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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. Rizos

    WC Oly

    last time i played wc on oly was like half year ago, it was same back then, Im almost sure it ever changed but u better confirm at @San0
  2. Rizos

    WC Oly

    Im pretty sure its normal, same as official, mby im wrong, never checked cos i was sure its correct. Any proofs that its bugged?
  3. Rizos

    WC Oly

    In case of tereza i more convinced that she's actually "blind" ?
  4. Rizos

    mana regen wtf?

    My "premium" expired so cant log qq. Anyway this guy probably came from some XXXL2CLASSICPVPXXX x5000 server adn wondering why things work different here ?
  5. Rizos

    mana regen wtf?

    37 men 13 mana per tick 58 men 16 mana per tick It works, its just not so powerful that 10 men will make u see big difference
  6. Rizos

    Opposition Tuesday

    Problem is that on oly you cant zerg. Can be only 1v1 ☹️. P.S. How is the deal about SE hero? @iAxZp
  7. Rizos

    Opposition Thursday

    Next time ill try to have bish + 1 more dd and sk in pt and nonboxed bards so it will be more fun ;), yday was pain with 4 ppl in begining of prime. GF
  8. Rizos


    WTB MJ HELMET, PM price on forum
  9. if reward is that high, ppl would try to abuse it and make sh1t guides just to get col
  10. dunno mby there were even 3 tiers 10 20 and 30 col not sure, but concept of competition is better imo
  11. Rizos


    mass rez with silence legit) 16:27
  12. There were some rewards for guides in forum, but they were like every1 gets 10 col, no matter if u make huge great guide or if u copy paste from internet how to make 1 quest, So ppl didnt get interested i guess
  13. Rizos


    Mouth die? Dik sik? kkkk
  14. Do u believe greedy ppl are going to survive primes like yday for long? ? Or maybe ur recruting because there are too many mobs on toi 11 for 6 of your partys so there is empty slot for 1 more pt?
  15. This happens with ppl like in ur ally ?. Thats why i dont play with such ppl anymore
  16. I wonder when drama about spots, ch crystals and night epix drop hide starts in zerg side ? Soon mby drama happens that top tier baium farm pt need toi 7 to finnish quest. Oh wait zerg doesnt come on baium ?
  17. I agree with 1 point. If auction house tax would be 10-25%, not sick 50% and you could buy adena aswell, i think blackmarket would reduce almost to 0 and server income wouldnt decrease because much more ppl would use AH. About PA, on ru off even 1st acc is paid, the diff is price is +-5 euros, ppl are not complaining. Server has to make some income, 1000x better 10 euro/month than pay2win server
  18. I would go for destro, if you are casual, before u reach high lvl there s gonna be probably zaken patch on i think destro is better than wl in endgame and especially on zaken patch, I would suggest you to play class you ejoy the most. good choice, Orcs stronk