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Everything posted by driver

  1. Best Archer (he,pr,sr) legiana Best Warrior(gladi,destro,tyrant,warlord,spoiler,crafter) legiana
  2. i skipped, are those newbs famouse idiots now?
  3. big part of vigi ally was made of stupid newbs that praised soil like a god, i talked to some of them. and when this happened they lost the confidence that they had and think there is no chance and sh1t.
  4. driver

    Best Camera Ever

    your ass burnes so hard we didnt exp in past, so what? regroup your asses and fight.
  5. all those talks are so sad. our clan lost more people then vigi, the difference is that the morale of vigi is so weak that the card house started collapse and the rats started to change side and quit server.
  6. up clan hall giran castle aden clan perkunas
  7. he said they are looking for one more guy, i think you understood that he is looking for cp) кароче им ещё один чел нужен, он не ищит кп
  8. just die, you know, walk into the sea or something like that.
  9. driver


    looking for some CDL spell books.
  10. guys i didnt read everything but i guess you feel the struggle we had last half year. somebody wrote about perkunas absorbing vigi parties. i saw only joy party join ES. same shit as with vigi, weak people join the strong side so they can develop. newbies will talk about one side and sh1t, but on this server only vigi and its minions were happy in freefarm of exp and epics. i think soon there will be 3-4 sides. guys, forget about soil and sh1t. lets play l2. p.s. i better will be under pressure and war dominating then having as wars some pussies that cry.
  11. lemm is a killer, dont mess with him his point was that i farmed a lot, you just dont see it from the outside.
  12. what for? i have a lot of chars of people who quit and left chars to CP. i dont play for a long time.
  13. was funny watching how lots of people left unbroken and wickedsick to join vigi. i am glad that we could push each other to create a good server, but dont give all the credit to this guys.
  14. o_0, man soil propaganda killed you. they was once at siege 60 ppl max.
  15. this guys were not loyal, they just chose the strongest side in their prime time. we fought 62 lvl vs 70+ back in the days, but i dont think this clans can do so
  16. ну это тоже верно, но суть была другая. я поиграл тут с разными людьми и в разных пачках и понял что просто так собрать из ничего пачку которая потом ещё должна заиграть и в пвп не только в пве очень сложно.
  17. выглядет как то странно, вроде продает себя как крутой пацан а набирает людей на форуме.
  18. i didnt get the joke, but i know even in your clan people think green is newb
  19. dammm, you just cant deside, they are so close to each other.
  20. 55 lvl guys made a movie called "zerg ally gangs", was so funny to watch :)) you were present, a couple of bsoe from your majesty. the funniest was when greenlight wrote that 55 lvl mages hit hard and after this he said he is from honor cp - the elite of this server. p.s. i dont play a while, but watching last movies it looks sad around there