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Everything posted by Armagheton

  1. Bear in mind that TK it's prob the most boring class to lvl and also prob the least used of the game. He excel in P.Def and has only Tribunal as offensive skill till 76 iirc, so the monster on solo will go down slow..... very slow. Your only hope on 60+ is to find some ABG PT that need a tank for AOE, hoping that the spot isn't filled by a SWS
  2. He gived you a solid reason why TK it's the tankiest of the tanks but with your reply you made it clear that you want to go Pala. If you like pala just go Pala. That's all BTW Life cubic -> paladin has actual heal whenever he wants ( TK also has an heal command and the cubic is an extra with no cast. Pala 76+ heal drain HP )Root/arrest -> sure cool, although paladin has mass shackle too and stun (also stun whenever he wants, unlike waiting for root cubic, and stun is nice against any class mage or meelee). Still none of which is actual ++ in defence ( He will eventually get his 76+ stun on command in future update ) Guard stance -> paladin has majesty (which doesn't give shield def though). I do not know which one gives more pdef though, but at least one of them can stay up forver because it does not drain mp. ( GS it's 10 times better than Maje ) Said so.... just pick the one you like the most. As general reference: Humans _ Are the balanced race Elf _ Excel on Def and Evasion D.Elf _ Excel in dmg
  3. The reason it's absolutely not about class balance. PPl from offi comes here cause offly it's plauged with botters, the game turned basically in a pixel shop, the market it's totally inflated and to counter this NC made the game unplayble by gutting to zero the adena drop. Have you ever played on offi classical? I CAME FROM THERE, and it was amazing till NC didn't went full P2W with 1 horreundus patch after another and forced ppl out of the server if you couldn't drop money even for the SS. Just as refence Korean Classic should still be P2P ( with sub required from lvl 1 ) and it's going great. Followed by GM, regular update and serius admin. Also they are the ones setting and balancing the game class whise and they are doing a great job so far, looking at their patch note. Where is problem ?? ... PPL like you crying cause they can't go 9v1 with their champ or got owened 24/7 and cry on the forum ... that's the problem
  4. So you call me ignorant cause i'm right? I don't get it. BY FACT ( and you posted it ) NCsoft gived summoner and healer nuke capability on par with mages and these are not made up number. I know that this server follow his own balance but seeing ppl crying every 2 sec here and in game over KoE, Tyrant and Nuke dmg it's just stupid. KOS it's a self buff? Make it SELF ONLY, end of the story. Summoner got 119 Power? Give them that power. Have people ever thought about the fact that summoners are in the mage tree too?
  5. Nuker and pure DD classes have no room for balance. Those are the official numbers and at least there isn't any bug ( like there was on nuker ) i don't see any reason for buff/nerfs. Any Nuker skill has a clear description that list power and it is fixed to deal that dmg.... end of the story. Don't like the class? Can't shot down ppl like it was in the past? ... well you can always change you class ( the server has this feature ). KOE it's supposted to be a selfbuff .... end of the story. There isn't any reason for it to be castable on other ppl. I see lots of ppl going: "But then healer will deal more dmg than mages!!!" .... it's not like that, simple. Mages got access to more skills, to massive CC ability, to vortex also healer are supposted to keep their mana high and don't spam dmg skills. Blame NC devs that gived healer and summoner a spammable skill that has the same power of nukers's one. As for Tyrant and Titan .... it's an issue they realized in official classic too and they got REWORKED not nerfed or buffed. I see ppl cring now, i would like to see these guys if the GK will go offi like and will get some totems as passive and the others that provvide a shot massive buff on top of continuos effect, spammable Hurricane, AOE Fear+Slow that marks targets and instakill the marked foe, etcc ... and yaeh, it's not a joke! those are official classical patch notes like the titan getting access to a sort of second frenzy
  6. Well offi whise both SK and DA got ignored. Patch whise TK should get the Shield bash in Goddard iirc ( that should be and extra stun for him ) also both Pala and TK got double the range on SoP and EP. But i don't recall any other buff for the class. Oh well, we don't follow classical offi anyway ( at least i hope ). By now, offi whise, we should already have some instance like Zaken ( Baium, Anthy, etc.... following him later on ), the return of the pets with a new lvling and evolution system ( gotta catch 'em all! ), the Dual-Axe and the hyper buff to Titan and GK after the massive nerfs, the vortex with 1 sec CD to summoners, and so on....
  7. Honestly i think pala it's in a good spot atm and with balance coming to fear ( that hopefull will be nerfs ) guess it's gonna go toe to toe with DA. TK out of all tank it's the one that deserve a solid buff followed by SK.
