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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/16 in Posts

  1. 10 points
    Greetings, L2Classic.club administration and players! I started playing on this server 2 weeks ago and now registered on the forum to give my vote in the poll. But after reading all 5 pages of the topic, I couldn't resist and write this letter. And for administration and for players. It's gonna be long, so I'm sorry in advance for your eyes and time, but of course not forcing anyone to read it. I would want to start from many years ago, 7 to be correct, when I was a member of the team, running lineage 2 server. It was not big comparing to big dogs out there, but had stable 800 online. But 5 years ago our boss and server owner closed the project, which still had good numbers of people. And the reason was completely dumb for players, but understandable for us. And that reason was - lack of joy from what we were doing, lack of people appreciation, lack of support from players and simple understanding and ability to place themself to our place for a bit sometimes. No, of course not everyone was like that, we had a lot of really good and supportive players, but the negative part just won. The money were good, but its impossible to work days and nights without seeing good enough outcome. Well, enough about me, with all I wrote I just wanted to explain why I can place myself on this server administrators position. I wasn't playing lineage 2 for years, but start of EU classic made me curious and gave a hope to see that lineage I fell in love with 13 years ago. But innova couldn't make it any good unless you are playing just to play on off server (yes, there are a lot of players like that and I never could understand it). So I started research to find private classic server. Found one (won't call its name to not go against rules), but its dead, with dead forum with just admins posting fixes lists. So I continued searching. Found second, which will open during this spring. But forum activity, made by admin and 10 more users didn't left any positive emotions and after seeing that administration there is going to put google ads on their site, made it clear that instead of working on community and pride, they will work for money. And again, without getting any from 50 players, which won't be happy with situation on the server, will just quit. So I came here. I wasn't any optimistic since the server is 4 months old and in today reality servers are rarely living for that long with any good online and was surprised when logged in game. Still, forum with a lot of negativity made me nervous and start thinking if this server worth playing or everything is bad. I don't like to waste my time. So I started to read the forum, added admins in Skype contacts and had few talks. And now I'm playing here. And the reasons are simple. I liked the guys and a girl admins, they were always there to answer my questions as well as they are answering on everything on the forum, they are polite, they are open to any dialogue and respect their players. Well, not everything and not always is perfect, but who is perfect? And they were making mistakes. But again - only the ones who is not working are not making mistakes. And i loved that every their movement, act were explained by them, even when they were not needing it. And it means a lot. You won't find any other project like this one out there. Not a single classic server is any close to this one, and if players would show more support instead of negative on every corner, I believe it will become even better. Support is always making miracles. I don't know why a lot of players are not willing to see all the good admins here are building, but with any time reason trying to point on minuses, as they think. Maybe its lack of education, lack of wisdom, tolerance, respect to other people work, being spoiled with all this amount of servers, being opened every day. I really don't know. But I want to ask everyone, who is playing on this server, just for a minute look at the bright side. With all ups and downs server is still running, admins are doing their job, entertaining you, interacting with you, helping you. And not only 8 hours per day. They are here during the day, evening, night and morning. And, as I read on the thread about them, they have familys and even kids. No one would give so much time to the server without loving his job, loving what he is doing, and i see them giving their hearts to the server. Support them. Stop writing negative, it might scare players, who is new here as it almost did to me. Talk, talk a lot. And not always it has to be negative posts on forums. Even bugs, report them privately, so others can't abuse them till its fixed and new players will see less. Stop being a user and become a part of it. Help admins in building always growing, strong, interesting to play server with big population. And believe me, you will be first ones winning. If everyone will bring just 1 brick, it can be enough to build a home. Home for you and many other players with who you will have a lot of fun together. And I truly hope my brick will be added to the basement of this new growing home and you will join me. Once again I want to say sorry for such a long message, but I wish this server all the best and want to support people working here. I know how they might feel sometime and I don't want this server to repeat the story of my project 6 years ago. And I still want to believe in people's understanding and a bit of support. With kind regards, AntiHate
  2. 3 points
    Call the Lineage II police, this man got a d grade boot drop. omg nerf the rates!!!1111​ Great, back to the clown fiesta spellbook drop rates. I don't even know why I am playing if I will just have to spend 5 levels trying to get a spirit sharing drop off a unicorn in 1.5. I love how everyone was complaining that they didn't have the 1.3 update, now everyone wants it reverted. 10/10
  3. 2 points
    ​100k adena? call the cops! After 40 hours of farming you can finally afford one spellbook! WOW op pls nerf gms
  4. 2 points
    Beautiful words , this is the best server currently...
  5. 2 points
    Thanks for the kind words, i also share the same sentiment (old L2 server admin, 1000+ users, disenchanted with the reality of servers, and much more), but now i feel quite hopeful of this server, given the admins are quite active and knowledgeable, so i really hope users can take into account that and try to avoid creating negative feedback.
