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Everything posted by Osito2Dancer

  1. Depends on what do you need. Send me a mail to Lum (lvl 63)
  2. Ok, yo te ayudo. Al loguear en la pagina web, donde sale el nick de tu pj y la cuenta donde está, hay 2 botones: change password y recovery password. En la segunda opcion, te envia un correo al mail registrado de la cuenta, y carga una ventana que dice "verificacion code". Ahi es donde pones la clave con numeros que sale en tu correo, tras lo cual, si el codigo está correcto, te pide una nueva contraseña. Ahi pones una contraseña de 8 caracteres minimo (se recomienda numeros y letras, con una letra en mayuscula), y te saldra "success". De ahi, entras al juego y listo.
  3. From 2.0 no lvl cap. So you can lvl up and up. Dont realy know to how much. But i think still blue mobs must give exp. Cose if you will be pk and last mobs give 0 exp, than how drop karma. ​The max u can get in 2.0 is 80 because of the monster lvls (and that already means u farm light blue mobs after 77) after 79 ALL mobs will be blue, no sane person will go beyond 78 and just a handful will go for 79 because it just takes way too long farming blue mobs (look at korea, maybe 1% of playerbase have lvl 79 after such a long time and i don't think anyone has reached 80) ​2.0 has ToI, monsters go to 75 there, so you dont lvl up on blue mobs. Still, getting there is hard as hell.
  4. If you are 55+ and you already learnt your spoil (lvl 6 iirc), you just lost your chance to spoil SOP on Cruma. You must go with a lvl 43-54 char (Lvl 55+ spoil wont activate bc of level difference). PS: Lvl 64 Spoiler here.
  5. Perhaps you could think about giving us ToI (lvl 50-75) as a mini update, so there are more solo/duo farming spots.
  6. Also, you need to check value to port from hunters to aden, since it is cheaper to go from hunters to oren then oren to aden, than to go to aden directly.
  7. Enchants are purchasable on store on 1.5, but here they decided to put them by spoil, to avoid that.
  8. ​You can also train the matriarchs if you have good MP support. At least as an AoEr you can train there alone (or duo) until 60 without issues. PD: Just read you were a sorcerer, so your AoE wouldnt work bc of range issues -.-
  9. Osito2Dancer

    BH como main

    ​BH 62 MAIN LF Clan -.- ​Me estas cargandooooooooooooooooooooo...... O no se nada del juego, o estamos todos locos.... ​Soy un vil random, pero puedo ir a todas las parties sin war, asi que algo bueno se hace. Por ahora ando en clan con amigos (10% xp) y veremos que sale de aqui en adelante, si el server se dinamiza mas o nos vamos al warehouse de giran.
  10. Osito2Dancer

    BH como main

    ​BH 62 MAIN LF Clan -.-
  11. Perhaps adding a new update (ToI, like a 1.7, same as LoA Patch), would enable chars to have something new to do, and invite new chars to grow
  12. perhaps it is 50.0000% and mistook it for 5000.00%?
  13. Osito2Dancer


    ​There is an instance that activated whenever the 1 hour quest got completed (i think it was to kill 10000 of each monster that exists in SoS), it was fun (but on Shillen, it hardly ever got activated, since SoS is a 90-95 grind area, and everyone who's on that lvl decided to do only instances like Kartia - Spicula - Fortuna - PoD - Fairy).
  14. Yes, as i said in my post there is a timed announcement, but it would be good to add a login announcement with the same info (Harbor free trade - free tp from all gks).
  15. It would be better if they added a login announcement (same as the timed announcement) with "Remember: Giran Harbor has free trade" or something that guided users to go there.
  16. http://l2classic.club/forum/index.php?/forum/51-bot-reports/ Just report the user, the admins check them fast, and if they are using bots, BAN!
  17. In C1 it didnt matter if you hit with mage skills, it always did the same damage. Now it has a variation, and can be blocked with shield (if lucky enough, it can even hit for 1 dmg)
  18. All magicians have "Mana Recovery" skill from lvl 1, that adds 20% bonus to MP recovery with Robe. You have to compare it with heavy (or no armor) to see the difference.
  19. ​FORT broke to +12 ​I know, still you are not the first with steel balls Grande Victor
  20. Already done and seen (FORT), no new excitement :D.
  21. ​can u add a spoil patch that u see on screen when a target is spoiled like it was on morims mod ? ​Here it is: https://mega.nz/#!HQ1ACbTa!iEEqFoeIKiUh9vah35yHHuvFi_da3e6GfECW3M8uWBM These files enable: - Farther Zoom - Lvl/Aggro mod - Spoil/Drop messages (such as "Spoiled" and "already spoiled"), plus "no HP/MP", damage done (green) / damage taken (red), and full item drop onscreen messages ("Attention, X has picked up Y"). That should cover it quite nicely. All files go unto "system" folder, overwrite old files, play and enjoy. ​link is no longer available, can u upload new one? ​Sure, download this one: https://mega.nz/#!OY8xxACT!0_XBzkqDtMfeTNEAU4lztUVsp6qIl91BD7rzMfAxOp4
  22. ETE is 71, he has two buffs that INCREASE stun chance, and you complain that he stuns you for 9s (given that hammer crush skill says that stuns for 9 seconds)? you deserve a brazilian "HuEHuE" Now, since Classic takes from GOD (stats like DEX CON STR should be double the amount they are now. so benefits from them is non-existent), skill level is predominant over innate resists.
  23. Regretfully there are people like Bilbao that are really stupid like that, i agree, but L2 is like that (you can drop items if you have bad luck), so you have to keep a lot of useless items in your inventory to avoid that, there is no other solution for that.
  24. ​Me equivoque en el año. Arreglare los Doom Troopers y el aggro en Cruma.
  25. ​Valid concern, should analyze to add Tifanny to Giran or Gludio (for lower lvs).