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Everything posted by Myrtan

  1. Not worth a single word anymore...
  2. Mby just not intelligent enough if you don't get it.
  3. Cuz gladi is one button char you must play well to handle correct that class not just spam stun, but ok. Do you know the definition of word "playing"?
  4. Myrtan

    Violence Party

    That intro was made by @mrphrenetic WE provide always good pvps! keep calm and... BRING THE VIOLENCE!!!
  5. Watch @Cyane video in media section. If you can handle as hard class as dagger is, you can do pretty well with it. People are right, dagger's job is to eliminate robes unexpected and as fast as possible because this will influence the pvp overall.
  6. That's actually second thing
  7. In my opinion best dagger playing in this server, gz for skills
  8. I'm happy with you my friend. Unfortunately don't have anymore time to take part in this such interesting discussion. I'm afraid must say goodbye fellas
  9. Getting too excited huh?
  10. Ah, here we go again bugged warriors excuse. I watched 2.0 video and didn't see much difference in gladiator DMG. And it's not about blaming ally this is how it was in both fights, in Oren we rushed in when we died we saw most of the allies behind the door.
  11. Post them whenever you want, as Violence CP we played very good in both fights. Unfortunately we didn't have much support in both, when allies were 2km away when the command was rush. Anyways, we will see when we finally do 9 v 9 if we can or can not get you down. Tbh, Im pretty confident that we have chance and not that low.
  12. And here we go again. SM forum warriors arguing about numbers. Glad to see you flaming forum nowadays much more than me. Ahh, those mature players
  13. @BlackJackExactly, we are not Totally Toxic, we not concentrating on free farm and pr all the time. Many times we give spots to lower lvl parties from ally and running around and pvp. We exp a little, we don't start every day at 20:30. We start when everyone log, sometimes it is 21:30 GMT +1. And where did you get your assumption that we made one lvl. Only I did 1,5 level during this time because I play a lot less than I used too. We were not same levels two months before. So your retarded arguments just because you don't like us are invalid. @Pendragon thanks for explaining him, unfortunately he will always trashtalk about us no matter what.
  14. Bad excuse about losing with 9 people with maybe 15 Get more level Stiba, I think at 75 you can be competitive with us.
  15. Thought Stiba just cried, because they lost 2 vs 1 fight against us, and in the next attemption they just ran with two parties all the way from AB top spot to BS spawn, and most got smacked, rest Pred or relogged. Wonder why these guys can't do better? Many of them are 70+ already.
  16. We were right after chasing 2 parties of Stiba and Terro and using sonic busters on them, so we were not full mana too Shouldn't port anywhere without proper buffs oryou get smacked.Is helping Stiba rly worth it?
  17. Btch please, last time I made over 5k on a fucking tyrant
  18. With average lvl 72 Soon we will put fraps of pvp with Rip party in BS. STAY TUNNED BIGGEST FAN.
  19. Nothing interesting, Perkunas bigger numbers but we still fcked up horribly with the numbers we had. Siege seemed hopeless and that we will lose all the castles, but JF stormed Dion (Don't know what was happening at Oren but I guess there full ally attack was concentrated) at the last moment which Terroristas + TFD failed to defend, and was too late for them to try zerg us and recapture, so BadProducts left with one "honor score"
  20. Im about year here on the server, but well... let's say I have different opinion. So can I get the screen of ur CC?
  21. You wouldn't evolve nothing if DL never fell and that is the fact. After they fell, you made the biggest zerg ever on the server to not lose control, and your ally keeping it till these days. So please, tell me more that Im looking for excuses.
  22. Back on my sit. Gz SM for Oren fight, well played. Better show CC numbers
  23. If you referring 300 to any kind of historical reality then I have bad news my friend.
  24. You forgot to mention players who didn't cry loud and ragequitted because no 2.0 yet.