  6. 1 point
    And make it so you have to be level 50+ in order to vote. This is ridiculous, a bunch of pre level 40s determining what end game will be like. Its a clown fiesta. Just because they're getting "FULL D GRADE BOOT DROPS / 100k AN HOUR" ROFL They're all going to quit in 3 weeks anyways.
  7. 1 point
    Hello! Please submit a ticket to support via account manager and explain everything there. If it was stolen, you will get it back.   Best regards
  8. 1 point
    ​i posted this in the vote thread, and i am now will tell you, last night becoz our lazy main DD didnt update the game before so we had to wait almost 2 hours for him to finish his update process, so we started late, its about 10:00 PM, we just want to go for a few rounds then get to bed, we finished our farmming day in next 1 and a half hour, guess what we got ? 7 EAC, 1 EWB, 1 zubel breastplate, 1 ring of seal, tons of mats, 1 akame's plated gaiter we all agree that was not good, so i run staight to koll on skype and beg him to fix it, i mean it, i litterally beg him to fix before its too late, and thank god, thanks to our players, they did restart sv and fix to x1 you have to be there to understand the situation which we had, its urgent, it had to be done right away
  9. 1 point
    @ qioc01 u missunderstood my post, its to think about why the changes in the original patch was made. For the donations i have to say everyone who does a online f2p titel or projekt has to know what this means if ur not inform urself about players and donations in a way who pays and who not than just sry. In my job i had to do such decisions every day when we work on a gameprojekt and monetarisation for it. There are a few basics u allways have to mind and just one simple example is the 1% rule so try to force players to donate will not work. But anyway i love this server like it as it is atm and will stay here cause L2 was my first mmo in 2004 and i love it since this time And why people write Ru in an int forum^^?
  10. 1 point
    Server is offline, you got the message that we are restarting.
  11. 1 point
    ребят монстры стали сильнее !!!!! адена, падение вещей, ресурсов стало больше все здесь по балансу. тут спорить нечего, либо вернуть мобов и адену в тоже значение какое было либо нечего не трогать . Не нужно устраивать голимую фришку из сервера сделанного по оффу.
  12. 1 point
    ​lol, go back to school on reading lessons. Ppl under lv was like 2-3 maybe in that pool. Im 50+ on all characters in this 5h of farming had like 15 full drops at begining of DV 1/2 train = fulldrop of top C grades, so honestly get over with ur next pool voting, nobody wanted in that topic to stay x3 who was over lv 50. My whole CP of 50+ can tell u same thing, that they would not play on such crap droprate where u can drop whole set in 2h when the 1st ones took them 3 months to do it. GL to u, rates ill stay x1, u can end ur journey, i ill stay
  13. 1 point
    Hi admins, Since there are so many changes in terms of drop/spoil items, could you update the feature showing drop/spoil list on mobs so players can determine the right mobs they need to hunt, or find out wrong drops on mobs?
  14. 1 point
    Before i logged into game yesterday i voted x3. After few trains in Dv i changed my mind. Every train = full drop. We dropped like 5-6 items including full plate helmets (x2), shields, boots and armor. Im sure that drop rate (x3) will kill the economy of the serwer. Leave the XP x3 and drop x1 pliz!!
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    ​ same here, nothing personal, but ​you act like a kid. i play here 4 hours a day and only 5 days in a week. i am 54 lvl and have top C and B grade sets/items like all my CP. watch this and make conclusions ;-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-sfG8BV8wU Completely agree with Chukaviy. The main reason I came here to play is x3( and I believe you too, or you just don't have money to pay for EU official).So your point of x1 doesn`t seem reasonable. ​x3 cuz I don't have time to play even "4 hours a day and only 5 days in a week" as you was saying, that's all my free time after work. And you who ALREADY have all the items, you wish to make it x1 so ppl have to farm for months. And till they farm, what you gonna do ? Right, you will get bored and leave cuz of low population( as an option ). My position is - leave it x3, and establish the work of patch releases. Just be behind of 1 - 2 max patches of official. If you want a growing and prosperous server hire a programmers to I`ll say it again "establish the work of patch releases", if you cant handle it yourself. You shouldn't say in sept 2015 we working on 2.0 and in march 2016 we are late on deadline of 1.3. You giving false hope, and it seems like you are lying, that's why ppl angry.
  17. 1 point
    People can't talk about rates and dropping without realizing that the mob HP skyrocketed for elite mobs. Go fight mobs in Cruma and pay attention to the amount of damage it takes to kill them. Drop went up, but so did effort to kill.
