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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. @driver im definitely happier to be stupid than to be scammer/rat. We lost 5 euro and u guys had some fun, but you as ally lost face and respect on the server. Ask biz what he does weekly/monthly? What else he does except asking Uchi to take over my char, cos cant handle it in game?
  2. It was not sharing acc. I would make official topic and say all the story if gms didnttake correct action, but if since they did then im not gonna be their lawyer. Ask em. Im not allowed to share conversation with admins according to rules. Keep crying and support scam acts. If you dont like to talk to gms then ask balu and biz what happened. These rats should be well informed ;). Ps nice ppl u have on top of ur clan hierarhy. Are u proud of em?
  3. 1st day after break. Enemies had no hero. Enjoy
  4. ???? Whos shittalking me here? Ima on holidayz.
  5. Rizos

    Hero making service!

    Who would feed this scrub if he doesnt share 600kk profit... He doesnt even buy kebabs for relogs.
  6. Hero AW - Shakaalaka CHN PW - Uin (CHN) SK - Anytime NF(DT) BD - xNirvana NF(DT) EE - Masha DT Tyrant- Knom NF(DT) Destro - Chege2018 CHN Necro- Natsuyama NF(DT) Gladi - HellDuelist? PERKS Paladin - DustoDust CHN Da - Pistolas NF(DT) TH - 1oo1oo DT HE - ZAZADAKILLA? PERKS Sorc - PSY DT Wk - agnat? PERKS Bishop - JesusChristo CHN PP - yastim (DT) TK - Valeera? NF(DT) SwS- SongMaster Perks SR - lMartins Perks SPS - Floki CHN Pony - SuzieQ NF(DT) PR - Foxbk PERKS SH - Nansey NF (DT) PS - Octo DT SE - Aja DT OL - C34dsfdsg..... Fortest OL Perks WC- WonderOrc? Perks Spoil - R3d? dunno if any dorf had any pts NF(DT) WS - Veio CHN WL - Axzp Perkunas Perks - 9 DT - 15/14 CHN - 8
  7. Rizos

    Pop PVP #2

    He didnt have any customer before. 31 tablets for focus death before event was like 6-8 months hero oly marks profit
  8. Rizos

    Pop PVP #2

    He didnt chose BW hvy, he just has no adena i think and HVY he had for free from his SR
  9. Rizos

    Forum Warriors Event

    Eri burnt. He was MA for 2 weeks on bishop for it
  10. Rizos

    Pop PVP

    Speed potion - sad part of classic chronicles, where the only speed tool of aw/pw (blinding blow) is removed for unknown reason so u need to spend 9999999999999999kkkkk for speed potions to be competetive 15 min? better say in description @ which minute there is that 18+ clip with raping modoy in dark olympiad cage.
  11. Rizos

    Forum Warriors Event

    shhhhhhhhh... Lets hope he wont remember bout sls +5
  12. Rizos

    Forum Warriors Event

    Forum Warriors ritual every week. Almost like iluminati ^^
  13. Rizos

    NonFactors zerging TOI

    ??????????? He rekt Pop today 1v1 on oly. Pop has 3 tablet skils, modoy has 1.. I have no proof so i guess im pizdabol.. Anyway, Modoy pomoika..
  14. Rizos

    NonFactors zerging TOI

    Unless u know some interesting mechanics)
  15. Rizos

    NonFactors zerging TOI

    Actually how did u know?
  16. Rizos

    NonFactors zerging TOI

    Count how much are worth items on rip cp chars and how much are worth items in my cp. simple math
  17. Rizos

    NonFactors zerging TOI

    knom 78? u exped me to 78 when i was off? cool ^^
  18. Rizos


    No, 3 guys from ally said stefan batory = hellious so i believed em. But dont worry, i saw hellious saying +/- same sh1t in aden stairs on white chat, so even if this is not his acc still desnt mean the doesnt trashtalk
  19. Rizos


    Helious on yt and ingame. Nick Batory or smth on yt edit
  20. Rizos


    I have also very big question for you. Can you please tell ur new cp leader to stop spreading bullsh1t flames and lies about my clan and ally? If ur new cp stop spreading bulsh1t about my clan, my clan will talk to them with respect aswell. So far i see they spread bullsh1t on youtube forum and ingame. Thx. HAVE FUN IRL, hope to see u back after holidays
  21. Rizos


  22. Rizos


    I dont support em cos they are ally, i just have friends there like jahhy, electra meskita ivex etc, i respect the clan, they are very active friendly and good players. No idea why u think otherweise rly. No sarcasm