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Everything posted by draco
Reading your post made me think its some china player voicing his anger. And imagine my suprise when i saw its stiba.
Exeptional paint skills kure:)
Lol Thats some old shit you just revived
2) Even soil said bizz is better leader on sieges than him Its good to hear that soil is someones authority. @BlackJack aim low so you do not fail am i rite? Even soil said bizz is a better leader. Lol Sup Reaver, long time no see
whatever makes you sleep at night
3 pages ago.
yea and he would have english gui, ofc nnyxi
Kure is not part of nonfactors you mentioned. He never left club with us. I know that he had a break for up to month but nothing else. Non of the core Nonfactors never flamed club officialy, we were just bitching around mby at clan chat but thats it. I feel like youre just being zorgzor succesor, so ill tell you what i told him: make someone check what youre posting, and then tell you is it worth to post or not. a fev more things like that and noone will even bother to read your hardly produced sentences
oh so necro/da are summoners right now? is this: "smarter every day" - by Arcanum
well classic cant have other system than this one, its still limited on club tho, with the cd on scroll use, running to floran, etc. and its made becouse at lvl 60+ there are two valiable spots to exp with pt. so you have to fight for spots, imagine if someone had to pk random pt at lvl 65+ becouse dealing with karma takes a lot of time, they do not fight back. and you waste 2h+ on cleaning karma and then exping sin eater to drop 9 pks. this encourage parties to fight back. and sadly makes it easy for ppl to pk lowbies. the thing that would help is: every 10 lvls difference makes you get x5 normal karma, or x10 even
Yea, you have to click "convert this party to raid group" then it have 51 slots+ 3 for "spectators"
im not butthurt about reaver, imo those were the best times in club history we had a great enemy, who wasnt zerg, they were just better than us and was good at map control. when you say you had really hard times cuz you had to farm at loa heart, my discussion about weaker clans have no point.
if that means you have impossible time, then i've never ever even reached as good as impossible times during our war with WS
yea i went throu all that clown fiesta we did in this topic and i found 3 reasons you stated: according to you winning side is the one who had total control over epics and castles, and the one whos kicking everyone from top spot. so if during last fev months vigi lost fev epic they werent a winning side, they were actually weak side cuz they didnt have total control. thats why i call your argument about "joining a loosing side" bullshit, you never were "weaker" side to the point it matters, you could farm while being in WS noone harrased you to a point that for two weeks you were sitting in town being unable to exp, you high lvls were farming uninterrupted, you could farm somewhat efficient, all they you didnt get was epics, but your ally still overall had more epics than vigi wich they got from 8 months of total domination over epics. all that i see in your "weaker side joiner" statement is boosting your ego.
you joined the strongest side that was around your prime. it doesnt matter if it was weaker overall, becouse during WS prime they were dominating. as i said vigi played during different prime, same with SM, so the only enemies you had was ES/UQ, es was underlvled and overall somehow bad in pvp, while UQ had fanax cp and nothing more. overall you were loosing sometimes, but when you say "im so good id rather join someone whos weaker to help them fight the oppressor" is bullshit altho i could belive you "thought" youre joining someone whos weaker.
what it tells me is: you were tired of getting pkd so why dont have a war anyway, its -1% instead of -4%. thats what it tells everyone i bet. ask any player from SM how it was to be in Last hope (sad fucking name shibb, who named it like that ffs) when everyone from eu prime was getting fucked so hard we couldnt make 10% at lvl 55 a day even (unless you played during other than EU prime) and yet we managed to take dion with WS and eternal brasilians or whatever trying to interfere. so your "oh i went to loa and ws pkd me" is a pussy whining wich made you join that side after all
it was a weaker side for you, and based on what zorgzor cried out during this times makes me belive whole WS wasnt a weaker side it was just a time when you had enemies to deal with and you couldnt do it becouse you were lower than them. still doesnt mean you were weaker or loosing. please stop making yourself a martyr who is so good and shiny that he always helps opressed and drive them to greatnes. you took a beating, then your side catch up as an ally, and you had a competition, you didnt join a side whos being dominated, you joined a side wich was always dominating and had a "Bad times" for a fev weeks. doesnt sound like a weaker side to me
right on the spot, thats why i call a lie that you both would join "loosing" sides
im not saying you were not behind nor that you were winning. during 3 sided server times there were times you lost pvp or siege or epic but it wasnt like that 100% of the time. while when WS were top it was like that for everyone else. everyone after 55 had to pick a side or got pkd by all sides. when you were pushed out of loa your top pts still farmed at bs cuz there were noone there. by that times youre speaking some mage from your ally hit lvl 77 and game bugged him to lvl 83, you think he could farm on lvl 76 if it would look like you say now? you had worse tims and better times during that perioid, but you didnt lost everything like everyone else who lost with WS
you speak about yourself, not about WS ally
that never happend to WS so i bet its still me
then the greeks catched up and made more ppl 74. but still they werent playing during EU prime so perks had all they want. thats the times you were loosing altho not that much cuz you took giran from them fev weeks after uq left. and if by loosing you mean only epics and 2/4 castles then its not loosing. loosing is when you cant leave town becouse enemies slay you everywhere with higher lvls/more ppl
yea that was a thing, these were a fev weeks after reaver left, and imxo and fanax cp left perks to make Unique clan. perks started to loose epics and castles when vigi and UQ joined forces.
yea i remember that, i also remember dee cp hunting us at ev when we were 40+ and they were 60+, then i remember dee and reaver cp rolling on us EVERY time we went to farm during our 6h prime. i had a fev breaks, not more than a month tho and during eu prime when i was farming ABG there was 1 time visit from soil cp and ~6 from WS, i also remember you rizos, running with your cp just to stun tanks on abg cuz you were salty after orfen drop. yea get your facts straight Rizo. after a fev months from the server start WS ally was the one dominating, pride fought them, then we fought them, then did greeks. pride crushed cuz they had late eu early NA prime, we broke off cuz ppl went away after 2.0 promises and vacation time, vigi could challange you cuz they movet their prime time for morning play (for eu timezones). for more than 4 months perks were farming with orfen3 wich was giving too much mana, they got more than 2 cps to 74 when rest was 65 tops. then the greeks catched up and made more ppl 74. but still they werent playing during EU prime so perks had all they want. china thing is just a recent happening compared to club life, ask anyone whos relevant and have actual knowledge about that, dont hang on your delusional believes of you being strangled as a WS member. it sounds like feeding your ego with that.