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Hi all Why swordsinger doesnt have Heavy armor mastery? (40+ lvl)
+====================+ European CP "EscapeSystem[TM]" +====================+ We're a group of international friends looking for new players to play with in mage cp. We play 7 days a week but our online time in game depends on people availability, of course. At the moment we have 7 active people and we are currently looking for SWS, Mages and Overlords. Looking only for 76+ lvls or Drivers for support. We want to have fun together with people who really enjoys playing classes listed above. We don't expect you to be online 24/7 but what we await from you is to play at Prime Time, which is 17-22 polish time. We farm AOE, we make raids 75+ and we believe that having a PvP is a main reason to play this game. We require from you using TeamSpeak and Discord during Prime Time. We speak polish and english mainly. We have also Russian member. If you are interested please contact us here on forum or write emails ingame "Adidassb , "Gillbert
Hi guys! I'm about to start here and haven't decided on my main class yet. It's gonna be a support though (healer/rech/buffer/disco/tank - whichever but a DD). I'm an experienced player, 12+ years of addiction to l2, ~4 years of playing classic (bp, ol, sws, pala), I know the reality of playing in a CP, preferring military-like organization with strong and target-oriented leadership. I know English and some very veeery basic Russian (I understand commands but I will not discuss what quantum mechanics has to do with Plato's idealism). Discord, TS - I'm fine with both, vc only (I will type essays only when I'm drunk - forget deciphering). And btw, I do drink and play and you stayin' alive. English or Russian are the only languages I dare to hear on vc, you may speak like a shit but as long as it resembles the ones mentioned Ima fine. My prime is a bit fcked up (UTC +10) and my RL is more important than your AQ or hero status - BUT! as I said, I know what playing in a CP means, so we can discuss and agree on the CP prime and vip events oo CP prime that I will attend 100%. I'm not that nerd student anymore, I have a job and a family, so don't expect me to fit into farmers' squads. I'm looking for a well organized but still a chill. I never go afk without your consent, you can count on me regardless of whether we do a boring farm spoiling some crap or throwing ourselves into bat shit crazy pvps - I'm a good support, playing actively. So, summarizing my first and last essay: Support lf a CP. As long as it's gonna end up in switching to my character when I catch up (in which I expect some reasonable help) I'm fine driving your char in the CP prime.
Hello, A new mage cp that has just formed are looking for some players to be full. Atm we have : Atm we have: -OL(with vop) -BD(with sirena) -EE -Sorc -Necro -Warlord -Tank We are looking for a bishop and a SWS that are 68 lvl or higher. Fell free to pm on formum or to mail in game PSY. Kind regards, WTF.
Olá pessoal! Tudo bem? Estou muito interessado em iniciar no servidor por ser um projeto de longa duração. Como está o servidor? Muitos players ativos? Vale a pena começar agora? Qual a melhor classe para começar(além de ter um spoil e pp)? Um BD, SWS, WL, WC ou OL? queria também jogar com um pessoal BR, posso sempre das 21 às 03:00 de seg a quinta e nos finais de semana. abraço!
HI GUYS!!! WE ARE LF 1 SWS AND 1 ELEMENTAL MAGE 72+ !!! EU PRIME TIME!!!! WE START AROUND 8.30PM UNTILL 00.00 GMT+2 the days of play go from Monday to Thursday as much possible, while on weekends we organize randomly, we welcome the presence for any future siege. COURRENT COMPOSITION: TANK: taken LVL77 SWS: Free BD: taken LVL 76 BISHOP: taken LVL76 EE: taken LVL 75 NECRO: taken LVL 77 WL: taken LVL 77 SPS: taken LVL 75 SORCIO/SPS/SPH: taken Free OL: taken (box) LVL 75 the cp will be composed possibly from 10/11 players to facilitate organization of every day during the prime. no kids and "pro-player" accepted!!! For more info Pm me here or add me in discord Venu#5417 other discord contact are LoStileSupremo/Lore#6191 or Volux#3376 GG
Hey guys, I've been spoiling my ass of for a couple of weeks now and decided i have the balls to level a new character. Since I felt like as a spoiler i was not "needed" enough in parties i decided to make a buffer/support/enhancer. Asking on discord, the one person that replied said to roll a PP. Then I checked the forums and everyone was saying they already have PP's as Boxes. I'm looking to main a support which will be needed ENOUGH (not a MUST HAVE, not a DEFINITE PASS) across all levels. For PP people said after 40 their use drops significantly + most of them are boxed anyways. So I came to ask what should I roll? I'm open to all suggestions, the only things to keep in mind is this - I'm not a premium user, so no dualbox for me. Also if you will have time give me a super-small "guide" of how to go about leveling and gearing given support (besides RB-s obviously). Thanks in advance.
