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blackmarket last won the day on July 30 2018

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About blackmarket

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  1. each event more retarded as i can see. But when im against free items giveaway everybody hurr durr they never think about long term conseuences, otherwise there wouldnt be event rewards like IEWC or x100 toi energy that drop price to 100k so nobody care to farm them anymore or brez for 40k adena.
  2. 1. "yes" for no such pussy plays like here 2. "no" for them to waste as much adena as possible 3. "hehe, retarded event rewards are like this" give more free items in amount of milion to events and make events every 1 week. anyway voted yes, but 3rd should be for reconsideration too (or maybe im just wrong and its not from event)
  3. dont buy accounts, learn the game first
  4. voted 1 even tho i dont play, but as i see it defends itself
  5. sober this but thx for the elaborate
  6. haha, cols, haha, bought in game, haha. No, even for euros. Its not even satysfing server needs. One time only paid brings nothing. (not like class change/name change/PA that u do multiply). If u want pay for such feature then why not pay for 10 ppl party or 10 clans in alliance or even custom skills. How about u L2P the game how it is designed finally? Damn, i did already quit, but reading forum from time to time, waiting for Fryderyk to quit so there wont be anymore silly and hilarious ideas ?sad for the GMs and zorgzor he massively spam, there should be warning points ;-;
  7. actually id wish to have client with fonts like chinos have, but not in chinese ;v
  8. kukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukuku
  9. if french canada pm: @Rizos
  10. thats big online u got here
  11. blackmarket

    its rly bot ?

    Make this topic invisible and then discuss.
  12. edit: i guess its 1 per character on account @Koll i had 80% inventory when wanted to purchase event item, it said i need make more slots in inventory, after i made the slots it says i need wait 12 hours and i didnt receive White Tiger Event pack.
  13. pony nuke have 7s reuse, so u better let make dmg to other dds and keep healing. 3rd class pony is one of most if not most op class, so u cant be dissapointed
  14. Nope. But we have Seraphim Unicorn on server with lvl 1 buffs, so ES summoners play as buffer/healer in aoe parties or boxer unicorn to farm with nuke on solo, so they almost never use Merrow unicorns. And after 77 lvl they use 3rd class pony.