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Everything posted by FryderykChopin

  1. I understand, and I don't want to incline one way or another (usually there's truth somewhere in between), but neither admins or majority of users believe you, so to me it would seem to be the easiest way to just pick that unban one time and try to find a different way to farm that wouldn't look so suspicious
  2. @bloodseeker you know that you can get unban 1 time for 5€, right?
  3. First off, I wouldn't really recommend playing mage as a solo player. As Devak mentioned, server is almost 5 years old and absolute majority of players are high level already, which means that low level spots are virtually empty. Leveling is pretty quick via RB parties, but: a) People are always going to pick fighter over a mage. And even if you manage to snatch a spot there, b) You're not guaranteed to get spot for both you and your box, which creates gaps which can turn into a severe head ache. Plus, not sure if you've noticed already, but you need to buy premium account to be able to dualbox, and also for extra additional window (10€ a month... You can also buy it for around 25 million adena, but there's no way you're getting this ammount as a newbie per month). So aside from recharger (which is a must for mage), if you'd want to box BD as well, you'd need to pay 20€ a month. You can obviously make it work if you'll be an active RB party creator, which means you're going to be actively creating the parties yourself. It's actually fairly doable here because you can see RB status (live/dead) instantly via the ingame map - but not everyone has a mentality to do it (requires a lot of patience, e.g. when your tank decides to quit in last moment and you have to calm rest of the party while desperately trying to find someone else before the party disbands). As for the supports... I've leveled my shop char for fun a couple months ago, and while I was doing to RBs around 60 I've actually encountered a couple active PP/WCs... But it's generally pretty hardcore, especially since many people just bring high level buffers to those low lvl raids. But if you really want to play necro, and you don't mind paying the €10 for the recharger, go for it - it's not impossible, it's just much slower than other chars - e.g., fighters or summoners are almost always welcome in basically any RB party, and when there's currently no alive RB, they can do some basic farming on their own without having to worry about a dualbox, it's just generally much more carefree experience. But necro is one of a few chars that you can't reroll to later, so if you want to play necro in a long run, you need to farm it up anyway. Also, necro happens to be one of the strongest chars in the game right now, so I guess that's also one thing to consider...
  4. First off, welcome back. Second - what exactly do you need help with? If it's issues with buying or selling items, check this post from admin:
  5. Life without NPCs, day 52: "Dear diary, today I've bought 5 Spirit Ores from some dwarf for 2 Cloth Pieces. Pretty good deal, considering the fact that these days those cloths have about the same value as the dwarf's dirty socks. The old fool probably still believes that NPCs are coming back one day... Can't blame him, some people just need that glimmer of hope to keep their sanity. Personally speaking, that little light inside me has died a long time ago"
  6. Rumours have it that admins were arrested for the botched illegal casino gambling so the only way to level up now is fishing
  7. Did PETA storm in and demand an end to the mobs abuse? Or did the mobs' union negotiate a day off for mobs?
  8. *eye roll* @San0 @zorgzor @Koll @Co-owner @DraqIa @Kse @realKingLeonidas
  9. Current state of the server in June 18th 5:52 AM - no mobs, no NPCs, 0/10 can't play
  10. I know I said I wouldn't bump this topic. BUT! I made this topic, alright. Now fast forward 1 month later. They release new patch... They release new event... And instead they send mass mail about this: I have reached the state of a complete literally not being able to even, and thus, I am become the odd.
  11. The Adventure Progress thing, combined with the improved party bonus, is absolutely phenomenal. Not only it finally gives newbies some stable income which they desperately need, it actually concentrates them at certain spots AND gives them additional reason to party up (provided it works properly, ie gives all party members the quest item). It's extremelly important to make people socialize more because you're much more likely to stick around if you have people to play with. This is honestly one of the most important patches in a long run. Great stuff. The 75+ is actually 'repeatble' (as opposed to 'daily' for lower levels), so technically you could be able to get more of them per day... Honestly I'm not too sure about the thing either, I mean everyone farms at those spots anyway, so why boost it? They could just level up mobs in deep LoA and give this bonus there, I feel like it would do a better job than boosting already a top spot. btw. it's not just the scrolls, it's also the infinite special pirate fruits (lol we get new smileys on forum too? what a patch)
  12. FryderykChopin

    PvP lottery!

