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About Valeera

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 01/31/1985

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  1. Wello! friendly message from a long gone lurker, Against most of the caster classes, epic jewels are overrated nice to see there is always alive posts and discussions to read when I take some time to check on forum and server is doing well hope everyone keeps having fun and I see people finally realises I was right when i was saying that pally is a beast ^^
  2. bw + 6 aq 2 core 1 dama + 8 bop +6 black ore on some very rare occasions core 3 if no one else was using it and pally is a beast btw
  3. you would be surprised how often you would find yourself out of mana fighting a proper TK and you wouldn't be the first getting shat on.
  4. cough cough!!! it is not true everyone shits on TK. except from summoners and DA/SK you SHIT on anyone else and almost same goes for paladin just slightly more tricky because of not so much passive survival, just embrace your role and stop playing them as if they were SK/DA. edit a good wc is also hard.
  5. please no the hero shout request spam is already enough to flood my pms pm cipka, he likes to talk to people and he is a very charismatic guy #nfisfull #freebump #pmcipka
  6. i think you miss understand what i wrote i say i am not the one responsible for the zerg part as i am one of anti zerg squad that means i dont defend the zerg option. and then i said that there are not many people left in this anti zerg squad so we end up with all this bunch of people on ally because the people against this decision is not enough to make it go other way. i praise efficiency over 400 potatoes running around like mad bugs in siege ground, sadly only few think same way.
  7. dont even get me started on how bad this siege was, if the outcome would be equivalent to the job most of us made we would end up with no castle, we would get all clan halls removed, clans disbanded and some chars deleted because this was by far one of the worst sieges i was ever in. you guys did a good job we sucked big time Outcome was good but the job was horrible about the recruiting part you get it all wrong, i am one of the anti zerg squad but we not many left on this squad Also we cant ally with chinos yet, we need to let perkunas do it first to see how it works since perkunas were never in ally with chinos
  8. Valeera

    Dead Paladin

    what the hell you talk about? paladin is a beast! you just dont have a extra CC like sk or da but except from that, its a really strong char and its love! only thing you can complain about pally is it being very gear dependent. Apart from that, you can solo almost anywhere with basic buffs if its a place monster dont 3 shot you due to free heal, you have a mass root that works wonders on cluster fuck locations like toi or loa, you have a high land rate disable with shield stun, you have a pull like other tanks have and you heal sh1t for free every 3 seconds. it also requires a bit more thinking and fingers and planning ahead comparing to da or sk, overall is a bit harder char to be impact full with, but its by far not a bad char. starting to feel i will have to resurrect Amaterasu.
  9. Valeera

    POV BladeDancer?

    We can clearly see from this video that perkunas and chinos were never in a alliance, myth busted. Good to see someone else using the fishing scrolls i consume those like candy on mass pvp, but so hard to get them in good number now with all the trash scrolls from box.
  10. That sums up with 100% accuracy how i sound trying to say most of chinos names. it also goes sometimes as wiglywiglyyong and bilibilibilibili.
  11. at the end what he really wants to say with this video is perkunas were never in ally with china
  12. Valeera

    3 sided server <3

    what about ally with perks and NF and we all change prime to asian prime? and change clan names to perkunasyong and NonFactorsung? and all our nicknames to notCHNValeera, notCHNSjeks ? new plan
  13. what about SM and chinos? they look suspicious to me, they play at times no one else does, i think they 69 to farm tablets. jerry and ikikikikikikiki big love?
  14. NF and chinos was never ally neither, just to leave it here straight to clear all doubts about it
  15. if our farts ally they would be the first ally on this server history.