Black Sails

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Everything posted by Black Sails

  1. Check in css #elSearchExpanded or in html in <form> something with animation it should come up on click I guess. Something with overflow more likely.
  2. Your 5 yo kid joke went exactly as you show it on you drawing. Actually.... 1) donating blood saves lives! 2) You play on this server 20h per day, didn't spend a penny to support it and you make fun of it. Great joke kid! PS I underspend it was your reaction on this but donations is good for the server and if you don't do it do not brag about it.
  3. Are you sarcastic ? What is the correlation between donation in game and blood donation? You do not donate in game, do you donate blood ?
  4. Black Sails

    Heroes domination

    Yeh.... summer.... I have 3 jobs now and part-time study But why ppl doesn't speak to you? Good driver even if it logs once in awhile is kinda rare.... And you looking for some1 to replace you? Just quit
  5. Black Sails

    Heroes domination

    What's wrong with you Pro? Re-role or another quitting? .....and strange choice or WC or DD If you gonna get DD you don't need active WC?
  6. Black Sails

    Heroes domination

    Yeh... I always thought, with their quantity, china gonna rule this server... but even zerg can't help them.
  7. or..... start new character and don't use bot this time.... get 26 lvl is faster then sending tickets and waiting for something, don't you think.
  8. They were only 140+ .... gonna smash them with my zerg easily
  9. Speaking of bugs. Check quantity of my clan members on screenshots 930930 I gonna bring them all to the next siege
  10. If nickname of my low lvl twink is more important for you.... probably you caught me. I close it cuz it irrelevant information not coz I wanted to hide it. Now you feel better?
  11. Book your vacation! Top stalker at your service Who can guess the location?
  12. Check ur link. It goes to youtube search request not to your video.
  13. Good vid but it's not the same game, you know it, right? Here you won't run after a bish 10 mins under the fire of 2 mages... Hope to see you soon too but till you get 76+ you should better concentrate yourself on killing mobs... how soon do you think you will be 76+? Idk mb consider driving
  14. You compare a piece of stone near your house with the Milky Way galaxy. If you plan to improve your English you need to know what is a reliable source of information. The dictionary of the Cambridge University is not even close to Wikipedia and their definitions can not even be compared. I've heard about many terrible things but it doesn't make them good or even acceptable. And again, you and Rizo are wrong. Check definition of the race prejudice but use reliable sources. Here you are a one of the sources considered trustworthy "Merriam-webster dictionary" Race prejudice is prejudice against or hostility toward people of another race or color or of an alien culture(!). French Canadians is a group of people with their own culture. Negative pre-judgment of people based on their cultural background is racism. But it's ok... you people in Europe so far from it... Anyways, fighting against "forum warriors" is useless I guess, so good luck!
  15. Idk maybe read definition of the word "prejudices" and decide your self: prejudice - an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially when formed without enough thought or knowledge. First of all it wasn't about me. Second, I didn't get mad. I just said that racial prejudgments in public are not acceptable and shouldn't be tolerated in normal community but since you so immature that you even don't understand it, it's ok.
  16. There are not so many people from North America here. Especially from Canada.... especially from Quebec....playing EU prime....mb it was me.. did you check it? What made you believe that the french Canadians are different from the rest? Do you have experience or just wrote it cuz on this forum racist judgments are not punished?
  17. If you are speaking without sarcasm and that's how you now interacting in this clan/ally/side.... I'm so happy that I left it
  18. Why is this WL ? Elmar? How do you manage to keep castle with this kind of relationships in your clan? Mb just nobody really want it
  19. No, not many. You are right. Like I said, normally, they quit playing here after 76. And I know 5-6 ppl like that. Who already gone. That's why I'm talking about drop of tablets in solo locations. Ppl who do not play 8h/day already have low chances to resist players like Rizo, for example, and this 3rd class skills problem makes it even harder You highlighted my words but then ignored it in your response "almost impossible" and "impossible" have not the same meaning Impossible = null , no chances. Almost impossible = very hard Once again, I agree, it should be difficult but not so hard like it is now. Like I said even NC Soft change it in latest updates. The main purpose of the updates is to correct mistakes made in the previous versions. I think administration should consider it and take into account that updates here takes a way more times than on official servers. If you live in mama-papa all inclusive hotel mb it's ezy for you, but you should know it's not normal to play 8h/day.
  20. In clan can be only 4 CPs... whatever.... For instance, I don't like you... I don't like Rip.... happens .... and I'm playing summoner... should I quit? it's a good idea to make it hard but now it's almost impossible to get 3rd class skills for solo players. Yeh, yeh, I know "It's classic!" ... I understand when ppl pushed to play in groups but not forced.. drop of tablets in locations like BS would lower tension... even NC Soft facilitated process of geting 3rd class skills in later updates, doesn't it mean we should move in the same direction, don't you think ? Have you seen some one who drop it there? I heard it from administration too but never hear that some one drop it in BS.... You will be surprised but there are a lot of ppl who loves solo exp/gang and don't like big wars/epics...
  21. Tablets as an event reward is not a good idea but adding the drop of tablets in BS would be nice. Drop only in ToI makes rich players(top clans) richer. And force neutral clans/CPs to join one of the sides or quit server ...Random ptys after 72 doesn't exist and IMO it's not good. Economic conditions when there are very rich ppl and very poor is not normal as well! Only if it isn't China, for them it's ok But it's European server, right?
  22. Black Sails


    I would be glad to see wolfs/fenrirs here. Yes, there are mounts in classic but not only I found most of them ugly, and mounts are not the same as L2 pets. If it's at all possible to bring it here from "normal" L2..... It's not a kinda major improvement but It could be great feature that will make this server different, in the best way, from other servers. PS Or at least, replace this ugliest dwarf kookaburra mount with skin of fenrir. Would be really awesome.
  23. Black Sails

    mage CP lf

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