Hi Best DYE and gear for assist DPS for sws ? Blue wolf heavy and + STR or + DEX ? kesh/damascus with othel or maybe bow with othel?
Hello guys, We are two new players on L2 classic club and we are looking for a clan to have some fun and help to lvl up. We are just starting and currently lvl 22 and 24 and would like to have some people to play with ! Don't hesitate to recruit us, you won't regret your choice ! FloFlo
CP BAE from DIEHARD clan is recruiting active sws/ee level 67+ NA/SA prime. PM ingame "VeioBebado or "iiiLordAngeliii CP BAE clan DIEHARD está recrutando SWS e EE ativos, preferencialmente lvl 67+ pm no jogo "VeioBebado ou "iiiLordAngeliii
Eu prime mage cp lf Swordsinger + WL Side: "Blue" ally Clan: Non Factors Prime time: 21.00 - unknown gmt+2 A few words about us. The cp is under reconstruction. Some of us play together for a long long time. We are mostly greek cp but english speaking ppl are also welcome. Our lvls are within the range of 77-78 atm. Prefered lvl is 74+ , but depending on how much you play, exceptions can be done, so don't hesitate to pm if you are a little lower. What we ask of you: - Join Teamspeak and talk - Participate in various cp/ally activities - Have a personal drive/will to progress - Don't be a drama queen like me - Don't cry for random xp losses, we take care of our ppl - Please don't have long-term relationships/wives - we are competitive cp!!! What we offer you: - FUN - daily xp/pvp (you like gangs? we do ^^) - sieges - clan hall + castle (xp scrolls anyone?) - x-rated open-minded conversations + access to government secrets - a strong cp that you can depend on and ppl you can trust - Probably a lot more but I'll think about it on the way PS: We're not looking for someone who will just occasionally log for 2-3h in prime time. We want active, motivated ppl who can adapt to situations. Pm or mail Nansey / pistolas in game Cheers!
We are looking for BP and SWS 70+ (but pref 76+) or drivers which can play our chars SWS 74 or BP 76. - Core players from party We are from Czech and two guys from Poland so We highly prefer someone from Czech/Slovakia or Poland but this is not necessity (We need just from you understand and little speak english) - We are meleee pt and almost everybody is 76+. - Our prime time is from 19:00 - 22:00/23:00 (it depends.. We dont have problem if you come later or you need sleep earlier) - We trying play everyday but sometimes We have day off cuz RL (ye RL sucs but you know...) - But still some epic contest, oly, sieges are important so We need some who can make time for it. - We are using TS in prime and facebook fap chat during day (We have there photos WizarDEAD hot fat biceps) - In prime time We are trying speak english but sometimes still czech spam.... - We prefer rly pvp players someone who crying about losing % can join Stiba army. Ally: WickedSick Clan: Perkunaz Party setup: Destro (fkin animal) Tyrant (no dmg) Plains Walker (mad pro dagger) Gladiator (polish malaka with big biceps) Warcryer (fat bastard) Elven Elder (just esspresso) Bladedancer (polish football hooligan) LF - Swordsinger (atm box no player for it) - We have 74 char rdy for you or if you have ur SWS no problem. LF - Bishop (owner has break atm and no clue when He will back) - We have 76 Bp so We need for now driver or someone with his own char. Some pvp noob movies Sometimes We are streaming or If you are interested PM here on forum or in-game "Pinkyska
Hello, archer cp looking for bd and sws. If u are intersted we have characters to drive. Prime time: 18 00 - 22/23 gmt+1 pm ingame "axelfoley or here.
