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Everything posted by Koll

  1. Hello. Fixed. Try again.
  2. Hello. After we ban same person 3-5 times with different boxes, we banning all accounts related to him. Even if your main 70+ - we don't care, we see that you are not interested in fair play.
  3. Koll


    Please contact me at skype: koll.classic
  4. Koll


    Please give more information, what proxy your are using?
  5. Koll


    Hello. I can't open your screen.
  6. Due to disconnects. Even official server doesn't protected from data center issues.
  7. Koll

    Server problem?

    ​We are checking, but for now server already available.
  8. ​Please give full information about groups and etc ( amount, levels ). But ~10% of this RB = ~200k exp for you, not 1.6kk, so I think you get all exp that you must. It's classic.
  9. Koll

    Server problem?

    ​Eu/Spanish are working now.
  10. Koll

    Server problem?

    ​Yes, because updater is connecting to FTP server and I told that it's in same data center.  You can start game with l2.exe from System folder.
  11. Koll

    Server problem?

    Start game with l2.exe, choose any http://image.prntscr.com/image/05ec3d4c19d6404c982de77e1e539404.png except EU or Spanish.
  12. Koll

    Server problem?

    Hello. Yes. We have problems with Eu/Spanish proxy. Also in same data center we have FTP server, so updater won't work till data center fix it.  You can login on any other proxy except Eu/Spanish and continue playing.
  13. Koll

    Can't Log IN

    ​Hello. Last week we was worked around 100+ hours with our players making tracert/winmtr/ingame tests and etc. Right now it must be working more stable and without delays. Yesterday problem with disconnect was on Proxy not on server machine ( proxy that have problems are located in data center that we was before, so if we would be at this data center - all server would lose connection for 30 min, but disconnect was only on proxy, other proxys + server machine and game server was still working without any problems ).  
  14. Koll

    Can't Log IN

    ​All proxy except Eu/Spanish are working. If you are trying on Proxy screen select 1 proxy, then another - it doesn't work like this, because your connecting stuck on last and you didn't try to connect at another till you relogin on ID/Pass window.
  15. Koll

    Can't Log IN

    ​Start game with l2.exe from System folder.
  16. Koll

    Can't Log IN

    ​why not download the patch and update client? I update the client yesterday and today, and now, do not login anyway ​hmm, I did patch download can not ... update does not work ​Yes. File server at data center with one of this proxy. So it won't be available ether till data center staff fix it.
  17. Koll

    Can't Log IN

    ​why not download the patch and update client? I update the client yesterday and today, and now, do not login anyway ​All proxy except Eu/Spanish are working. If you are trying on Proxy screen select 1 proxy, then another - it doesn't work like this, because your connecting stuck on last and you didn't try to connect at another till you relogin on ID/Pass window.
  18. Koll

    Can't Log IN

    You could login on any other proxy except Spanish/Eu And get back in party. If you farmed him more then 1 hour, this 10% = around 6+ minutes.
  19. Koll

    Can't Log IN

    Hello. Fixing.
  20. ​pink - Dee - ImXo..... We played and wanted to take 77....  and now we sit 76 - 100%    LOL no bad Admins     (Why do you write so late ?)     ​Please read post that you quote, there are answer in it.
  21. Koll

    server down?

    Hello. Every week at Monday and Friday at this time we have restarts.
  22. Koll

    Ticket help

    Hello. I will tell why some players have this problem. Tickets in supports center sorting by last message. For example: 1) I created ticket 29/10 at 18 CEST - supports see that last response was 23 hours ago, they will check my ticket faster. 2) I created ticket 28/10 at 18 CEST, but then each 2 hours I keep asking till 30/10 16 CEST - supports will see that last response was 1 hour ago and this ticket will have less priority.  So please form all of your questions in 1 post and then wait response or contact supports in skype: events.classic
  23. Hello. Contact supports via skype: events.classic