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Everything posted by Lady_Zenith

  1. VPN would not give you false bot detection. Teamviewer also does nothing I use it myself. The chance that you were not trying to bot is less than 1% here.
  2. Never played that. I had my dwarf in C2-C4 and lil bit of IL and it was like no damage and baser stun landrate 40%. Even temple knight would win. I killed BD few times with lucky stuns landing but then again, none of that applies now with the classic mix of old and new chronicle skills and completely off the charts CC landrates. I welcome that they are now somewhat useful in combat.
  3. Thumbs up for good spoiler fight and the perfect stun-chain timings. I mean winning like that with spoil, the shame. Being killed by spoil has always been a thing of dread, the worst humiliation. The points you lose should be double if it was to a dwarf. Perhaps I should have rolled spoil instead of being talked in to ES heh, always had a thing for the dwarf girls... err I mean not this blinding hairstyle, but generally, it was my very first char made in 2005, it will always be there.
  4. A lot of people come here for the reason that this is the last server really alive. Normally I would never join 2YO server as a fresh player, thats just stupid, you will never catch up and will always get stomped, but I got the urge for some oldschool L2, hate the new chronicles, and this is the only server alive. You have tons of shitty servers that die in few months or are 99% Russian only. The thing is many underestimate how hardcore it is, and fall off once they reach a roadblock. Thats normal, its just pretty unfair that the tanks and runners are completely getting rekt by bunch of bored people that failed in the endgame and this is all they can do. The fact that they have mounts and stun landrate is for some reason 100% on this chronicle does not help things either. Well I guess the lesson for the new players is don't play tanks, roll archer with boxed buffer and just roll that F1/next target macro, wait half year and boom you can start playing with others now.
  5. So, how is your sws now? How did you deal with it? Cause my sws and tank friends are approaching the point I see them reroll cause they are getting rekt every day and not progressing anymore. I mean some are masochistic to continue, some even buy adena for real money to continue cause they drop so much. But there will come a moment I will outlevel them so we cannot even party anymore. Not something I want to see. I cant see any solluition but the suggested "run EE alongside" which sounds like a meh solution. The fight solution failed cause as Iv mentioned the moment he got in to any trouble even heroes came to support him and GL dealing with them on lvl58. So yeah and there the other guy, forgot the name, the naked archer. Naked, cheapest weapon, nothing to lose, 0 care for deaths, but who cares stun landrate still 100%. The best solluition I see here is "if you cant beat them, join them" aka buy some abandoned stunner give him nograde and we are ready to go! Hehe thats gonna be fun. I kinda regret running the till lvl77 useless ES, should have made stunner! If I only knew! 76+ only. Its allmost a rule. Mount is a must, without it terrible things could happen like... the tank can outrun you, or return to his pt for help or... god forbid the PT can catch you flagged and kill you. Nonono, the mount is needed so you can safely dive in, do your deed and get out with 0 risk. TBH the mounts are retarded, its one of the few things NC really screwed with classic, nobody needs them, they add extra mobility to people that already have advantage, they look stupid, cant point any positive thing. Back in the day we did not have them and the game was better that way.
  6. Yeah "Ipalusknight" is known company. I even had a talk with him, he spewed some bullshit about your clan doing bla bla months before I even joined this server, when it is just a leveling clan with 0 wars or conflicts, so basically bullshit. The thing is its not a personal thing, he is stunning there everyone every day, just like that, Im yet to see a PT he would not stun if he is there. The shitty fact is there is nothing you can do. What can you do, PK him? He will just respawn and come back and now you have karma. There is n osollution as it seems like someone is using this endgame char as trash troll char, probably inherited it from some quitter. Yesterday we managed to attack and corner the bastard, and to his suport people from the Wicked Sick ally arrived, including a hero. Yeah send a hero on lvl 58 noobs because your favorite stunner got butthurt. Well, at least we all know who is behind the bitch now and who they serve. Expect the "zerg" against you to get only bigger if you continue treating people this way and supporting people like him.
  7. What does your situation in TOI compare to harbor? What the hell are you on about? The fishing in harbor remains crap and needs to be moved elsewhere.
  8. Do it, flame the bastards, im gonna join in once I get to the proper level. Im just saying the bigger the zergs the better.
