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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/28/15 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    Queria hacer el post como publicidad para el server. he visto hartos chilenos y sudamericanos en el server, y con los proxies qe tiene el server (uso el europeo), no hay lag. Van a encontrar party muy facil al level bajo y las oportunidades de pvpear son hartas. Asi que si estan leyendo el post les recomiendo el server, tiene sus detalles pero tiene mucho potencial de seguir mejorando (es el unico server worldwide de l2 classic) gl hf
  2. 3 points
    Man l2 it's always like this nowadays a new server comes up, and they try to find a reason to bitch about and quit, well screw them i'm not gonna pay 10 euro per month to innova "pay to win team" i'm gonna stay here and have fun even with less people
  3. 2 points
    Dear friends, Dear players, I want to infrom you, today 28.11.2015 My clan BULGARIA and my big Alliance with clan Jamaica, GoToHell and Pirates clans we all together killed Epic Boss Ant Queen for the first time in server! I am pround with this boys in girls who fighting 1 hour for this cause! I want to thank you so much Friends for this Epic Event! We are the One, we are the First and we are Stronger because WE ARE TOGETHER! ​ Shot00002.bmp Shot00001.bmp
  4. 2 points
    !!! Cheers to c0my, BULGARIA and Legend for trusting us to lead this farm together =) Shot00004.bmp Shot00003.bmp
  5. 2 points
    Thank you Admin ​ Was a 100% Fun!
  6. 1 point
    ​Last version: v3.9 Features of the Mod.​ ​Colors changed for:Spoil activation (with on screen message)Already Spoiled (with on screen message)Resisted atacks (with on screen message)Magical Critical (with on screen message)Critical Hits (with on screen message)Login of clan mate (with on screen message)Altered states in yousfelf (with on screen message)Buffs on yourself (with on screen message)Warning of no Mana (with on screen message)Damage in/outSP and XP messages"Attention" message from another player's dropLevel and Agro for mobsExtra barCrystal ModDifferent Maps (SOE Map, Original and more soon)Shortcuts for Trade, Target, Invite, Assist, Sitstand, Findprivatestore, Friendlist & F​​riendI​nvite (/tr, /t, /i, /a, /s, /f, /fr, /fi)Skills Reuse with percentage Mod Previews Special thanks to: All L2classic.club team to make possible the server.Osito2dancer for the drop/spoil patch.Silverwing to provide me the portuguese file for the Crystal Mod and implement maps.Download
  7. 1 point
    Today we killed AQ and we are kinda confused about the drop amount. Is this mented to be normal on a 2x epic drop rate ? Â Â
  8. 1 point
    Congrats to all the boys and girls of Bulgaria clan and GoToHell, Jamaica and Pirates Alliance. It was hardish, but it was fun!!! Good Job!!!
  9. 1 point
    where u guys have info that antibot update is already implemented?
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    i just replied same thing to one tardo in other topic, so i fully agree
  12. 1 point
    whether it is possible to put the Russian language in the game?
  13. 1 point
    pierdolicie jak najeci ze po eu off ludzie odejda, tak jak odejda tak i wroca, to samo bylo z ruskim, odeszlo kupa serverow z 70 % populacji z offa odeszlo, bo ? bo botow i gold selerow 2 razy wiecej niz tu, jesli tu nie maja czasu na exp to tam sie posraja w pierwszy tydzien, wiec max miesiac temu EU potem ludzie zaczna odchodzic i wroca tu.
  14. 1 point
    Otra forma es abrir el Mapa, ahi te salen en "world info" las quest activadas en la version actual, y con el nombre la podes googlear hay decenas de paginas con las quest del L2, hasta el momento sin miedo a equibocarme no hay ninguna quest propia del L2Classic. Tambien fijate el reward cuando la pedis, muchas veces el reward fue cambiando a medida que avanzaron las cronicas, de momento la unica quest que me parecio que "rendia" es la de gorgon, "arrow de noseque"
  15. 1 point
    ​Si sabes inglés mira esta página (traducido por google, también puedes ponerlo a español) https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fforums.goha.ru%2Fshowthread_0_0_t1011349&edit-text=&act=url