    That's an interesting point, I shouldn't have fcked around with it. Anyway my stance now is clear, I think it's a mistake and it's potentially dangerous, so I suggest to take it down before it's taken down. I imagine it could be revamped into something legal, but that'd require some more thought into; for the time being it just shouldn't really be there.
  13. FryderykChopin

    PvP lottery!

    I did buy those two tickets, but I assure you that the post of mine in question, albeit seemingly 120% serious in nature, was by no means meant to show support to the idea. But seriously what rustles my jimmies the most is not even the lottery itself, but that they decided to send those 2 mass mails about it... Like the entire thought process of "well, guess we messed up, might as well double down on it" is just ugh... /edit: or maybe the fact that it must've taken an insane ammount of effort which they could've put into something reasonable. I understand that game developing =/= web developing, but they might as well just made some kind of web market search function (ie those player store price finders) which you'd pay for with subscription or something, I'm sure they'd have made much more money off of it...
  14. FryderykChopin

    PvP lottery!

    Likely one of the most controversial things they've made in past 5 years and they decide to send 2 (two) mass mails about it to everyone. We're reaching 200 IQ level plays that shouldn't have been even possible but here we are...
  15. @Koll@San0@Kse Two days later, exactly the same mail with a different title. I have no words. What do you expect? That people who left are going to jump back on the server because they can gamble real money? For love of heavens... I'm not going to waste my time bumping this topic next time you decide to lose more mail subscribers, I just wanted you to know how utterly stupid this is. An absolute mental gymnastics. Wow.
  16. /bump, again completely unnecessary mass mail. (it's about the gamble thing - for those who unsubscribed already) Always ask yourselves these two questions: 1) Is it really so important that Bolek (active player) needs to get notified by email of it? Isn't announcing it in game enough? ...and 2) Can Lolek (inactive player) really make anything of it? That is, if he's not playing here, how exactly is this information going to bring him back? In this case, it's again absolutely worthless information for Lolek (nobody, N-O-B-O-D-Y is ever going to return to a server because he can gamble some real money. Nobody.) and there're plenty of way to notify Bolek other ways. An absolute waste of a mass mail and pointless subsequent un-subscriptions that are likely never going to come back, unless you're going to re-do the mail confirmation after every such pointless mail. Mass mail only about events, updates and important server informations.
  17. Perhaps the inactive events don't need to be sticky?
  18. FryderykChopin

    PvP lottery!

    Worst feature implemented was either 7 people party limit on patch 1.0 or banning my boy Leonidaski, both equeally horrifying and devastating for the server Yeah that's also what I'm worried about. Despite the 'PvP' element in it it's clearly gambling where the site obviously makes money off of it. All it takes is one diligent snitch and several countries will be cut from the site.
  19. FryderykChopin

    PvP lottery!

    BIG BOI with them 3 cells, pr0s only need one. Anyway somehow obviously cheated on #2 because I didn't win, I'm moving to the big league at #5 - €1 in, 28€ out, izi game, izi life btw. @Kse @Koll the site says "#1 RANKED SERVER WORLDWIDE" - based on what ranking?
  20. FryderykChopin

    PvP lottery!

    Nice, finally a PvP I can win Bought tikits at lottery #2 FITE ME IF YOU DARE
  21. It was, there only was a problem with those 80+ skills being wrongly calculate and that's fixed already, mages generally are fine now (fine in a sense that necro is still overpowered compared to vanilla mages, but I guess we got used to that). He's got plenty of other good points there however.
  22. Kiss of Eva is honestly fine as it is. Yeah nukers are fairly strong right now, but they're not broken - plus, their strength is compensated with how hard they're to farm with on this patch. If in some upcoming patch there's a new location for nukers to AoE easily then I'd bring up this discussion again, but even then there'd much much more factors to account with.
  23. If the whole healer thing was being rebalanced, step no.1 anyway should be giving both EE and SE chain heal like back in good old days™