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Everything posted by Myrtan

  1. There will not even be a fight, because after talismans end perma fear you cannot call a fight.
  2. Dude, you don't see my point. Are you delusional or what, those extra 8 seconds CAN DECIDE of the battle in case when your enemy is necro/DA perma fear, because your chance to stun him is only 15%.
  3. But the chance to stun is very, very low, almost impossible.
  4. Even if I had a fcking Aden my opinion still would be the same, circlets should not be able to use in Olympiad, because the extra seconds your enemy getting can decide of you getting perma feared/stunned.
  5. Omg, epics don't completely prevent debuffs from landing so you still have chance to land debuff, unlike Circlet of castle.
  6. Let me ask you a question. Are the sport disciplines made with fair rules or not? All the items that give some extra benefit (like 100% stun resist) for user over opponent should be not allowed in olympiad, excluding epics.
  7. Why would I care about your attention whoreism and by this making one big trash from the forum from your troll topics?
  8. Even if I had castle still I wouldn't like it. In olympiad should not exist such items, and are hero skills able to use in oly?
  9. Dude, Im talking about Olympiad not summoner on mount in the field.
  10. You forgot one more thing, daggers maybe can't win many matches but they all have same chances so none have advantage. All these sh1ts which only some ppl can use because having castle should be unable to use in olympiad. Ye, why screw daggers! Boost necros with using circlet! Use your brain pls.
  11. Yes of course, but he still have one more tali and castle circlet (assuming Im facing someone with castle which are most my opponents now)
  12. I know that trick, but sometimes is unachievable to break his tali before it ends, because have pillars etc.
  13. Yes bro, if you get feared because you used your talies so enemy necro or DA, have one more circlet and there is no way you can stun him with it, then just perma fear and GG.
  14. Advantage like few more seconds of stun prevent over someone who don't have for example additional item to prevent fear is so broken and not thinked well feature. In olympiad even 1 second can decide about who win or who lose. 2 guards + circlet, 28 seconds of stun prevent, GG! Should be not allowed to use in Olympiad. Not sure how it works in offi, but still retarded feature like using summon on mount.
  15. The topic is about Castle Circlet, not gladiator skills. Necro, Summoners are even more OP, yet no one crying about their skills. Against necro with castle circlet + two guards, my chances are even lower and there is nothing which will also prevent fear additionally like castle circlet prevents stun.
  16. Taking castle depends of ally policy, so get lost troll.
  17. Just wondering if abbility to use castle circlet in olympiad isn't a bit unfair, because it is like you have one more talisman to prevent stun. In my opinion this is too big advantage, and all my opponents with castle used it, after or before using talisman, which gave them more seconds to block my stun, while my talismans were used already. Discuss
  18. Have You ever seen a good DA fight on oly? Seemed like this DA Turned bot to Play for him in oly. Sorry, but standing doing nothing when dagger use 3 blows on your back isn't anything to be called "good" Tyrant fight well managed but too hard to win for AW because he need only 1 stun and GG.
  19. Myrtan

    Jackals 2

    Feel ya bro, same thing as my lose with Modoy
  20. Damn, I hope you gave him some adena for good start for that. 95% of players would sell it or keep.
  21. Learn to read, or at least learn to understand what is written. It isn't that hard, peace out
  22. Mighty blue side have legendary forum warriors, gj Olegaj You joined such a professional team here on forum. From what I see You are cunt who waste his time searching so called proofs without knowing a shit, which is even more funny than your personal photo in Ur Avatar. Get rekt and cry more bitch
  23. Gz, zaczynasz mnie denerwować. Jesteś jedną wielką fałszywą kurwą. Okazałem respekt, pogratulowałem mu a ty zachowujesz się jak zwykle jebane trollerskie ścierwo, które szuka atencji oznaczając mnie gdzie popadnie. Dołącz do SM, pasujesz tam do tej bandy flame clown. Świetne uzupełnisz szeregi na forum ze swoim ego.
  24. @San0@Koll WTF happened here?