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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. kkk P.S. I wonder who spreaded lies again about my pt that we are banned. I wonder is it always same person spreading lies about us, or there are more?
  2. yea then even in ur own rules trading from diff serv to items here is legit ?
  3. Is it? hmmm 1.6 Buy, sell, exchange (or try to) ingame goods/adena/accounts for real currencies. Are items on Giran server "real currency"? ? Damn so i can work on giran server, fk my current job ?
  4. BTW, no1 notices this yet? Wasnt it like sjeks bank acc?
  5. report what? show me rule which forbid trading items between servers
  6. He told me he exchanged gear from off for gear here. If he didnt lie then its not forbidden
  7. Just trolling, what makes u think i knew bout rmt if none of my cp chars are banned? AS FAR AS I KNOW ADMINS DIDNT PROVIDE PROOFS OF REAL CURRENCY TRADE TO BANNED PPL. So it depends who you call RMTer
  8. China not banned, i wonder where from the rmt shop had such unique items if not from china ?
  9. The video looks like saviors patch and the guy cast dismount skill faster than mount so smth is definitely wrong here
  10. you must write with dot san0 and with caps NO.
  11. Rizos

    PVP event

    Tiger event such a good thing, 1 year passed and ppl still have exp scrols and brez ?
  12. Rizos

    PVP event

    Sws was 79 and 90% before joining ur clan. It was cos he ran out of 200 100% scrols from event so yea... Bought 20-30 scrols and left. I doubt it would be a prob to make these 10% even wo castle. And guess what, now we slowly exp pp to 80, and he has 200 100% scrols in wh. Can i buy 100% scrolls in castle? Hmmm
  13. Recrutation to Mage CP (EU prime) - Forum Warriors Prime 20 - 23 CEST We are playing 3-5 days/week(Working days) + Weekend depending on ppl availability Our CP is focused on Olympiad (currently 5 heros in cp) so if you like to play on oly or have good olympiad class 2nd char its big plus We are CP who play to have fun together and to strenghten ourself, WE ARE NOT type of CP who log only for epics, play to farm items and rmt after quit We are looking only for players who like to play in team We guarantee lots of fun and jokes on TS/Discord We support you with exp, items, wide l2 knowledge and tactics, olympiad/hero We expect regular playing, motivation and engagement, informing about absence, usage of TS3/discord + micro We price a lot friendship and good atmosphere in cp and pleasure of spending time together We dont tolerate toxic behavior - which will result in kick from cp We offer fair rules ownship of items by the player and help proportional to your activity and engagement If you are new to the server but we notice valueable player in you we can recruit you if you reach 66+ lvl and he help to powerlvl your char We are looking for player for last cp slot: - Mage (Preferably necro with ur own char) If you share our values and you think you would fit well to our cp dont hestitate to apply via forum mail to me (Rizos) or pm in game to Cookiemonst3r/Draca/Krystynka or Discord Rizos#4841 Our movies: CP promo videos: PW WC WC+SK WC+exBishop AW Tyrant
  14. Up! Recrutation opened for Bish or BD. Rare chance to join top EU cp. Mail on forum with offers
  15. Rizos

    Ru mage cp E-TEAM

    Q, ddshnik nujen?)
  16. He is waiting for biz to come back to show him. He never thought off anything by himself yet
  17. Rizos

    Party duel

    Except that i didnt do it cos they were flagged so better to waste their brezes ?