Hi, eu archer cp looking for active bd, sws 65+ prime time: 18:00 gmt+1 - 22/23 00 gmt+1 we have characters to drive if u are interested. Feel free to pm me here or ingame Axelfoley
Hola a todos , estoy en busca de sws para cp MAGE lvl 64 + , se apoyara en lo que necesite en su momento y cuando lo requiera de preferencia Latino o Brasileño , dejar su post si estan en busca de cp , o mandar un email a iKooDee , muchas gracias Hi all, I'm looking for sws for cp MAGE lvl 64 +, will support what you need in your moment and when you prefer Latin or Brazilian, leave your post if you are looking for cp, or send an email to iKooDee, thank you very much
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Hello, eu archer cp looking for BD, SWS, EE 60+ We have character to drive, if someone is interested. Prime time: 18:00 - 23:00 feel free to pm me here or ingame axelfoley.
New CP recruitment 62+ A new mage CP is growing and all of you are needed!!! Lv 5 clan Phoenix is looking for new members mainly exping on AoE (10% bonus exp) CP NAME IS TRIVIAL You can propose your own name (votes will do the rest) Prime time: Monday to Friday 20.00-24.00 GMT+1 be active at least 3-4 days a week Weekends to be defined (YOU CAN COMMUNICATE YOUR DAYS DISPOSAL IN ORDER TO ORGANIZE IN ADVANCE PT) Tank/BD (✔) Sword singer (✔) WarLord (✔) DD mage (✔) Bishop (✔) DD Mage (✔) DD Mage (✔) Elver Elder (SLOT FREE) Over Lord (✔) SE (BOX) (✔) We can give you: 100% reliable and trustworthy persons help on gearing up Communication on Discord and ts Players with decent English (except Venu unfortunately) Wars and almost daily EXP Clan Hall Well organized clan policies Having a good time together What we want from you: SPEAK ENGLISH USE DISCORD Support CP and Clan Playing with us
Hello ppl I have some question about my future tank. 1) Is tk usefull? I dont see it a lot. 2) The skills of TK in classic wiki are the same here in 1.5 ? 3) Which weapond is better? sword or blunt?
Phoenix Clan Recruting active players 60+ Clan lv 5 with CH Ally:NONE Main Languages: Italian, English PRIMETIME: schedule starts at 5pm GMT+1.Mostly active from 19.00-00.00 GMT+1 Preferred classes: BD, SWS, FIGHTER DD For any info please contact: Venu, Ladymacbeth, Guidanz, z3llg4dis, p3rl4, bi0z
CloudyQ's Archer CP level average 70+ is looking for active SWS + WC/BP/EE Requitements: - Playing every 22:00 - 01:00 gmt +7 - English speaking and use TS3 - YOU MUST ENJOY PLAYING YOUR CLASS - Level minimum 68+ or play on our characters if u are interested. - Like to improve your character - You have to like to pvp - Not afraid of losing % - If you played that class before its big + - Loyal and follow CP leader's orders What you get from us: - Well spent time, fun healthy atmosphere, no dramas, everyone is friendly and willing to help - Endgame lvl CP with good competetive players on pvp with great knowledge about game - Good clan with 10% exp bonus, Aden clan hall and good cooperation between CPs Perkunas, WickedSick ally - Everyday exp and and great PvP - Items from CP - you need to focus on exp only - Character ready to play, if you dont have your own - Infos and advices from experienced players PM/Mail CloudyQ in game