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Double XP/SP weekend for stability issues past week? :3

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Now before all y'all start saying that this is a private server and we deserve nothing - you're right. I was just thinking it would be a nice gesture after all the stuff...

I mean. 1 year anniversary + numerous connection issues past week = double XP/SP weekend? Devs pls? %5E1.gif

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Now before all y'all start saying that this is a private server and we deserve nothing - you're right. I was just thinking it would be a nice gesture after all the stuff...

I mean. 1 year anniversary + numerous connection issues past week = double XP/SP weekend? Devs pls? %5E1.gif

​No. No exp boost at this server. Its already easy to reach decend lvls. 

Ive died alot due to lags, but standard Chest Box gift is enough. Bres, bsoe, scrolls.

Avoid double xp/sp or soon playing lose sense. Already there is shtload of SP boosts from event, alrdy too much.

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Now before all y'all start saying that this is a private server and we deserve nothing - you're right. I was just thinking it would be a nice gesture after all the stuff...

I mean. 1 year anniversary + numerous connection issues past week = double XP/SP weekend? Devs pls? %5E1.gif

​No. No exp boost at this server. Its already easy to reach decend lvls. 

Ive died alot due to lags, but standard Chest Box gift is enough. Bres, bsoe, scrolls.

Avoid double xp/sp or soon playing lose sense. Already there is shtload of SP boosts from event, alrdy too much.


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Now before all y'all start saying that this is a private server and we deserve nothing - you're right. I was just thinking it would be a nice gesture after all the stuff...

I mean. 1 year anniversary + numerous connection issues past week = double XP/SP weekend? Devs pls? %5E1.gif

​No. No exp boost at this server. Its already easy to reach decend lvls. 

Ive died alot due to lags, but standard Chest Box gift is enough. Bres, bsoe, scrolls.

Avoid double xp/sp or soon playing lose sense. Already there is shtload of SP boosts from event, alrdy too much.

​I dare to say it has absolutely nothing to do with XP/SP boosting items or anything related to it. You can't buy it, you can't rely on it, if they did it for this weekend already, nobody would expect it either. Servers has been running for 365+ days, if the XP was boosted for 2 days, technically it would mean that exp went on for 2 extra days. I see nothing wrong about it. I mean, we've got free teleport to trade zone, we've got newbie package with top weapon and soulshots, now there're even some extra exp herbs for newbies, and all this is a great stuff that keeps the server healthy... 

...But when there should be XP/SP for 2 days after almost 400 days people are upset about it for some reason, and I'm like 25.gifhttp: Don't get me wrong, I like when people keen on keeping this server as classic as possible, but cmon guys, think about it, nobody is getting XP cakes or something, there would be double rates for one weekend and next one would be probably for 2nd year anniversary :D Out of all custom things being added to the server, this would be probably the last one to intervene with the classic core of the server. 

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But ok, let's run down pros and cons just so we can come to the conclusion based on facts rather than our feelings.


  1. Basic public relations - people are upset about connection issues this week, give them a compensation that doesn't hurt anyone so they're less likely to leave because of it
  2. Return of the old players - if the XP/SP weekend is done next week, it can be advertised properly to target players who've left for various reasons. Seeing the XP/SP weekend can potentially make them give the server another shot, which can potentially lead to them seeing old friends which can potentially lead to them staying. Of course it's not handing out free Perils +16 (it's really just double XP/SP weekend, like, damn, guys), but unlike regular events it's extremelly short burst-based event that's even more likely to attract leavers.
  3. Auspicious environment for new players - again it's heavily depending on the advertisement, but if it's done properly, it can attract a lot of newbies. And this is working hand in hand with point (2), where these newbies see much more crowded cities -> are more likely to keep playing during the weekend, during which they can find some new friends to keep playing after the weekend ends. Becasue again, nothing really keeps you playing as much as having a friend here. "Herding" newbies in a specific time is extremelly effective in this way.


  1. Somewhat uninteresting ammount of gloomy faces - well apparently some extremelly conservative classic enthusiasts could eventually frown upon the idea of having 2 extra days of exp after over a year of playtime which none of them, under any circumstanes, would actually be anywhere close to even considering to leave the server because everyone reasonable enough to switch on a computer realizes it's not a big deal.


Ok now that you have it nicely listed rather than instinctively thinking 'more XP = bad', let's make another vote :)

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  1. Somewhat uninteresting ammount of gloomy faces - well apparently some extremelly conservative classic enthusiasts could eventually frown upon the idea of having 2 extra days of exp after over a year of playtime which none of them, under any circumstanes, would actually be anywhere close to even considering to leave the server because everyone reasonable enough to switch on a computer realizes it's not a big deal.


Ok now that you have it nicely listed rather than instinctively thinking 'more XP = bad', let's make another vote :)

i dont get why people dont want such things as double weekend, datplay wth? there cant be anything that makes u not to want it, more ppl will come to exp = more pvp at spots.


same to hellhound jumping on ppl asking for some easiness, WAKE UP GUYS u are in late 70s while ppl who will benefit from that are in their early 40s what the hell is wrong with you

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Now before all y'all start saying that this is a private server and we deserve nothing - you're right. I was just thinking it would be a nice gesture after all the stuff...

I mean. 1 year anniversary + numerous connection issues past week = double XP/SP weekend? Devs pls? %5E1.gif

​No. No exp boost at this server. Its already easy to reach decend lvls. 

Ive died alot due to lags, but standard Chest Box gift is enough. Bres, bsoe, scrolls.

Avoid double xp/sp or soon playing lose sense. Already there is shtload of SP boosts from event, alrdy too much.

​Lets keep throwing those brez chests out so that players can abuse this, spend 1 hour make 500 toons and have a brez's for the rest of their characters life. Free clan rep for 2.0 skills etc.

I support XP cakes as a "sorry for the inconvenience guys!", even though yes in no means necessary are we entitled to that. We are lucky enough playing a free to play server with an above & beyond staff. Incidents like this are bound to happen eventually. The only question is, how are proxies being fixed?

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  1. Somewhat uninteresting ammount of gloomy faces - well apparently some extremelly conservative classic enthusiasts could eventually frown upon the idea of having 2 extra days of exp after over a year of playtime which none of them, under any circumstanes, would actually be anywhere close to even considering to leave the server because everyone reasonable enough to switch on a computer realizes it's not a big deal.

​i believe the right term in this case would be elitists afraid of competition.


looks like someone is very scared about the idea of other people catching up in levels and eventually stealing their hero in 2.0.

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Double exp weekends is more like double pvp weekends. 
(More people will want to exp, therefore more competition for spots.)

Pvp is bad. 

And honestly, if someone wants to take your hero, they'll just class transfer their PP box alt. 

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