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Everything posted by freakout

  1. GFs! We wont keep that ridiculous idea of pvping at that shitty place... btw, next time remove the ugly orc from the field, so you can call it 9x9
  2. NA prime - around 19:00 to 00:00 gmt-3 Archer group looking for DD with decent gear and SWS lvl 80 (or driver for ours). Playing 3~4 days a week + oly (at least 1 day/week) + sieges TS is necessary! We are brazilians and some of us speak english too.
  3. even fighting outnumbered, our CP did really bad at those fights... gf
  4. freakout

    WTB AQ lvl 1 or 2

    PM FreakouT ingame or discord
  5. freakout

    Boring BD PoV

    your ego is amazing dude
  6. freakout

    Boring BD PoV

    gj on last fight!
  7. maybe i missed an old discussion about this, but it is impossible to remove automacros from the game? if its bannable, why its still there?
  8. couldnt be 2 different macros then? macro 1 /target orc /attack macro 2 /target orc /assist /stigma just wondering...
  9. that almost touch me when you speak about his brother...but it looks like slavering beeing a favela or an european trash, thats unconclusive, and we all know that...
  10. im not that new... still thinking that he wasnt botting or looping it
  11. if she was a bot, as soon as she got summoned, she would run and follow the orc...wouldnt she? im my point of view, its a newbie player hitting a macro like: 1 /target uglyorc 2 /assist 3 /stigma maybe she is always near the crew, cuz she is using C grade... this ban is wrong
  12. i would say that maybe if we had 2x our number we could reach half of yours...but still...awesome fight...really
  13. Focus on Armor and Gaiters...full set is ok too
  14. come know that we make your life better than any other drug
  15. i always get scared about how china can ress their healers just after they get killed... fast fingers ftw