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Everything posted by Oet

  1. Districts re-openning Archer CP Halfway through AoE CP short on sws/bd/dmg/ee/se Active good people are welcome, clan isn't ONLY CP based. We're united. Have + clans for slots, to accept more people. GL HF TO ALL
  2. Oet

    EU Frontline CP

  3. Oet


    Greetings from Wolvz, my children Goodluckzz
  4. Oet

    EU Frontline CP

  5. Oet

    EU Frontline CP

    level can be 74 max, minimum we can accept 61-63 and help them to catch up. we wanna spend at least 2 hours, that's the goal for now lvl: answered, side: badproducuts Edit:Maybe bd and wl are taken, soon to be determined.
  6. Oet

    EU Frontline CP

    European Melee CP Elven Elder Gladiator - - - - - - - 7 slots open *Start GMT(Greenwich Mean Time) : 21:00 (For questions about timezone-> https://time.is/en/GMT ) Classes we accept. Tank/BD/SWS/Tyr/Destro/WL/OL/WC/BP/Phantom Summoner pm/mail Wolvz ingame Bring Your Own Beer
  7. hahahahaha I was overlord <3 peaceee my friend
  8. oh god, if i see ponies with dothraki cp title i'll cry
  9. Welcome. If you want to have a constant party when you login without actually having a CP(team) just make a sword singer, will make your life easier, you'll never be alone. and 100% out the time you'll be online you'll make exp, other than staying in town waiting for rb party, or having to make a buffer to buff you for solo swordsinger is the easy life.for that matter anything with agro.(It's what I'd suggest to a new player in this...server) Good luck, have fun.
  10. Merge, start getting shit done? Wolvz#9726 <-Discord or pm Wolvz if you're interested, i have 3 people including me. tho most likely will be a mixed cp, we can talk more in 1:1.
  11. This is getting out of hand, goodluck to the new cp. Most people play without CP, thrilling to see new ones alive.
  12. GMT+1 indeed but you need to state the hours you play, afternoon/morning etc.
  13. Oet

    2nd District

    Cry me a river kids <3
  14. Oet


  15. 3rd District under leadership of "FionnaLux"
  16. Went elsewhere, vote n' discuss the potions
  17. Feeding the powerful. That's just so low.
  18. Hello all, we have a tank now, and 2-3 mages +se. LF ee, bd and sws, + more damage dealers