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The Valentine's Chest Event Rewards !!!

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Good News Everyone !!!

The Valentine's Chest Event is here !!

For event details check the event thread:   

I did an experiment by opening few aa5.png Valentine's Gift Box! The results are the following:


Type Reward 1 Try 2 Try 3 Try 4 Try Chance (%) Estimation (%) Estimation by type (%)
Quick Helaing Potion 44 50 52 276 4,689 5
Consumeables (23%)
Blessed Scroll of Escape 16 22 13 88 1,544 2
Blessed Scroll of Resurrection 9 5 7 51 0,800 1
Small Firecracker 119 110 90 618 10,411 10
Large Firecracker 54 51 42 311 5,089 5
Buff Scrolls
Berseker 40 27 29 190 3,178 3
Buff Scrolls (51%)
Bless the Body 43 35 26 187 3,233 3
Bless the Soul 32 27 32 173 2,933 3
Clarity 37 24 38 188 3,189 3
Death Wisper 32 28 39 181 3,111 3
Focus 26 31 23 162 2,689 3
Greater Acumen 32 31 32 188 3,144 3
Guidance 39 21 29 174 2,922 3
Haste 28 38 27 161 2,822 3
Magic Barrier 27 37 33 239 3,733 4
Might 24 30 45 204 3,367 3
Mystic Empower 33 24 34 180 3,011 3
Shield 30 48 39 247 4,044 4
Vampiric Rage 23 27 28 194 3,022 3
Wild Magic 28 34 40 192 3,267 3
Wind Walk 22 43 38 240 3,811 4
Buff Packs
1 Class Buff Scroll 37 37 27 223 3,600 3,6
Buff Packs (6,5%)
2 Class Buff Scroll 32 17 30 177 2,844 2,9
Enchants and Runes
Enchant Armor D 25 28 23 149 2,500 2,5
Enchants and Runes (7,5%)
Enchant Armor C 15 29 31 129 2,267 2,3
Sealed Rune lvl 1 28 27 27 161 2,700 2,7
XP/SP Scrolls
XP/SP: Low (30%) 31 38 38 199 3,400 3,5
XP/SP Scrolls (11%)
XP/SP: Normal (50%) 40 28 26 177 3,011 3
XP/SP: Medium (70%) 18 31 24 144 2,411 2,5
XP/SP: High (100%) 25 12 28 137 2,244 2
Aesthetic Items
Feline King Hat 6 1 6 23 0,400 0,4
Aesthetic Items (1%)
Feline Queen Hat 4 6 3 30 0,478 0,4
Agathion - Juju 1 3 1 7 0,133 0,2
  Total 1000 1000 1000 6000 100,000 100  

PD: Take care with your inventory because if it is full or you got more than 90% weight you may loose the items. Fixed the inventory issues (since x-mas event), thanks for your work !

Edited by Budesca

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I rly like the idea of this scientist acc and showing chance for event items. I would love it ot be extended and showing chances and tests for other stuff aswell :x.

But this event... Hard to coment. i farmed 1h and got 4 event items (need 12 for valentine box). Then if ill farm 2h more mby ill collect event items and get guidance buf scrol. Why are there even these buf scrols, i think there should be buff set scrols, you use 1 scrol and u get 12 buffs or smth. nobody use 1 buff scrol except mby ww, vr, emp, acumen, clar, wm... ead and eac thats max 200k. Brez and bsoe is cool but only 1-2% chance. Exp scrols are nice by only 10% chance to get any and event items drop rly hard (atleast on forsaken). ANd this 10% exp buff for 20 min with 12h reuse... Shouldnt it be 20 min buff 1h reuse or 4h buff 12h reuse and atleast 20%? ;/

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In my opinion the item rewards need a update. In older patch, the buff scrolls were very strong but now you always have party or buff because is easy to get the buffs from scrolls except for clarity 3 and vampiric rage 4 (the bless the body/soul lvl 6 are hard also). I would remove scrolls of buff because i think they are oriented to soloing/new players (at high lvl going alone is rare) and those are not using them because is greater to sell the event items than getting it for themselves. About buff packs, they should remain but i think they were greater before when u can trade them and they give the highest buffs for warriors, mages and mixed (Beers <3). The first class scrolls and second class scrolls are weak in my opinion. 

In the other hand, adding the XP/SP scrolls are very nice thing as a reward. Those suit greater with the 2.0 patch and helps everyone regarding of level.  

About runes and enchants, the event impact compared to the Olympiad/Epic Raid Boss rewards is low. You can get 3 EAB per month just playing 11 matches at olympiad with any char lvl 55+. To get 3 EAB at the event limited time, you need to work much harder. (I'm not talking about Improved scrolls). I think enchant scrolls and runes must remain.

For ending, the aesthetic items are the greatest of the events, and for me are a really good job from the admins. They are as hard as cool, to make anyone who wants them to farm hard or buy event items. I missed comenting the consumeables (firecrackers, potions, bsoe, bsor... ). for me those are minor rewards (firecrackers are a nice way to say try again) and they are working fine.  

In conclusion, the events are great and help the server. An this is why i make this guide, because I enjoy opening boxes and I want this cool agathion that can enlarge your head and uses firecrackers and it is so cute and I love it !!!

PD: Thanks for your work, we know the staff is working hard in this server and I appreciate it so much. Making fully balanced game is so hard and there is always people who is unhappy with anything (even if it's balanced). Anyways, I think this is the best server I ever played (and i'm playing for more than ten years).   

