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Everything posted by Osito2Dancer

  1. De 25+ vas a empezar a ver gente en Gludin, Dion y Giran. El server esta bien poblado, pero es generalmente de gente con mas level. Sigue subiendo y veras que el panorama cambia bastante :).
  2. No todas las skills son iguales que en C1 - C4, hicieron muchos cambios a skills para que fueran mas equilibradas las clases. L2Central muestra la informacion de 1.5, que adjunto a continuacion. https://l2central.info/classic/Гладиатор Sonic Impulse (Sonic Blaster)1active53045000600-Attacks the enemy with the power of the sound pulse 369. stunned for 5 sec .. Usable when a sword / blunt weapon / twin swords. You can increase the capacity by means of focusing skills. Max. the number of exacerbations - 2. equipped. Crete. hit.Stun gladiador a distancia, 5 segundos ​https://l2central.info/classic/Копейщик ightning fast Spear (Quick Spear)1weakens63095000900-Javelin strikes nearby enemies. Power 801. stunned for 5 seconds. seconds. Requires a polearm. Atk. Ignoring Shield.Stun warlord a distancia, 5 segundos. Lo del Windstrike es un tema de nivel, bien mostraste tu en tus ejercicios que la skill de por si pega 150-200, mientras que prominence pega 550-600, lo que implica que estas tienen power correspondiente y no hay bug de sobrepoder. Si el pj es mas alto que tu, tambien va a tender a fallar menos skills que tu, por eso capaz que el shillen elder que te mato era mas alto que la mochila que tenias, y capaz es mas alto que tu tanque. Si el mismo pj le pega a un 50+, entonces va a fallar sus skills mas frecuentemente.
  3. Delays get lower from lvl 4 onwards. If you are ES and cast boxer lvl 3, you get the same delay that of a wizard/spellsinger.
  4. I also have 2-3 recipes from spoil, out of thunder wyrm monsters. It is kinda hard to get, but it does drop (before 1.0 and after 1.3)
  5. +1 for Party Matching, but also +1 for worldwide trade channel (+), with message limit per minute (1 per minute per char).
  6. ​Que si rinden... son unos bestias hahahaha ​Estan siendo el PJ del momento, con su stun a distancia medio roto. Son ideales para subir mochilas en cruma y para mobear en DV/EV.
  7. Ya que tienes un amigo sorcerer, ¿Podrias poner una imagen de cuanto pega el windstrike, comparado con lo que pega el prominence? Ayudaria a ver si realmente esta bug o no. Sobre lo del SE, si es uno suficientemente alto, con empower y buena arma, el windstrike deberia pegar bastante, y si la mochila no tiene buffs y esta con joyeria low, no es TAN increible. Ahora lo raro seria que el windstrike te matara a ti como tanque.
  8. ​Este server es una cronica independiente nueva que lanzo la compañia encargada de desarrollar L2, pero si hay que ajustarla a un marco conocido, es COMO un C1 + C2. Las armaduras llegan hasta top B (por ahora, el juego esta en constante desarrollo), el level maximo es 75 y las clases y skills son similares a como eran en cronicas anteriores. Es exactamente como jugar en un server de vieja escuela (C1, C4), pero con graficas de Goddess y algunas cosas mas equilibradas (dada por el tiempo de desarrollo de la plataforma, balancearon mejor las distintas clases) Si quieres mas info, puedes visitar http://l2central.info/classic/ o https://l2wiki.com/classic/ y ver las distintas cosas que trae la cronica.
  9. Adena does work to detect cheaters sometimes, but more than that, it is useless as an statistic, since you can share it between several chars, or be rich in mats/items but have few adena around. Not worth it.
  10. Serenade of Eva: https://l2central.info/classic/Серенада_Евы_-_Мудрец_Евы Repeat Time = 900 sec = 15 minutes. Peace: https://l2central.info/classic/Примирение_-_Епископ Repeat Time = 5 sec Seems to be OK, 18 minutes is a lot tho, are you certain about it?
  11. ​Im a bounty hunter, it does not apply to me, i want my buffs >.<. Nevertheless, it does feel kinda unfair for summoners, even tho they have cure (poison removal), can use cubics for damage, you can cast ultimate defense on your summon, increase their magic defense, faster casting for heals and recharges (and more MP to support them), and transfer pain for PVPs. So... i dont know if i can side with you 100%
  12. Nope, on PVP it does not work, just PVE. Madness skill reminds me of an old necro skill (curse discord): Curse Discord (1) (spellbook)Active Magical3560032000Confuses an enemy to attack its ally. That skill says "confuses an enemy to attack its ally", kinda the same as Madness: Madness (1) (spellbook)Active Magical206002900Confuses the enemy into attacking random targets.Meanwhile confusion skill from archers: Confusion (5) (spellbook)Active Magical3560033000Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack.Provokes a change of target, but if you are alone, you end up being THE ONLY TARGET.
  13. I also heard that damage should be bigger from the back, and to be honest, when im grinding with a tank in party, i always go for the back of the monsters, i end up hitting more than from the front. NOW, damage variance (the famous "give or take" (+/-) damage) is sometimes bigger than damage bonus from behind, so you end up hitting about the same on fast kills (x1 monsters or PVPs), but sustained damage (from long fights) is bigger nevertheless. I dont think is wrong, it is just too damn subjective.
  14. And all dwarves are mad at Staff for not adding that skill to 1.3 -.-, along with Tenacity and the WS skill. We feel left behind
  15. NOT OFFICIAL INFO: I guess 500-1000 all day around.
  16. ​Per Admins response, we close this thread. Please consider that implementations follow the line of official releases, give or take a margin of liberty to customize the experience. For now, no beast soulshots.
  17. ​VMs are a No-No, antibot will detect them and disallow access.
  18. The limit is 1 normal account per PC, without risk or problems whatsoever. 3 PCs = 3 accounts, if you want more, get adventurer's account or log from another PC.
  19. Dual box is linked to adventurer account (100 COL ingame), that is a way for this server to support itself, so if you want dualbox, you either log in different PCs or buy an adventurer account. Adventurer's account do not count towards the PC limit, so if you have 2 adventurer accounts, you can log up to 3 chars on the same PC, if you have more (lets say n adventurer accounts), you can log up to n+1 chars :D.
  20. Innate (non-buffed) debuff resistance in Classic is like that, depends more on level difference than resistances per se. If you are 50, all 50+ debuffs will land almost 100%, and all 50- will miss frequently. There is nothing to fix (IIRC)
  21. Staff will release an official one, ETA Unknown (currently fixing critical problems of 1.3).
  22. Osito2Dancer


    Antes daba advertencias (salia una ventana que decia "estas usando programas blablabla, sacalos o te banearemos", ahora baneara directamente.
  23. Fair enough, they have opened a poll to choose where to set the dual stamp craft certificates drop/purchase in this same forum, thats an indicator that they are working on updating to 1.5. Perhaps after the 21st, we can ask for an update on the timeframe.
  24. The staff is working on it, be patient.
  25. ​Level spread influences mana recharge from skills: if your mana recharger is 40, his skill will be recharging less and less the farther you are from him, until you hit 10+ lvls, when it wont recharge you at all (0MP). The same logic applies to your cat, since the last level you get him is 35 (making him about 37-38 iirc), so he wont be recharging you when you get to 48+