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Everything posted by Myrtan

  1. Come, sit and eat some popcorn with me.
  2. You are truly obsessed, I don't even know who voted for joke like you to be alliance leader. Ridiculous...
  3. So maybe you should GTFO of this forum if you don't play in this server anymore instead of keyboard fighting every single day? Just saying
  4. Im enjoying these SM-WS dramas. Keep up the good work guys, Im not bored at work at least
  5. The thing is without that zerg tactic there is no possible way to take Aden and change things which last for months now. I mean, cmon, you cannot fight double numbers in a siege and expect to take Aden castle when full force of enemies is there. Untill Aden won't be captured by other side than WS, nothing will change unfortunately.
  6. Myrtan

    Aden siege 24.09.17

    Play skill is good I think, but when it comes to siege meeeh, all frapses, outnumbering 2/1, so nothing interesting. There is no possibility to win such fight "Alliance" vs "Alliance", when your forces are not spread.
  7. Myrtan

    ZacMan PVP (3)

    Zac, please that quality '_'
  8. That's generous Kiam. Good luck on the new journey, I'm glad that I had you as an enemy. Despite all that flame, you didn't respond even once by flaming. Much respect for that respectful behaviour
  9. You know berserker mode, don't watch just hit Anyway, nice one bro!
  10. 9:45 MMmm, hard 69 here, TheLord with us LMAO And the retarded comment award goes to you sir. You know right, not everyone must know English perfectly?
  11. Myrtan


    You missed my flaming, but I go away because this is not worth my time. I play L2 a little now, got better things to do. I sense strong dickholding atm, so better if I back off, before getting infected.
  12. Myrtan


    I don't give a single fck about raging nerd's oppinion. Only people that are close to me bother me.
  13. Myrtan


    I don't play with timer, I thought it is +/- 30 seconds. He surprised us killing unprotected buffers when our majority was fighting your parties, and I personally lost majority of my mana and I got final hitted by Naitrino. The rest had indeed damaged HP, so it was easier for Rip party to finish all up.
  14. Myrtan


    Cool to see you have 0 arguments to counter my last post so you comming with same argument again. GG, you lost
  15. Myrtan


    Proved me that most of our DDs are concentrated in the fight with SM, and you catching defenseless buffers off guard and finishing us up. That is what you proved From what I remember I saw you guys after some fight with SM, mby 30 seconds.
  16. Myrtan


    And are you to stupid to realize that "No-MP" I said in general? (doesn't mean all don't have a single MP drop) Btw what can do a party from which main DDS, don't have mana? Rly Rip? Are you rly that braindead?
  17. Myrtan


    And what was that supposed to show if you were kiting at the beginning guys that you see at the front, and our fighters mana was already used on SM when you actually rushed, + we had all CP lost + some hp? No, RIp it wasn't fair fight nor great victory, that was fair fight, even tho you had one more archer off party helping. 3:22
  18. Myrtan


    Lmao, when you rushed we basically were in fight with SM for some time. Stop making up things, all you did just finished the rest as uncle Bizz taught you 5:39 min
  19. Myrtan


    Yeah np, just wanted to make things double clear. All cool, GL and have fun, hope we meet 9 v 9 more Times than in the past.
  20. Myrtan


    I explain you, we were informed SM is comming too, so we backed up to better position. I just don't like random assumptions man, we proved that we always trying to fight. If that was the case, we wouldn't fight you never 1 pt vs 1 pt, and now it was 2 vs 1. Why wouldn't we fight you?
  21. Myrtan


    Btw,last time didn't read properly and now realized this sentence. Rly? we were scared? What makes you think that? Dude, you just came to finish up No-MP parties at the end and you so proud about this.
  22. Myrtan


    First of all, we are not babysitters. You don't even imagine how many times we were protecting low lvls, and how many times we gave spots away to lower lvl parties and ran around to protect them. But if they ask us to help at least once, I'm pretty sure we will come. Second of all, we can beat alone even 3 parties too, what you can see on our video's. Third of all, he is right. Majority of you got your lvls because of babysitting when Perkunas were still top 1 clan and kept zerg, epics, bigger lvls. Fourth of all, WS + WK was always relying on zerg what we can see from past half year or even more.