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Everything posted by Pelocho

  1. Warlord can indeed solo farm.
  2. You are making up those numbers and you know it. PS: And please, stop crying in every post you write jeez. You should change your avatar to "The Crying Kid" instead
  3. 3 balanced sides? WS+China outnumbers any other side by like 3 to 1.
  4. I'm sorry, but I've seen this a few times already (char stops following without hitting an obstacle). I don't know how the pathfinding mechanics works, but it makes sense if, by putting obstacles in the way, the path becomes longer.
  5. Not necessarily. While you are moving left and right, one character might be in the right spot and moment to lose the line of sight.
  6. Seems like the char might have lost the line of sight while turning into the different caves. This happens a lot in AB when you run through trees... Similar to the guy that hides behind a tree to make you cancel the spell...
  7. Also, a mob hitting you/rooting you could, obviously, stop it...
  8. In my experience, chars only stop following after certain distance (really common to lose a char that is out of party if you have SS in party with wind song) or after hitting an obstacle...
  9. Just admit you are out of arguments here and find another reason to flame. It's ridiculous to come here and generalize about a whole alliance for one single asshole doing something your ally encourages:
  10. They care, because it's very convenient for the sake of flaming.
  11. I don't see any scammer, just an asshole. Also, funny how all the forum warriors come here like flies to start flaming because they recognized a crest. Like they don't have people well known for doing this to lowbies and neutral people
  12. Too bad, that would make those low b armors that nobody wants interesting
  13. Haven't found anything around, so I will just ask here if anyone has more information: According to l2wiki (classic) armor sets has new/updated armor bonus. This is how sets are going to be in 2.0? 3.0? 7.0...? Example with zubei's heavy set: 2 parts: HP Recovery Bonus +5.24% 3 parts: Max HP +294 4 parts: Paralysis Resistance +30% 5 parts: P. Def. +5.26%
  14. You have a valid point. I didn't mean to include the whole ally, only some of their "forum warriors".
  15. I've always found really funny the way you make up all this bullshit. You, a compulsive liar surrounded by pathetic and bitter kids whose only way to communicate is via insults, dare to talk about toxic players!! Do you even read this forum? Hahahaha. You don't kick people, you literally play this game only to beg people to follow you. And everyone leaves you because of all your bullshit...
  16. Someone who writes things like "they dont know english" has absolutely no right to say a word about how others speak it.
  17. Are we playing in the same server? sometimes I have my doubts. Anyways, perkunas losing people is not a surprise with the current toxic, greedy and childish leadership...
  18. Post them, then. Anyways: Quality >>>> Quantity
  19. When you realize the event is a wedding:
  20. Maybe because we were allies until yesterday? But it seems like that's fixed now
  21. It's difficult to arrange a 9v9 without any guarantee that all our members will be active when you are. Maybe on a weekend... But, if you think it's unfair to watch us for hours until it's your best moment to log and attack, just bsoe and come back.