  8. It's not like there are not viable, it's just that they feels lackluster atm compared to other MMO. Their dmg it's too random and while they are decent into 1v1 when it comes to open field PVP and PVE they fall off too hard compared to more solid picks.
  9. As general trumb up rule: Avoid all dagger users, all the elfs ( except Elven Elder and Sword singer ) and the human prophet. If you are 4 ppl and plan to rise togheter then a decent PT would be: Tank: Dark Avenger//Paladin Enhanter_DD: Blade Dancer Enchanter_DD: Sword Singer Buffer/Healer: Elven Elder. Why these picks?. The game it's overfilled with DD but those 4 champ are at the base of any late game CP. You won't have problem finding DD and a WC ( orc buffer, the best buffer of the game ) for your party but finding a tank or a SWS may be harder. All are highly requested individual class.
  10. y but there are massive limitations even on offi: - The Grade of the prototype item can't be higher than the grade of the source one. - The type of the source item and the prototype must be the same - A set of armor (below Grade R) can't be used as prototype for armor Grade R. ( and R there it's mid-low tier equip, less than our low B )
  12. This is L2 .... it has always been a game about numbers and gear, when one side get both of them there isn't much you can do. That's also the main reason that pushed offi into a full instanced experience. Like i said in other posts things may get a shake only when A-gears ( Cloth/Gem/Weap/Armor ) will be a bit more accessible and smaller clans will have the ability to get into the endgame faster. If new ppl will get there we may see new ally and clans going for endgame content; till then gz to WK for free Baium and Zaken
  13. There are tons of problems can that cause those issue. Since you jumped from BSOD to BS it can be a simple software problem or hardware issue. CPU rarely broke ( at least you didn't OC ) and 40 to 75°C it's just normal working temperature. As first steps, like you partially did, try to: 1) reinstall L2 2) Update Driver ( Clean install ) 3) Then, If the problem still occur, ty to reinstall Win If after all this the problem it's still not solved than most likely it's a hardware issue and the best thing to do it's a stress test on every single component ( no. Minecraft it's not a stress test ). Online you can find tools that will let you test out pc part like RAM, GPU, CPU, HDD etc.... If had to blindly pick up a HW culprit then my guess would go on the PSU .... it's generally the first thing that broke in a working PC. A bad PSU generally cause shutdown but can cause both BSOD and BS if components don't receive enough power.
  14. Idk, u exp on rb so Hard and when u rich 70+ u get only b-grade+0 set, top c weapon and mb D grade jewwels. More than enough to farm on Zaken/Giant/Toi on CP and get into the late game. The question=wtf u wonna do on this lvl with trash equipment? The Answer = The same they are gonna do now on 70+. Tell me plz what ppl are gonna do stucked in the 40-70 for longer period when bosses are camped anyway and 9 out of 10 drop goes to camper and famer?. Drop for nomal mob it's incosistent and a very lame way to rise up money. So stay at mobs, that can give eprox exp but +adena/drop. Organize pt/cp, join in big sides to get some waves on server. Any "big side" will willing get lvl 40-60 new players ungeared that will prob reach 70 in 2-6m ..... suuuuure!!!. PT/CP will gut the earning to pretty much 0.... do you realize that the chance to drop some decent gear in a 7-9 ppl pt will be like 1/( 200-2000 * ( 7-9 )) But no, 80% online Just wonna pure exp without drop and then they are dissapiring cuz every noob can oneshot this trash. Drop has a reason when it's consistent ..... droppping a 1-10kk gear with a 0.00005% chance when any decent lategame item will cost you 200kk+ it's pointless. Now i'm 77 and with my +0 B-Grade i'm farming EWB, MT, 70+Raids doing Sieges and PVP and while i surely can't do much vs top sides at least i'm enjoing any aspect of the game and have a decent cash flow, something that was impossible on 70 and lower. Honestly i don't get all this hostlity towards new players. Lots of ppl are like: "It was hard for me so why it should be easier for you?", but they do not consider that the advance they took, gear whise, will still take years to cath up and that there is no shortcut on that ( apart for $ obviosly. ). Are ppl in the top sides really so desperate for their supremacy that don't want other ppl to get into the competitive zone faster? And for what reason since it takes 1 decent geared party to own 3-4 newcomer pt? Said so GL on your service.