  9. So whats it about. Is having zerg something wrong these days. Hey boys lets gather our most elite parties and have 25v25fight to decide! Like WTF, that's not what L2 is about. If someone managed to gather huge zerg than that person has good political skills and is way more valuable than someone who plays his class like a god but its just one man. + Asymmetric fights are fun. It feels good for random zerg member to score a kill against some top player and it also feels good to mow down enemy zerg if you stand on the other side. This is a proof the game is healthy, everything is fine.
  10. Yes, but why not raids? Its just.... why not. Why make things safe. This game lives from risk and drama not from grinding safely. Ok ok, the guy before mentioned Baium flattening the whole party, people dropping , getting looted and scammed. So who is with you on Baium? It is your enemies to loot you? Or bunch of random trolls? Isnt epic of such size to be killed by your whole ally after you win the pvp for it, and I say ally aka the people that will not steal from you? And if they do you chose your allies wrongly and you deserved the ripoff and drama, and again more drama better for the game. More safety = more boring game. Thats how I see it.
  11. You don't have to tell me, while training for AOE we newbies are getting harased by random lvl 77+ guys running around and stunning tank and everyone else who has aggro "just because he can" constantly, so you do not have to remid me. Still, raiding is pretty safe unless you fuck up or go AFK mid raid (as lots of DPS classes do, well, their problem), you should not drop. The only case I see is someone attacking your raid party and making mess, and that's absolutely OK and L2 at its best. With things like this the hammer always swings both ways, some people do not want it cause they are scared to drop, others want ti cause they are more in to the glory of the enemy possibly dropping. Lets not listen to the cowards all right. Im getting shat by it every day holding F4 to qiuckloot my partymates dropping everything yet I still want the risks to be there, cause its the core of L2. Speaking of weapons, I saw retail has augments now. Lets just hope that when we get them, the weapons remain DROPPABLE, and not perma safe in your hands when augumented, its one of the biggest NCsoft fuckeries then did from C4 to IL by making the weapons undroppable. Boys do not deprive me of those moment.... like this one form 11Y ago:
  12. I see why some people may like it, tho personally I would like to see none of the risks getting removed, its core of the game, the risk to drop, without it many fights lose the thrill and drama and remain fun only for those who enjoy pvp, which is not everyone, a lot of people go to fight for the drama and chance of some hilarious failure, aka epics getting dropped for example. Please do not remove the risks from the game, NCsoft did it back in the old game from IL onwards and it was bad for the game.
  13. Fine, Im gonna throw in higher voltage to both CPU and RAM just in case and see if it has any impact. I just wanted to know if anyone has this as well and seems like not, so its my own problem and I guess my own fight from now on. That you all for answers.
  14. Gah, the files are fine, Iv already tried running it over LAN loading the client from the main computer and the behavior/freeze rate did not chage. It also never crashes to give error, if it freezes it remains that with with 1 thread loaded on 100% until I kill it, it never crashes to any error state no matter how long I wait. Generally I do not expect file corruption when it runs fine with hundreds of people around and then freezes when performing macro that it did perform just fine 100x before. If there was file corruption it would crash instantly as it hits the bad data, not do it 100x fine and then randomly freeze which is what I have.
  15. Nah Im a HW guy my computers are in 100% shape. the PC is 100% stable, the weird thing is that extensive macro usage seems to cause it way more often. Well Im gonna underclock things a little bit just for the test if you suggest it and see if anything changes.
  16. I would like to ask if someone else has this. I do not see people complaining, but my game client is not 100% stable. Sometimes it just freezes and I have to kill it trough task manager. This used to never happen. The only crashes I remember ever having were the random critical erros on SOE in C4-IL clients in the past, but that's fixed, now this is something else. The client does not crash there is no error, it just freezes and I have to kill it with task manager. The moment it freezes it does so completely, it also stops communicating with the server and the chartacter disappears after some time. This is really annoying cause this may mean bad death to mob which may result in dropped gear. Now, Iv noticed one thing, its macro related. I have the client on 3 computers and the one which is used just for selling or AFK fishing aka nothing is clicked there never crashed. The one where I play my main rarely crashes, usually 1-2 times a week but the one where I have buffpet and macro skills are often used crashes multiple times a day. Those are simple macros like target me,recharge me, target again. Or take my target, root it, fallow me again, Etc. I just keep pressing those for auto recharge and it randomly tends to crash the game once say approx 2 hours of use. Am I alone with this?
  17. Lady_Zenith

