Yes i am

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Everything posted by Yes i am

  1. Yes i am


    hahahaha relax modoy relax brother!!!!
  2. Yes i am

    lf clan/cp

    Oh my Sweet Nienna I would like to have you wih me but its full right now ……….
  3. Yes i am


    @Rizos Drama Queen …… You should win the Oscar I am totally support you !!
  4. Yes i am


    have you notice that modoy is writing to all posts on forum the word clueless? ahahahaha (Just a notification )
  5. Yes i am


    lol you call this a name?
  6. Yes i am


    hahahahaha no one can say something for the song !!!! and for batle was nice
  7. Yes i am


    @iAxZp hahahahah someone else see what the fack is going on !!!! Good job …. btw if he wasn't hero he could be the easiest sps in the server …… now about rosen !!!! plz go buy any other weapon you still walking around with dual sls? jeez !!!! Rosen you are easy too !!!
  8. its beter to ask iaxzp because if you ask V4 he know only to stun 60 lvl chars in abg …… he cant help you !!!!!
  9. Yes i am


    and what ? that was your first pvp ?
  10. Spellbook: Summon Spark Cubic ( Reinforced Gargoyle, 44 ) Where is it ? No one Sell it no one can drop it !!!! I am searching it
  11. is that guy thisismylife? I heard that thisismylife went away with all equipment of elfys CP …… Fucking Karma !!!! Greetings of ROK Elfy !!!
  12. I think Bearlyable Priest Adonius hate you !!!!
  13. we all got lags !!! Agree with semenarsonist
  14. Fortuna come on …… You cant recruit anything …...
  15. hahahaahaha natsuki mpv he died at least 100000000 times
  16. Elfy you can call it Karma Greetings from Royal Family Thug Life.......
  17. Yes i am

    BloodBrothers TEAM

    People without fingers making war against people without finders
  18. Yes i am

    Necro pvp (k4ko)

    zacman who was in Jungle Forces now belong to Dark Sky …… Omg that Dream Team …. soon they will recruit Bizquit!!!
  19. hue hue hue Fortuna's noob CP respond ? :D Jesus......
  20. mom I am again on tv come to see !!!!
  21. Yes i am

    Necro pvp (k4ko)

    Dude this guy lukstas is 75 lvl before years !!!! you will see ..... you will make other chars and lukstas will be again 75 lvl !!!! this guy sucks
  22. Yes i am

    Server online

    Good job bro and i saw my char inside the video
  23. Yes i am

    Miss me? Oly bugs

    Kingbotaki left and you all cry like ladys !!!!! get use to it he deserve it !!!!!