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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/05/15 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    As we promised, we present you our plan in which we will describe in details our advertising campaign. Dear friends! Innovative advertising is a constant race and we are leaders in this area, because we approach any task very professionally and analyzing all the actions. The World is changing, Lineage is changing itself and its advertising is also changing. We are investing a huge advertising budget to show everyone all the charm of FREE to PLAY Classic. We are focused on advertising for all the countries so you can make friends from all over the World. Administer your geopolitics and fight for power over the World! We don't "feed" every website our advertisiment. We take only the best positions. By learning and investigating the statistics and analysis of the traffic, we pick only effective sources of traffic, with real players, not bots! Where you will see our adverising: Your email adress! We are proud of the amount of email newsletters that we are capable of sending at the moment. Due to our databases and databases of partners, most of all Lineage 2 players will receive an invitation to our new server! L2 Raitings / Announcers: We placed information about our server in over 50 raitings and announce websites for a lot of people to be informed and join this amazing and unforgettable Cassic journey! We picked only best places, such as la2.mmotop, l2jBrasil, l2topzone, maxcheaters, pmfun, l2oops, l2op, la2top and many many more. Next we want to share with you some of our positions so you can see it yourself. http://la2.mmotop.ru/ http://l2topzone.com/ http://maxcheaters.com/ http://forum.pmfun.com http://teamzone.team-talk.net/ http://zhyk.ru/ http://top.l2jbrasil.com/ http://l2oops.com/ http://l2op.ru/ http://new-lineage.ru/ http://la2-anons.ru/ http://pickns.ru/ http://la2top.net/ http://l2anons.ru/ And many more will be added very soon! Contextual advertising! Google/Yandex: Indeed targeted ads, if you have ever wrote into the search engine the word "Lineage" - we will find you! This advertising will not stop even after the start of the server and will keep bringing a lot of old chronicle fans to our server! Coming soon! Social networks: We are prepareing to run big Facebook campaign and promote our Facebook page in a very intence way. Skype mailing: We have collected database of active players for very long period of time and we are now happy to invite them all to our Lineage 2 Classic World. Sorry for the spam All of above has a price, but there is one thing that is really priceless! It's the respect of Lineage2Classic to each player, and a desire to see him on our server!
  2. 1 point
    BroderSkap Форум клана: broderskap.ru На форуме сможете найти информацию о клане и при желание примкнуть к нему. Вот несколько цитат с форума Клана. Если их прочесть, можно ответить самим себе на большинство стандартных вопросов. Взято со страничке нашего форума "о клане" Цитата из "Набор в Клан" Заинтересовавшиеся могут писать на форум, пообщаемся.
  3. 1 point
    server is hosted on central Europe, but there will be lot of different proxies available. so every country will have a choice of getting the proxy that better fits its needs in order to not have high pings in game.
  4. 1 point
    There is a saying in my country, something like "Don't say 'hop' until you jump" or "until you land safely ". EDIT: "Don't count your chicken untill the eggs hatch" is the english version. I'd suggest you try that again, but without soulshots and with novice weapon (or something really cheap, like a grade and a half below your level).
  5. 1 point
    ​1. на старте будет 1.0, со временем перейдёт на 2.0 - как и должно быть. 1.1. Вот база знаний по классику, тут должно быть как на ней, но с завышенными рейтами. Нажми на меня 2. Да 3. Квесты хз не тестировал. 4. Пока что хз. Сначала говорили что будет Ru\Eng клиент, теперь пишут только Eng 5. Ручками. 6. Прем акк будет, цен и т.д. не известно. 7. База знаний ла2классик в пункте 1.1.
  6. 1 point
    ​I use win 10 with no problem, but first i got problem too, to solve problem i install this: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40784
  7. 1 point
    ​Please send me error screen at skype: koll.classic
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    I have a very old software (sort of wikiLineage) from when I played C1, it's very old but I can upload it if you want. It has info on lots of mobs, items, quests, classes, etc.
  10. 1 point
    To be able to dualbox you ll need to get a premium account but that's not the point. The point is why dualbox by yourself when you can socialize with others?