  18. 1 point
    если всё уж так сильно затянется, давайте сделаем компромис, что-бы сервер процветал и онлайн оставался и только рос вверх, в этом случае можно сделать х2, среднее решение ____________________________________________________________ if everything is already so much delayed, let's make a compromise, something to the server prospered and remained online and only grew up, in which case you can do x2, the average solution
  19. 1 point
    More than 80% of the people wanting 1x drops aren't even above level 40 yet. Why not make it so you have to be level 52+ in order to vote for adena / drop rates? Getting a buckskin boot full drop doesn't mean shit in this game. I am 100% sure half of these kids are going to quit in 3 weeks, just like 1.0. What a clown fiesta.
  20. 1 point
    Hi I heard this server was 3x. If you're going to change the server this much, why not just add beast shots while you're at it?
  21. 1 point
    The server is mostly Russian/Hispanics, the two most toxic kind of players in any game and that's also where most of the complaints are coming from. IMO the team is doing a good job and like others have said I haven't found any private servers as close to as good as this one. Admins have been getting a lot of flak about the updates but really they just need to brush off the negativity and not let it get to them. The complainers are a minority although they're very vocal.
  22. 1 point
    drop x1 kill online on this server x3 only x3!!!!
  23. 1 point
    ONLY X3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. 1 point
    Need Change name Server. L2 classic club X1
  25. 1 point
    ​nothing personal, but i see here only bla bla bla
  26. 1 point
    Why do so many people vote for x1? I think that are people who have already achieved everything and now talk about hardcore, but if you want all that x1, why they came here? Go on the official server, there is a real hardcore. I came to this server because rates x3, and I do not have time to play for 8 hours a day at x1. In the administration probably also their interests, since they are so easy to change rates. It's a shame, because tomorrow may vote for x50, or something else. Freeshard, such freeshard...
  27. 1 point
    the polls open for decision are not randomly created by players but by us. we give you to choose the things we think it will be possible for us to change in a way to make the game more pleasant for you. but dont go under the impression that you can still decide everything that happens on the server. as i said before, we like to share our opinions with you, and we like to listen to the opinions you have to give, but in this post no opinion was asked about any rollback or wipes or wtv else... in here we ask for a democratic answer in a way to choose the rates that will be applied in the server for the future. We already said that there will be no roll back or wipes or wtv else weird shenanigans you guys talk about there. the only thing it will happen tomorrow is: either the rates stay as it is now, or they will be changed for the option that bigger part of the community chose.   Dont make us change our mind into thinking we cannot count on you guys and girls to be grown ups and take part in our decisions. for me personally it would just be way easier to come here and make a post saying "rates will be changed to x1 for better balance and server longevity" lock the topic and problm solved. instead we create topics where we give you options... dont make me think we are wrong on doing so.  
  28. 1 point
    omg no coment at 1.3 and 1.5 rate is up ....... come B grade 3x mats for itams GG nice disbalance
  29. 1 point
    make it x1, we survived til now and all was fine, if sh1t gets easy it gets boring.
  30. 1 point
    Hello to All Mates. What do You think about changing inceptive screen to more ClassicBase. I mean this : To: P.S. This is just my opinion. Thank You for Yours time to look at this.
  31. 1 point
    Spellbooks for the new skill will be available by drop in the following monsters: ITEMMONSTERAMOUNTCHANCELOCATION     Spellbook: Break DuressGiant Monster Eye10.01% - 0.05%Sea of Spores     Spellbook: Stigma of ShilenManashen Gargoyle10.01% - 0.05%Ivory Tower Crater     Spellbook: Advanced BlockGiant Fungus10.01% - 0.05%Sea of Spores     Spellbook: Divine PowerRotting Golem10.01% - 0.05%Sea of Spores     Spellbook: Mystic ImmunityFline Elder10.01% - 0.05%Enchanted Valley     Spellbook: HideSatyr10.01% - 0.05%Enchanted Valley     Spellbook: Imortal LifeForest Runner10.01% - 0.05Enchanted Valley     Spellbook: Fell SwoopFline10.05% - 0.1%Enchanted Valley     Spellbook: Dual Weapon DefenseLiele10.01% - 0.05%Enchanted Valley     Amulet: Chant of MovementDire Wyrm10.01% - 0.05%Sea of Spores     Amulet: Pa'agrio's HonorSatyr10.05 - 0.1Enchanted Valley     Amulet: Ritual of LifeFline Elder10.01% - 0.05%Enchanted Valley     Spellbook: AegisTarlk Basilisk10.01% - 0.05%Outlaw Forest Oel Mahum Warrior10.01% - 0.05%Outlaw Forest     Spellbook: Shield Deflect MagicManashen Gargoyle10.01% - 0.05%Ivory Tower Crater