    Dagger video

    Your weakness shows! Did you forget to add SA Might mortal to your weapon?
  18. Lady_Zenith

    Dagger video

    Come on, stop this whining over daggers too weak, the guy in this video does just fine. Especially on the siege and open world pvp party, he is slaying everyone he gets to close combat with in 1-2 hits on average. Its kinda ironic he says see guys TH useless in mass pvp and then he throws video where he cuts trough people like trough butter...
  19. If you have problem with Vegas degrading your quality then you have to select custom resolution and bitrate. Its fine to overshoot the bitrate cause youtube is going to recompress it anyway. Throw in say 16Megabit just to be sure. As resolution, render at least in 1080p 60fps and if your original recording is lower resolution than that, you can add some sharpen filter to make it look a bit better.
  20. Yeah why so many video makers play like 720p lowest details, it makes no sense. Its not like the game need it if you have at least semi decent PC bought in the past 10years. The older clients did suffer in big crowds when you had shadows and reflection ON, but that was the only thing that had to be disabled, not lower everything to stone age. And even that is now fixed, you can run shadows on with little impact. Just bloody run the game in your monitors native res, high details and throw anisotrophy to 16x in your graphics drivers, boom, suddenly, ok looking video. On the gameplay side, well "glad" to see Necro is still the same, faceroll silence/anchor/fear. Landed? = Free win. And it seems it lands really easy.
  21. Well Im looking forward to getting to the endgame here. If they do not 2 shot people its great news and more points for balance. However this guy below.... he throws around some high numbers. Tho honestly... this made me smile. Part of me wants to say fuck the daggers, finally they have been smashed, those annoying bastards. the other part says the numbers and landrate is really bad. Like WTF backstab 30% from behind, there is something wrong, and how dagger skills with higher power hit weaker than dwarf skills with lower power, that makes no sense, there must be a bug then. If this is the supposed "retail-like" then this is exactly the point where retail-like failed and we need custom changes.
  22. Well... trash.. trash how? How they have been nerfed? Tell me I don't see anything on paper. In the past I played only up to C4 and then IL for a bit and daggers were never bad in PVP, so unless Im missing something then not trash in combat but in farming. Which often leaves them behing lvl and gear wise so they become trash in combat too but I don't think dagger is bad if its on your level and gear. Same for EE its ok healer and good mage support. Issue is none wants to drag them up to the endgame. I only play here for 14 days but Iv already seen scenarios where there is small AOE party with boxed supports (and those are not some away friends sharing account, its pure box) and there is real support shouting for party near-by and he is ignored. Well but that its always the issue, only a really good clan can help with that. Well it kinda is modern, in HB L2 was already fucked, it was the chronicle of S80 gear with the attribute system, aka army of clones where everyone was the same and everyone who did not have S with attribute was useless. No, please not. Im one of those who consider IL the last playable chronicle. But its not ideal, I personally liked C4 the most, IL already fucked up a lot, by removing random drops on deaths by mobs, by changing the system from 40member 12 clan ally to 120+ member 3 clan ally, aka clans became too big and people stopped knowing each other outise of their CP (yeah thats when the CP concept was born), oh and summon friend + gate chant.... fucking gate chant. The "glory" of having entire army ported to baium (or anywhere else) cause 1 summoner was hidden behind a pillar and he summoned the WC and he gate-chanted the whole clan. No, please not... nah C4 FTW man, last really good one. Thats why Im kinda surprised how balanced classic feels so far. Even a damn dwarf can do some damage to people. Inclusion of some of the new skills while keeping the old chronicle rules was a good idea. Sure we have some problems like the rune system that replaced SA... its ok-ish, but there is Othel rune which is totally OP compared to all other runes and that lets you max critrate so easily you don't even need to optimize for it, you can optimize for strength instead, so I can only imagine how strong archers in the endgame are, aka I have solid bow and high lvl othel = On average I 2 shot everything. Well that's it. It would not make them OP so there is no problem. I don't say fuck custom shit, cause earlier or later Ncsoft will fuck it up. They already ruined the game once, thats why classic exists on the fiurst place cause they realized it. If some class is weak why not tweak their skills or add new ones? Same goes to removing what NCsoft added, say the moment they add attribute system with gear-grade limitation or fucking gate chant we better not copy that and go partially custom cause it would fuck the game.
  23. Yeah, give them that and remove the stupid hide. The only skill I don't agree with them adding to classic from modern chronicles.
  24. Im gonna give this guy a Yes vote, cause why not. The skill is not OP. Not everything Ncsoft does is good decision, so having custom skills is a good thing if brain is used in the process. But I don't agree with the fact that BD is being substituted, its definitely not and its more important than SWS.