  15. .... Unseald A it's pointless. On this server, at least you can't afford to drop lots of Adena on OEing, Cloth and A-Gem, it's pointless to rush A gear at all. You realize that after 1 week; so i can't get why you rushed tallum robe. As for gear it all depends on your objective: PVP: ROBE + 1h Sword or Blunt + ISS rune for Cast ( you want to cast your buff and debuff as fast as possible and you can archive that only with a robe set. Since you can augment the weap as you like in classic you can go for a generic warrior blunt/sword, also you don't really need M.Atk since your main role is to Buff, Heal and Debuff and this will drain all your mana. You will also want a low lvl weap with Yul for speed, but not as main one ) PVE: LGH>Heavy + 1h Sword or Blunt + Othell for DMG ( OL drain a lot of mana and it's better to focus on P.Dmg and occasionally cast buff, heal and debuf. You can't be the only supporter of the PT and P.Dmg with othell provvide a solid and costant source of dmg. Since you will stay close to the monsters, in order to deal dmg, a LGH or HVY is needed and the first gives better bonuses than the second that, on non classic l2 at least, was used mainly for solo or small party exp. ) Blunts are cheaper than swords so i would focus on that direction, and you need them just to access the Power Break skill that has a decent landrate. Bear in mind that these are personal opinion
  16. A grade bonus doen't exist in Classic; and this is a classic server. The bonuses is a normal l2 server feature, where A grade scroll provvide a bigger bonus that B grade ones If those number are true A grade OE atm gives more power than intented for a l2 classic server. How L2 classic works: How normal l2 works:
  17. As general thumb up rule: If any software or hardware automate any aspect of the game to the point where you aren't needed to press anything and stay near the PC to perfom a specif action then it's bannable. In your case you are just replacing one button combination and shouldn't be a bannable reason .... it's like pressing F2 instead of Alt+F4; but, obviosly, last word goes to GM.
  18. Armagheton

    no update

    it's not just clan rewards daily quest too didn't refreshed
  19. Bear in mind that these are mostly personal opinions: 1 ) PP can really go with everything, till mana isn't an issue. I raised him with dual and heavy up to 50 2) With a PP on your back a P.dmg class it's better suited. You can give up on top content PVP, the server it's just too old and at this point it's pretty much impossible ( at least if you don't drop A LOT of real money ) to catch up older players. If PVP it's your aim then 1V1 i would say DA ( you can fear-lock anyone that it's not overgeared ) on mass PVP I think SWS it's more useful than BD. 3 ) The game give you a ticket for a free weap and a quest gives you a free moonlight armor. You can aim for a C grade weap at luxury and deal with penalty up to 40 since market it's not inflated and cry C and D are quite cheap here. Here you rise mostly on RB so ppl want you to have a Bow, it would be wise to pick one asap. 4) Constant Party 5) I will leave to other ppl this answer. You can support the server in a lot of ways. If you are looking for low gear guess the fastest way it's to buy weap in your account page trough the auction, or you can donate and sell the CoL in-game. 6 ) There are plenty of guilds. Imo the best it's to find one with your timezone and that speak your language
  20. Top A is Ketra/Varka offi whise. Recipe are only spoiled and piece mostly dropped in the Lower/Upper stages ( respectively ), They will also drop MT and Cloth at fairy high chance. When implemented +++ A gear will be a serius think, also cata will make gem A a piece of cake to farm. On the other hand clot price and skill price will drop a lot
  21. Here: LSS: 78+ daily instanced PVP zone. Once you enter you have 1H to roam around the zone, and the whole point is to kill:'s_Steward ( that spawn every hour in fixed spot ) He drops a key to access an instanced RB wich drop good stuff
  22. Well we have to see how they plan to follow the official server.Just some "amazing feature": Auto-Botting, No gold drop, insane craft requirments for 30% recipe, Tier4 RBJ, Instanced stuff, The elemental lords, The 4S, Tomb of Ancient Pirates. there will be hard times ahead But guess we are going OT so i will stop here XD
  23. I don't understand the point you are trying to make. SV bosses have pvp for 2-3 clans or ally but still a good 80-90% of the ppl there just leech on realiable exp and the top side who win still get realible drop and exp. Want a thing to be fair? Then make it fair for everyone. BTW lately i've seen more PVP on FP RBs than on SV ones... so your argument is invalid from any front.
  24. One more thing, is admin team satisfied about the pve fiesta happening at abg/fom/SV/FP every day at 21:00? I vaguely recall san0 saying he wouldn't add clan arenas because the server would become a pve fiesta. But that's exactly what is happening right now on ALL THOSE RBs, about 200 people joining hands, singing "kumbaya my lord" and killing bosses for low but reliable exp while top clans and ally farm free gear every day. Zaken patch got raid bosses so, so wrong. Your post need some corrections