
1x/2x rates, no boxing, biddable monthly clanhalls

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  On 12/7/2022 at 1:29 PM, Fortuna said:

I mean, you'd wish they spend them on CHs and not something that would actually benefit them and hard snowball their lead. That's one of the big points of this system. It gives clans a consistent adena sink so they don't stack too many adena. 

Also, this is not interlude, adena are much harder to farm, because spots are limited so you have to fight for almost everything, plus you can't make gigantic destro pulls.

Denying your enemies and anyone who might stick their heads out a CH is a pretty huge way to gain an advantage in PvP.

What happens if a top-tier clan just wants to fuck with a mid-tier clan for some reason and out-bid wherever they bid. That mid-tier clan is out of  CH for a month? I could see that implicitly dissuading mid-tier clans from joining pvp. "Why should we stick out heads up and try to ninja an AQ if it means we won't have a CH next month?"

The alternative of having the GMs monitoring clan activity and putting inactive CHs up for auction every so often is a much better way to do things imo.


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  On 12/7/2022 at 1:51 PM, Rip said:

Without the biddable CH every month, what's stopping the top 10 clans to just put adena on alt clans and bid for 4+ CHs at the server beginning?

This no biddable system really promotes hard core clans while punishing casual/mid-tier clans.

If those clans go inactive, the GMs should put the CH up for auction.


Inactivity could be a combination of rules base ("X characters logging in each month") as well as GM subjectivity (are they just standing AFK in CH to look active?)

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  On 12/7/2022 at 2:02 PM, Gabe said:

If those clans go inactive, the GMs should put the CH up for auction.


Inactivity could be a combination of rules base ("X characters logging in each month") as well as GM subjectivity (are they just standing AFK in CH to look active?)

If I was top clan leader and bought 4 clan halls at the beginning I would invite boxes - buffers, rechargers and other shit in those clans or I could just rotate one cp in those clans - 1 day in clan X1, 1 day clan X2... then back to main clan, repeat after month. In the end it would be just admins' decision which would lead to some big dramas and clans leaving server. 

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  On 12/7/2022 at 2:17 PM, Rip said:

If I was top clan leader and bought 4 clan halls at the beginning I would invite boxes - buffers, rechargers and other shit in those clans or I could just rotate one cp in those clans - 1 day in clan X1, 1 day clan X2... then back to main clan, repeat after month. In the end it would be just admins' decision which would lead to some big dramas and clans leaving server. 

Then that's an active clan... A clan with buffers, rechargers, etc is fine if they are logging in and doing stuff. 

If the clan is active enough to rotate entire CPs through a clan and back to the main clan, then they are most certainly active enough to keep their CH. They shouldn't lose it.

I am talking about when a Clan totally quits and becomes inactive (or has like 1 guy log in, add adena to CWH, afk for a bit then log out). 


If the GM puts an inactive clan up for auction, who will really care but those inactive players? Having inactive players who don't even play the game bitch and moan about GM Decisions is still much more preferable to....

1) Mid-Tier clans being dissuaded from joining in on End-Game PvP
2) Mass PvP being limited on a month where a top-tier clan gets overbidded or leader forgets to bid or some shit.
3) Having to place a down-to-the-last-minute bid every month that greatly impacts your clan

Find a solution to those three problems and I'll hop on the Monthly Clan Hall Bidding wagon


Edited by Gabe

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weekly maintenance fee for CHs
low tier CH - 100kk/week
mid tier CH - 200kk/week
top tier CH - 300kk/week

even if admins dont change the amount of ppl in clan (which helps solve problem of hugging too many clan halls), if you are active clan, you wont have problem to pay the rent (40 ppl mid-tier clan, everyone tips in 2kk a week for CH and they can get low tier CH, if they by any chance increase slots for clans from 40 to 80 lets say, its 1kk per month per member for low tier CH, which is same like others on club just sh1ttier location)
top clans will decide twice if they want to bid for box CHs and pay the 400kk/month maintenance fee for their box inactive clan for low tier CH
is it too much for starters? then dont bid for CH very first week or very first month and bid once you know your clan is ready to support the CH fees, suddenly you cant pay fees? no worries, with these prices CHs will rotate and i doubt every CH will be taken non stop, so you can again bid for other CH once your clan is again ready to bid

Edited by MoDoy

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1. A primeira parte que fala sobre os clã é totalmente viável e interessante. Concordo que manter tudo na mão de grandes clãs as vezes os torna muito fortes e inalcançáveis por outros players. Até hoje no servidor que está ativo tem clãs que não estão on há mais de 4 anos e ainda possuem clã hall, completamente absurdo não permitir que algo útil aos jogadores fique inacessível. Concordo que a rotatividade desses CH seria muito interessante.

2. A parte das "boxex" não acho ideal restringir os jogadores há apenas uma. O jogo sim, se torna mais interessante junto aos "amigos"; "cp"; "clã"; "ally", porém, como o Sano falou em sua resposta, nem todos tem tempo para jogar e passar por exemplo 4 horas em uma "prime". Restringir esse publico ao uso de apenas uma "box" tornaria o jogo monótono e difícil para novos agregados do servidor. "Mas existe a party room para isso". Errado! Eu, como a maioria das pessoas quando viemos para o club há 5/6 anos atrás, e não tinhamos uma "cp" "clã" para jogarmos em grupo, ficávamos o vários minutos esperando uma "party room" ser formada. No meu caso, tenho tempo disponível para jogar, mas falo de pessoas que tem 1h por dia para se distrair ou fazer algo que goste dentro do jogo. Acredito que o publico em sua maioria que ainda permanece jogando o lineage 2, tenha uma faixa etárias acima de 25 anos de idade, trabalha e geralmente não tem tanto tempo disponível para se dedicar ao jogo. Restringir um jogador a passar o tempo procurando "party room" ou algo do tipo, limita muito mais ainda o tempo de diversão.

3. Outra coisa que precisa ser mencionada é o horário fixo de "RAID BOSS", privilegiando um certo grupo de jogadores que jogam em determinados horários específicos do jogo. Vou lembrar aqui uns anos atrás quando liberaram os "Bosses" de "Silent Valley", ficou restrito apenas a "sides" fortes e dominantes do jogo. Usavam o termo "Closed Silent Valley", impedindo a entrada de qualquer jogador, mesmo que o mesmo estivesse apenas farmando em monstros e ignorando os "Bosses", distribuiam "PK" em todos, o que desistimulou muitos jogadores na época e interferiu drasticamente no numero de jogadores ativos do jogo. Restringir jogadores ao uso de apenas 1 "box" não permitirá que ele consiga fazer um "farm" ao menos decente com um "buff" básico ou algo do gênero.

A "staff" é competente o suficiente para fazer uma boa gestão, se não, o jogo não estaria online durantes 7 anos. 

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Used to play casually on reborn. Every time I saw someone around level 15-50. Many of solo players there are playing buffers main. When I told my friends to come play on Dion with me they usually end up saying: there's a dual box, I won't have many opportunities there (because they also like to take a ride with a homo+16 guy)

Edited by Dion

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