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Everything posted by Arcanum

  1. ofc, you're busy healing the enemy
  2. yeah, meanwhile i guess i will just wait for some epic video from one of the strongest clans of the server it's not like someone is forcing you guys to watch my videos anyway
  3. that's strange, i clearly remember a BD trying hard on me. probably you should teach your bards how to aggro destroyers, instead of aggroing me out of desperation i will post my fraps thou, don't worry meanwhile, you can have a bit of this too:
  4. there's so much salt in here, that i could probably make a snowman with it lol meanwhile in toi: well, i hope you guys farmed enough for today. thx for the fraps btw, was very kind of you. feel free to call us whenever you feel lonely.
  5. i heard lately this is how it looks like from toi 7 to 12:
  6. indeed we're not. however, you can't deny it's going to be harder when there's less meatshields people around to call for backup, especially when this game is mostly about numbers.
  7. probably you don't, but considering how often we're kicking Bizz & company out of ToI these days, i guess yes, yes he does today was pretty fun at toi 12. especially when i've seen a dagger struggling to kill me just to bsoe in the end, after 3 hours of missed/blocked blows
  8. so, how does it feels to get zerged by a bigger zerg? pretty fun right?
  9. oh oh oh, melly chlistmas evelyone! and a happy new yeal too!
  10. meanwhile i have yet to see tablets dropping in BS after being there for 3 hours a day, for more than 2 weeks now. and to be honest, at this point i strongly doubt it's about RNG.
  11. having some extra compensation for christmas would be nice, i guess i don't really mind daily coins thou. i'll be just fine with a silver cloak
  12. there never was, and probably never will be. this game has always been all about gear and levels anyway.
  13. yep, quality of enemies is slowly going down day by day guess i'll just keep frapsing mass pvp, or eventually group vs group when it's really worth it.
  14. current level of salt in this thread: mission accomplished, time to go make another video
  15. well, to be honest it's always been pretty much situational up until the 3rd~4th week, when everyone has gathered enough points and the overall rankings start to settle down little by little. but even then, it all depends on luck with match making in the end. you either get lucky and find an "easy" target, or you end up with a counter-class that can potentially screw your points up. anyway, my current bets are on these: dark avenger - erky TH - anytime/poseidon Necro - ripwalker Warlock -fusso sws -bizzqquit spellsinger - sjeks silver ranger - modoy shilien knight - sayomi phantom sumoner -trashlord not going to mention the other classes, as there's no point in my opinion.
  16. it's about the wild animals of the Jungle
  17. quickly, someone call 911, there's been an outbreak at the Zoo again and now there's bullshits flying all over the place!! please help!!!!!1!1!!!11!
  18. for the love of god, stop shooting so high. you gonna make the sky fall.
  19. best SR universe will never loose. except to one guy :v
  20. i dunno man, i was just writing something with a bit of irony, and then it triggered everyone around lol not even my pvp videos trigger so many people