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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. After yesterdays ABG pvp we managed to finally recruit player for our PR, who else wanna join?
  2. Dont feel too safe, me and modoy are gonna gank u even there P.S. atleast its not so obvious decission for t0sh to press bsoe button since its far to run. Gabriel ftw
  3. Modoy teaching ppl what is nice and what is not. What the hell is going on in this forum!
  4. Read my post. I explained u.
  5. I think you understood me wrong. I didnt mean you switch sides like socks(everyday). I ment switching side for you ment as much as switching socks (u made decision without discussing how to solve problem). You acted selfish like it was only you and tt in ally, and ignored perks and others. Sry if i used wrong words my english downgrafed lately after talking on this forum ^^
  6. Pm @MoDoy slyszalem ze szuka cp i ma setup pod tanka.
  7. Next time dont call me liar plx. Gl.
  8. He exped new char after reroll + epic chars. Dunno why ppl hate him so much, sometimes he's writing too many 1 sided posts but i dont care honestly, i flame on forum aswell. He is one of most dedicated cps for epics, now he even started to help on pvp primes, what else would you expect from allymate? They are rly valueable clan in this ally. In the other hand there is anathema which - using proper words - betrayed perkunas and thats it. Thats how it looks Demoss. You are rekt by 1 troll slovak girl who was puting gas into fire between anathema and tt. Ill tell you more. Its your fault, you even recruitef that girl from war side while she had ZERO value as player or as ally/clanmate. I dint find logic in this move. Im rly disappointed on you, and you accepted defeat to 1 stupid troll girl by leaving ur ally, thats how low leader you are. Now you even became rat who had friendships and respect to allies deep in the ass, and switch sides like socks. You lost all my respect. Guess who ppl respect more right now, your clan or stiba clan? Who is the loyal leader, you or stiba? Who won this "stupid pointless war"? Cya on battlefield
  9. I mean kill = last hit. Anyway i said orx stronk and wc is orc aswell
  10. Lol since when I MUST asslick the guy if he is my leader and i cant be objective on forum? I know for many guys here (like you) objectiveness is foreign word but cmon. Do i even flame him?
  11. Excuses? Where is the excuse? I said Biz was too greedy (usually he makes good decisions on siege tho). How can it be an excuse? :D. Braindead malaka.
  12. ?? English plz? Yes he was too greedy and wanted 4 castles in last 15 min and failed 3 (enemies crested back), simply didnt have enough ppl to secure 4 castles, during the other 105 mins of siege he oversecured aden and pushed whole ally there vs half of the numbers of enemy, as Lama said.
  13. Ws too greedy in last 15 min, split for 4 castles in the end and failed cos couldnt def so many with such numbers. Gf
  14. Rizos

    Szybkie pytania :)

    Zaczac warto. Ostatnio duzo nowych graczy dolacza wiec na pewno znajdziesz jakies party. Co do bisha, bedzie ciezko z party na low lvlach, sorc/se ok, polecam. Lepszego priv classica nie znajdziesz. Online 1,5k+. Stabilny server, admini sie angazuja, malo bugow, sa update do nowych kronik wiec server predko nie umrze. Online na dzien dzisiejszy przypuszczam ze taki san jak rok temu :). Pvp w chuj jest o kaxdy spot na 60+ lvlach
  15. Haha modoy had very bad day yday, loosing even to other silver rangers, i was sure that some media thread must appear :D. I hoped for movie to watch it tho :(. Gf ! Rip sonicx P.S. fk ur cp destro! Why he is not dieing! I died from reflect yday qq
  16. 1 more bug that i know about this skill, you shouldnt be able to use vicious stance on hide (now u can?)
  17. omg nice to watch beginigs of the server, too bad i didnt play that time :(. Low lvl pvps are always the biggest fun for me ^^. Exotq geting rekt since 2015?
  18. proof or pizdabol. Kure bro. lets go exp together?
  19. Rizos

    Scam shop in GH

    Thats server rules here, dont you like it?
  20. Take modoy. He is 1 man cp
  21. Rizos

    Noob questions

    You must buy premium (10 euro/month or ~20kk adena in game) to log 2nd acc on same computer. Or if you have 2 PCs you can lig 2 accounts for free . Join our discord server. Ppl answer there any questions fast. Lately i even see ppl buy newbies top d grades to let them start here easier
  22. Rizos

    Noob questions

    Destro is cheaper than gladi to solo exp, uses less shots and less potions than gladi (potions cost the most). The most cost efficient way to exp is aoe