + 1.5% (on classic 2,0) DEX - Affects attack speed, physical accuracy, physical evasion, critical rate DEX 1-30: from + 0.9% (on classic 1,5) for every 1 property value impact increased to + 1.2% (on classic 2,0) Dex 31-99: from + 0.5% (on classic 1,5) for every 1 property value impact increased to + 0.8% (on classic 2,0) Source : l2 classic innova ru pdf : https://4gameforum.com/threads/588536/
  17. ​Also think rush is too much right now, especially in era of 90% stuns, doesnt fit classic conception. But on 2,0 for example tyrant gets rush but also other classes are geting gap closers, dagger gets shadow step and ranged slow for example, destro doesnt get any gap closer on 2,0 for some reason tho so mby its some kind of balance like this, gotta see how gameplay looks like then Tyrant rush classic 2.0, 3s reuse 400 range, source: https://translate.google.pl/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=pl&ie=UTF-8&u=https%3A%2F%2Fl2central.info%2Fhome%2Fclassic%2F959-lineage-ii-classic-2-0-saviors-reliznye-patchnouty&edit-text=&act=url 78Rapidly strikes on the enemy. Can not be used when a bow or crossbow.3c14,200,000
  18. ​Nice post. I agree destro is useless now, its like crafter w/o craft skill :D. I think rush is big change for classic, and if u add it u would have to add it to every warrior class. Mby like 20s reuse rush could help destro a bit to be competetive on pvp and wouldnt ruin classic playstyle. About rage I totally agree with ve3k. This buff is pointless right now. I love when class is more flexible, can choose what it needs in every situation. U could choose eitehr better p def or more p atk. Now this buff can be put in passive skills as it is 10 min and doesnt give much and no side effects. i would make it add good p atk like old one but decrease p def by 20% or even 30%. Also as San0 said he doesnt want to make destro a VR tank for rbs and farm, i would implement side effect into rage or frenzy or even both, like -50% vr bonus while using these selfbufs, so destro actually is more offensive character, with lower p def and vr - still requires party with healer, like other dds and wouldnt be able to solo trains powerlvl or solo rb. When i 1st time heard destro has no crush of doom i was shocked. Its the most connected skill to that class. Its like archer without double shot. Maybe he could get that with nerfed power like down to 60%. Its strange ncsoft removed it About frenzy i would either keep it like it is or make shorter cooldown, since it doesnt boost pve dps almost at all right now, and u even need to lower hp for it. its like glad war cry gives more dps than frenzy and can be used nonstop on full hp
  19. My Test 1. Not use Ultimate Evasion Normal physical attack with low chance Physical attack skill - never M.Evasion - never 2. When use Ultimate Evasion lvl.2 For 30 seconds, increases Evasion by 25, physical attack skill Evasion Rate by 40%, and Resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 80 Normal physical attack with good chace Physical attack skill - never M.Evasion - never So Fail if wear light armor ​Well, UE evades physical skills with some rate, dunno if its 40%, never tested it but for sure it works. Maybe u tried to evade physical skill with debuff like dwarf/archer stun. It works only on skils w/o debuf like double shot, triple sonic slash etc(if nothing have changed)
  20. Topic already discussed -> http://l2classic.club/forum/index.php?/topic/10292-light-armor-mastery-improvement/ . Its not bugged here, it works like on official but i agree with Narmontas. Evasion is nerfed like 50% compared to old chronicles: C5 attacker 64 accuracy enemy 89 evasion -> evade rate = 72,5% source: http://www.l2p.l2wh.org/link.nonskillattacks L2 classic attacker 64 accuracy, enemy 91 evasion -> evade rate = 36,5% source : https://4gameforum.com/threads/593504/ so as u see its around 50% worse. To be honest on pvp it doesnt matter that much like Cyane said, everyone is using skills. But on pve it sucks that game forces u to use heavy on pve on daggers :(. Maybe we can customize it somehow on our server to fit more classic conception? Dex buff on 2,0 wont change anything in this case. Ull gain maybe 2 evasion with proper dyes compared to classic 1,5
  21. ​Daggers are weak for solo pvp or pve, archers are good for pt pvp and raid pt, mages and warriors (tyrant/glad/warlord) are good for aoe pve. Strongest solo class for 1v1s etc is glad/necro/tyrant, tyrant has insane burst dmg and speed, glad has ranged stun and necro has anchor + fear + transfer pain ;). Dorf is pretty strong on solo pvp too cos of keeping enemies on perma stun . Destro is good for solo killing mobs 1 by 1, but frenzy and rage are extremely nerfed compared to old. Frenzy gives 13% ptk or smth like that, Rage gives around 25% p atk on 2 lvl, destro is tankier and has lower dmg than before. VR works only on meele auto attacks (doesnt work on aoe skills or archers or mages) About AOE farm: Necro is best for BIG trains because he doesnt have max target limit on aoe skill so he can hit even 50 mobs with 1 aoe. Tyrant has the best dps with aoe but has limit of max 15 targets. It has 2 aoe skills with 3 s reuse each. Warlord is also great for aoe because hist stuns land with 90% chance on same lvl mobs as warlord, he has also pretty decent aoe dmg and ranged aoe stun, ull find party easy with warlord. Other warriors like destro,glad,warsmith can aoe too but not as effective as these 3 classes i mentioned above.