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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. if u customize skills many ppl are gonna quit the server, thats my opinion. Even if i play not PR but other class, lets say that gladi, if gms decided to nerf lionheart cos ppl on forum decided its op and need to customize it, i would instant quit this server, and i guess not only me. If you "buff" some unpopular and weak characters smartly, like lets say giving ES buff pony, or if some1 decided to add arrest to TK, or blinding blow on PW or mass cubic to phantom summoner, i can live with that, but nerfing one class and making it work different than on official would lead to loose players on this class (some of them simply leave server), then ofc there would be more suggestions to change other classes because you know, pr was nerfed, necro was nerfed, why cant we make poll to nerf sps or sr or wl? Most of ppl gonna vote to nerf them ofc cos 90% of comunity dont play class u want to nerf so they vote for yes to benefit from change. Then finally when you have many custom skills, even players on non-nerfed classes gonna loose will to play because of "custom server" and new ppl wont come here. ( only ppl like you who like custom servers would stay)
  2. yea its problem of game engine which doesnt use multi corre and is like 15 years old.
  3. Rizos


    no idea, didnt play when they were banned. Search for answer on foum. About nostromo, stop lieing bro. Every1 knows you cant set up rest spot on nostromo.. About banning you, i didnt care if u get perma ban or 5 euro ban, i just care to reduce bots on server. About CHN they dont rr from me cos im ally so cant check them plus im in BS once a month. To answer your question about soft. YES I NEVER USED ANY CLICKER ON THIS SERVER. nuff said?
  4. Nice, old one from this thread also had extended memory tho.
  5. to make my answer as short as possible: IF you wanna play on custom server with custom skills, and decide on poll which skills to nerf, which class to make useless, play on linemage and boost mages even more by custom changes then this server isnt for you i guess because custom skill changes aint gonna happen here. As far as i know, admins picked right direction and keeping skills as close as possible to official.If there is custom change happening its global thing as quick healing potions, deleting dungeons, deleting pay to win items etc. Start looking for new server if this one doesnt fit you and have a nice day.
  6. Rizos


    Q_Q kingbottaki poor innocent greek banned for exping fair :(. How unfair this world is
  7. Rizos


    oh boy, you dont answer to my post anymore after i proved you wrong? =(
  8. Rizos


    dunno if its even possible to miss such epic topic but im gonna remind you. Here, kingbottaki was my clanmate About CHN they dont rr from me obviously cos im their ally, then how can i proof they are using soft? Need anything more to say?
  9. Rizos


    no, its better to complain and throw bullsh1t flames to admins than actually doing something to solve problem. I reported full party boting under loa bridge 1 week ago and they were banned 20 min after i said their nicks on discord, didnt even need to create ticket or post.
  10. where is balance masta wise man. Need to balance dagger, it can 1shot ppl :(((( @kktnxbye
  11. Nu da... Lets DELETE ALL STRANGE OP SKILLS, give to every class exacly same dmg skill which hit for 3-4k with 5s reuse + 1 exacly same cc skill with 5s duration and 15s reuse. Dont forget to just change name, icon and animations of these skills on different classes to have "unique classes" :). That would be so interesting balanced game. The dream of some ppl on this forum. Fck variety of class unique skills. Fck imbalance!!!! THE DREAMMMMM!!!
  12. Lets test it like this 1st, after that we can discuss more. Its gonna be 200 hp/s. You can make 1k hp in 10s from it and pay 400k adena for it. I dont think this is a big issue. I think that white hp potions restore around 500 hp/10s so look, this is not op at all considering price also. Ppl wont be able to solo kill full pt cos of this potions for sure now
  13. Rizos


    I think you need to farm adena in other way. As far as i know there are no good low lvl quests for adena on classic.
  14. did quick math for you bro. If you are around 50 lvl character and have box buffer to buff you on pve spot and you are some kind of DD with c grades, you can clear around 90k karma in 1h solo farming. So its around 110h of nonstop farm which equals 4 days and 13h of nonstop farm. Have fun . Atleast you gonna make like 10 lvls dring that dekarma
  15. cmon, astleast song of water can be usefull ^^
  16. screenshot from today just for lulz . 1 more FC and tank dead, right kingbottaki?
  17. Rizos

    need help

    also i found out that tyrant and glad aoe and 1 target skills do same dmg from front and from behind, but i watched some glad movie from gran kain and it looks correct
  18. Rizos

    need help

    I did small test using unbuffed TH with vicious stance, unbuffed PW without buff or VS, and full buffed PW without VS. Looks like base dmg of blows is correct, makes more dmg from behind than front (20% more), But as long as you boost dagger (crit dmg passive, vicious stance or even crit dmg buffs) the % of bonus form behind falls off ( the more buffs you have the lower is the difference). Looks like dmg bonus from behind doesnt scale with crit dmg buffs or passives. Dunno if its right or bug Test 1: TH with pasive skills + vicious stance on, 0 buffs vs naked orc ~10% bonus dmg Test 2: PW without vicious stance (no crit dmg passive) and without buffs ~20% bonus dmg, this part looks correct Test 3: PW without vicious stance (no crit dmg passives) with full buff for crit dmg ~8% bonus dmg I guess full buffed AW 74 with vicious stance on and full buff would make like 5% dmg more from behind than from front qq. Go go boys find proof it works different way on offi. Im lazy for that ^^