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Everything posted by Arcanum

  1. 10/10 tactics indeed, i can only hope someday every other gladi not in my ally will actually learn to play like that
  2. ...the road to 76 is a long one indeed
  3. you're obviously not considering the biggest picture, wich is not 1vs1. a gladi can be easily feared into oblivion, while a destroyer on limits is basicly unstoppable for 1 minute due to very high debuffs resist, plus multiple tools for damage mitigation. and with a proper setup, you don't even need 1 minute to kill a single group of 9 people, 30 seconds are more than enough. not to mention that gladi actually needs loads of mana and good knowledge of the class mechanics in order to kill people without wasting an entire MP bar after 20 seconds, while with destroyers all you have to do is buff up with limits and you can pretty much kill people with just autoattacks. be it group or mass PvP situations, you will have to stop soon or later to engage and cast skills, and when you do it will be over in a matter of few seconds, unless you get critted on the first hit wich will result in being one-shotted no matter what gear you're wearing if you're a class with less than 40 CON( yes, even tanks ). i'm not saying gladi isn't strong, it is actually a very good class as much as WL in terms of small-scale PvP, but saying that it's more OP than destroyers when they're clearly broken as much as DAs if not even more is just dumb.
  4. you should check my next video coming up later then, my destros are getting all the kills when they're on limits, i'm there just to assist
  5. probably you haven't seen destroyers spamming armor crush and fear yet. i wish i could always do 3k+ with every skill, too bad that's not reality
  6. well...guess it's time to reroll then. destro or WL, your choice. you'll be alright regardless. probably. eventually. i sure hope so.
  7. very nice, me like however, if you think that's broken, wait to see destroyers on limits with othell rune slotted on greatsword. that's really some funny stuff to witness
  8. 3 years later, still fighting in ABG.
  9. i still wonder what's the point in comparing this server to offi when they're clearly and obviously 2 different things running on different setups. if by logic we should be as close as offi, then there's still enchant scrolls missing from NPC shops, transform skills missing and the PvE solo instance missing. not mentioned PvP zones in loA/ToI and all the other remaining stuff. yet here we are, still playing regardless of the lack of those things. if you wanna nerf those for the sake of balance, just do it and that's it. there's no need to follow offi blindly when you already have a custom server, especially when they come up with some broken shit that makes no sense whatsoever.
  10. Arcanum


    yep, +2k CP + resist stun circlet + noblesse scrolls on 3 entire clans are totally useless, especially for mass PvP.
  11. i wouldn't mind running around with this kind of skins: but i guess that's just me. those should be already available in the list from the streamers rewards btw. pirate/assassin transforms do exactly the same, and yet nobody ever complained about it. just get good at watching/picking proper targets and you'll be fine
  12. would it be possible to eventually change full body costumes item type( like the halloween or the summer ones ) in order to be able to put them in the hair accessory slots, instead of the main body armor slot? i'm asking because in that way we could still wear full armor sets while being able to move around with the costume as skin appearence. it's kind of a shame to leave costumes getting dust in warehouse. as long as it doesn't mess up with the game textures, or coding of course
  13. best thread of the week, such quality, much wow
  14. considering how he left his party to die in pvp at toi 10 yesterday, apparently he doesn't dodge only mass pvp
  15. you don't need that much mana on gladi if you just use self buffs like it's supposed to farm. if you also plan to use triple slash for the hex effect, then you'll run from 100% mp to 0 in about a dozen skills. that is not a skill for farming.
  16. SK with +12 str, bw set and greatsword could probably farm as good as a gladi. if we include all the debuffs, it would be even better maybe.
  17. more than ToI for sure, at least he doesn't get his whole party wiped by our CP over there
  18. and here i thought chinese were all cyborgs that never sleep
  19. if it's for keeping people at bay, then DA would be the most obvious choice. they won't be able to ignore you even if they wanted to, simply because you have enough aggression skills to keep people target-locked on you all the time, and they can't change their target either until the provoke debuff wears off. fear and stun also work more than fine to stop people entirely from attacking your allies. gladi, on the other hand, has always been a frontline damage dealer focused on bursting down targets as fast as possible in close combat. it works fine as alternative mid-range DD in 2nd line as well to annoy and/or stop enemy units from attacking, but that's a job he cannot perform for too long due to mana usage issues. the average 600 range of his ranged skills compared to 900 from archers/mages will also lead you to getting focused for guaranteed by the enemy fire in mass PvP when there's 4+ parties involved, so it's a class overall more suited for either solo or group PvP. if you really want to play a class that can support and defend your group members at the same time, gladi is not the one you should be looking for.