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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. Rizos

    need help

    Looks like only dagger bug. Ill check pr and tyrant today again.
  2. Rizos

    need help

    On fatal counter in loa kariks its exacly 10% from side and 20% from back - dmg boost. I tested it 2-3 days ago. Test it with tyrant/glad aoe skill, it has flat dmg so its easy to calculate
  3. Why dont we talk about low hp necro here if we talk about low hp pr? Why do u compare pr low hp dmg to sps dmg not to low hp necro dmg? Im pretty sure high lvl, geared cdl necro can frag 90% of ppl on this server in 3 seconds. Why no1 plays this way in necro? Cos its too big risk and there is no nobless scrolls. Same goes for PR. Why would u risk ur life if u can fight on full hp, asisting with other DDs in party, dropping targets instantly on assist, still doing 4k with fc on full hp, sometimes pulling off 1shot 8k hits when you time fc well between bish heals and enemies lower u. This low hp fc tactic is stupid on mass pvp, you die instantly, ask anytine what he did when he caught me on low hp ;). This tool is only usefull on small ganks or 1v1 's, and in this scenerio i agree its overpowered.
  4. Rizos

    need help

    Also interesting fact is that with this mechanic you can go above 50% crit rate on archer. You need to get 500 crit rate and hit from behind to get 60% crit rate Another interesting fact about terrain. If archer stays much higher than target, archer gains big hit chance and crit rate boost or when target is much higher on terrain, archer gets big nerrf to crit rate and accuracy( from my experience its flat bonus, for example target is 500 range higher than you and u gonna get low chance to hit him even if its lvl 1 dorf and u are 75 lvl - can see this effect easily when shooting ppl/guards on siege wall). To confirm my words try to farm with bow on karik bridge and shoot down the mobs, or check my pvp videos where you xan see in every movie i pvp in ramp before karik bridge shooting down the targets. Choice of pvp spot isnt coincidence there ;). Like plx if helped
  5. Rizos

    need help

    Using this mechanic everyday on archer exp so i guess i remember it correct. Hiting from front has no bonus, Hiting from side - +10% dmg(auto attacks and all physical skills, no magic skills), +10% auto attack crit rate, +10% auto attack hit chance Hiting from behind - +20% dmg(auto attacks and all physical skills, no magic skills), +20% auto attack crit rate, +20% auto attack hit chance To sum up it mostly benefits daggers, archers, classes with stun that can stun target and hit skills from behind. Mages dont benefit from it. Its awesome boost for auto attack, for skills it gives only +20% dmg, doesnt increase skill crit rate
  6. They can donate, but cant enter forum? Hmmm looks strange.. /sarcasm off
  7. Rizos

    Rizos #4 PvP Movie

    When we "rr in money room" we were 4-5 ppl but you bring this argument everytime. Also ur lovely 18 v 18 which you always bring, i wasnt even there, pp 63 in pt etc :D. Here is 1 pt vs 2 pts and even tho our necro was silenced all the time, only modoy died once? :D. Yet you bring excuse about boxes in 1 vs 2 pt pvp
  8. Rizos

    Nede advice

    Yo. Welcone to the server. Here you can check high lvl SE gameplay on our server. You should have fun :).
  9. If you or enemy has no epics, then horror has around 50% on target with mental shield. Archer has also around 50% chance to stun tank with high con and resist shock lvl4. So he can stun lock you if he is lucky enough, you can fearlock him with same chance
  10. crit dmg bufs dont scale with double shot. ~9k fc HAHAHAHA, count how many times i did more than 5k : also fc 5s reuse, you multiply by 20. Does minute have 100s since now on? hahah nice math bro. Go back to school. 48 nukes in 1 minute? I thought you would take pony 30% reuse reduction buff into consideration since you put cat buff in every calculation. U sure you cant do over 60 nukes in 60s even w/o pony buf? U must be rly bad on sps then. NO AQ magic crit dmg in calculation. Nice calculations :0
  11. Rizos

    Rizos #4 PvP Movie

    Phantom Ranger pov UchihaItachi CP Clan: Perkunas Ally: WickedSick Scenerio: Ganks and Mass PvPs ENJOY!
  12. SPS has no dmg, PR OP ! Zerk off, warding song, bo jvl +4 5,5k hp.
  13. With -15 dex u alqays gonna get rekt on pvp before you finnish casting 1 skill ^^
  14. Stronk dmg. Archers OP :(. Considering its modoy playing, mby its +12 dex -15 con PR? @kktnxbye holy shit dude, i dont even know what to say. Didnt read such a bullshit since monkey taduliz quit. Go play interlude server or get a clue about classic. @KingLeonidas hahaha nice topic kingbottaki. I thought u have more knowledge about the game, 90% of what you said, isnt even truth. Looks like the only useful knowledge you have, is how to setup adrenaline to bot safe half year untill such tryhard like modoy record 1h of pve. QQ more kingbottaki.
  15. imo only option is +4 str -5 con or +8 str -10 con or +12 str - 15 con depends how much you pvp ;). For pve PL set much better than doom.
  16. Modoy rekt by sano AGAIN! why im not surprised?
  17. Is that Dark Avenger in ur new avatar?
  18. dude dont trust any bullsh1t in internet at 2017, ppl think everything refering to nation is nazi novadays.. Its main problem of Europe right now.
  19. yo nazi this guy kingleonidas has some problem with nazi ;(
  20. should i prepare 5 euraski? :C
  21. Dude why do u hate me? Im not even in one cp or in one clan with Modoy wtf but you put my name in fight vs Modoy. Im just making jokes form you cos u put some crap about me in your movie for no reason . I even liked your movie wow