Edited by Budesca
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  On 2/12/2018 at 12:12 PM, Rizos said:

I rly like the idea of this scientist acc and showing chance for event items. I would love it ot be extended and showing chances and tests for other stuff aswell :x.

But this event... Hard to coment. i farmed 1h and got 4 event items (need 12 for valentine box). Then if ill farm 2h more mby ill collect event items and get guidance buf scrol. Why are there even these buf scrols, i think there should be buff set scrols, you use 1 scrol and u get 12 buffs or smth. nobody use 1 buff scrol except mby ww, vr, emp, acumen, clar, wm... ead and eac thats max 200k. Brez and bsoe is cool but only 1-2% chance. Exp scrols are nice by only 10% chance to get any and event items drop rly hard (atleast on forsaken). ANd this 10% exp buff for 20 min with 12h reuse... Shouldnt it be 20 min buff 1h reuse or 4h buff 12h reuse and atleast 20%? ;/

wanna lvl? try harder,dont look at scrolls

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Guys, event is not something which should boost high level players even more than they are right now. It should be available for all players. It just something you get on top of the things you normally do. I actually think that the christmas event was a big shit with all those enchants a stuff. What do you expect to get? BEWB when you are 76 or?

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we expect to get smth worth to upload client. Daily coins, eab, toi crystal by energy, or if not items worth atleast any adena then decent exp buff to be 1h reuse and 20% exp for 20 min or smth like that not this useless thing we have. Nobody benefits from this event, nor lowbies, nor high lvls.

Edited by Rizos
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  On 2/12/2018 at 1:54 PM, Budesca said:

PD: Thanks for your work, we know the staff is working hard in this server and I appreciate it so much. Making fully balanced game is so hard and there is always people who is unhappy with anything (even if it's balanced). Anyways, I think this is the best server I ever played (and i'm playing for more than ten years).   

are... the best of the BEST! :P they dont need any words... just play here and enjoy! :)

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  On 2/12/2018 at 11:10 PM, HelenGirro said:

Guys, event is not something which should boost high level players even more than they are right now. It should be available for all players. It just something you get on top of the things you normally do. I actually think that the christmas event was a big shit with all those enchants a stuff. What do you expect to get? BEWB when you are 76 or?

But you understand that if event is bad for high level community, low level community also dont get much benefit, because high level players dont buy items or buy them too cheap?

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  On 2/13/2018 at 7:59 AM, ProGressive said:

But you understand that if event is bad for high level community, low level community also dont get much benefit, because high level players dont buy items or buy them too cheap?

Yeah I do understand that, but look what happened after christmas event.

For example those EAD and EAC from this event are much more beneficial for low levels than high lvls. I just dont agree with an idea to give something extra to highest players or treat them with some extra things. I was on the both sides (highest lvl, and now lower lvl) and I know it sucks for high levels, but look at it with reason.

High levels have plenty of rewards from this event, which benefit them too. Like QHP, bsoe, bress, sealed runes, XP scrolls, aesthetics.


If those things are tradable (which I dont know yet as I did not farm since the event start), low level players can still sell those items cuz they dont need them now. For example runes should be a good income for new low level players and high level players do buy them.


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  On 2/13/2018 at 10:32 AM, HelenGirro said:

Yeah I do understand that, but look what happened after christmas event.

For example those EAD and EAC from this event are much more beneficial for low levels than high lvls. I just dont agree with an idea to give something extra to highest players or treat them with some extra things. I was on the both sides (highest lvl, and now lower lvl) and I know it sucks for high levels, but look at it with reason.

High levels have plenty of rewards from this event, which benefit them too. Like QHP, bsoe, bress, sealed runes, XP scrolls, aesthetics.


If those things are tradable (which I dont know yet as I did not farm since the event start), low level players can still sell those items cuz they dont need them now. For example runes should be a good income for new low level players and high level players do buy them.


Rune: 2,7% chance, selling price: 250-300k 
QHP: useless here, can only be used for HP regen when out of combat
BSOE, BRESS: 1-2% untradeable as far as I know
XP scrolls: also untradeable
Aesthetics: untradable (unless they changed it)

All in all there's basically nowhere for newbies to make profit on. Event should work as a kickstart for newbies but right now it fails to do so. Even the buff scrolls are untradable afaik.

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yesterday i exped like 8h, i collected items for 2 event boxes. I got 1 ead and 3 firecrackers :D. Lowbie would have like 3000 ssd for price of that ead after exping 8h? sounds like strong kickstart


Edited by Rizos
  • Haha 1

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What I know and remember at my High-Five @Naia/GoD period for such event for lowbies was to sold every event item collected to make adena and let high-level people play with the RNG boxes.

But if here the boxes aren't usefull for HL and lowbies there's no way to satisfy anyone ...

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event should reward with exp scrolls/Clocks/2nd Class buff Scrolls
This way no matter what level you are 20 or 79 you can enjoy the event and make profits from it :)

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  On 2/13/2018 at 11:31 AM, Rizos said:

yesterday i exped like 8h, i collected items for 2 event boxes. I got 1 ead and 3 firecrackers :D. Lowbie would have like 3000 ssd for price of that ead after exping 8h? sounds like strong kickstart


selling the event collectibles they could have some "help", idk how much people will sell it, pls be the same price as the xmass xD

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