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About Creedie

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  1. BW heavy set +3 BW Heavy set clean BW Robe set clean Lance +3 PL set +3 Doom light set clean raid sword*raid sword+4 FP set Divine set C grade garbage for crystals B grade garbage for crystals Send me offers.
  2. dafuq did I just read? is this guy trolling?
  3. hahaha best post ever!! v4siukas you're by far the most retarded player i've met in this server (and I've met a lot of retards).
  4. The most wanted class is SWS.
  5. WTT BOP+3+adena for emi+12+ nick: HotPepper
  6. Thats actualy a good idea.. Maybe something cosmetic and a free PA for like a week..
  7. Welcome! Not many Americans play here..
  8. Oh I see. So the fishing system is exactly what he is describing? you can just leave your character for 24h and get exp + items out of it? if so then it's stupid..
  9. Hello, FryderykChopin, I don't want to sound rude but are you retarded?
  10. I suggest you to not start playing Lineage2. I'm playing it mostly because of nostalgia, if you've never played it there's no reason to start now. This game has too many cons and too little pros.