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Everything posted by Koll

  1. ​okay, so couple of ppl would like to know why if Mizuno got banned hes still playing and playing on bought characters? Aint buying characters forbidden? ​We can't ban people before we will have proof. Right now my first priority is players delays. When I will have time I will check it.
  2. ​We added +2 hours for auction.  Login is under attack, working on it. ​2 hour ? u mad ?  not man only 1 hour ​Attack started at 10:20, right now is 11:45.
  3. ​We added +2 hours for auction.  Login is under attack, working on it.
  4. ​I'm in game right now.
  5. Koll

    Critical error

    ​Hello. Most interesting things to us is under this "Error:" word. Please just copy all error as a text
  6. ​Restart at 11 CEST because based on online statistic less popular time is 9-11 CEST.
  7. ​Hello, you can download updater from website and just start it in empty folder.
  8. Koll


    Hello, please try to recover it.
  9. Hello. You need to type .offline_shop. Also offline shop logs for 24 hours. Also with server restart all offline shops deleting from game.
  10. ​You must understand that blocking Teleport will make harder to your wars to find you and if you win fight against them - you will have more time that you can spend on killing guards and etc. Also it will prevent big ally from running between castles each 2 min ( because teleport is available ) just to not give you castle.
  11. In drop/spoil patch will be added later cause it's harder then just in drop. - from previous message. They are in mobs, they just not in drop/spoil patch, because we need new restart for this + change this skill that showing you this drop/spoil
  12. 1) http://image.prntscr.com/image/d34b281eacf34a43a764ab460ce5af06.png in drop 2) http://image.prntscr.com/image/a718c73a3db24526ad1f7170f8b37f4c.png in drop 3) http://image.prntscr.com/image/9dd5d8a7891e4dffab807c5376fa212d.png in drop So it's in drop of all 3 mobs.  
  13. Koll

    My Demon Staff +1

    Hello.  For example person steal this item and then make low price to fast sell it. When victim contacting us - we checking where is item now. After we find it - we making all trades refund that was made with this item and giving item back to person it was stolen. If your trade is legal - we giving you your items/money back and don't touch you. If we see that your trade was made just to hide item and you are robber friend - you can be banned too.
  14. Koll

    have lags

    ​previous EU proxy right now on EU.
  15. Koll

    have lags

    ​Hello. Please contact me at skype: koll.classic
  16. Hello. Please contact me at skype: koll.classic
  17. ​Its for summoners one.  
  18. Minus: - EXPing for some players will slower or even stop for this time because they will be lazy to run or it will be impossible to run to next farm location. ​minus? this forces people to go look at siege and compete! together with no xp loss even noobs can compete ​Isn't it will help weaker clans become more stronger because they will be able to buy better items on taxes money?
  19. ​Isn't "Not lose exp on siege" making more PVP, not PVE? ​Forcing people to go inactive making it. (taking that hold them here away) ​I don't understand the bad side of this thing.  For example: Plus: - Clans will regroup slower. So 1 clan/ally will not able to have 2 or 3 castles. Clan attacking castle willn't need to fight each 3 - 5 min and will have time to process on castle capture. - Flags are not useless. Right now better don't use flags and just regroup in city - it will not take longer then to regroup on flag. Minus: - EXPing for some players will slower or even stop for this time because they will be lazy to run or it will be impossible to run to next farm location. ​Minus:  - Clans will regroup slower. So 1 clan/ally will not able to have 2 or 3 castles - (I didnt want to talk about it but) Not that much online so it will be separated on all castles w/o chance to group all online of server on one castle. You must understand what im talking about if you have seen at least one siege on ru classic. (posted prev.) Siege here is not about standing 2h on same castle its about fast regroups.  You must mess wars to take castle you must help ally to take castle and you must protect your own castle THATs what makes sieges interesting in L2C.  ​Isn't it making 1 sided server if 1 Ally will be able to do all of this in short amount of time?
  20. ​Isn't "Not lose exp on siege" making more PVP, not PVE? ​Forcing people to go inactive making it. (taking that hold them here away) ​I don't understand the bad side of this thing.  For example: Plus: - Clans will regroup slower. So 1 clan/ally will not able to have 2 or 3 castles. Clan attacking castle willn't need to fight each 3 - 5 min and will have time to process on castle capture. - Flags are not useless. Right now better don't use flags and just regroup in city - it will not take longer then to regroup on flag. Minus: - EXPing for some players will slower or even stop for this time because they will be lazy to run or it will be impossible to run to next farm location.
  21. No one is talking that we are making things just because we don't like some one. First of all we are thinking about balance. And if something unbalanced, we thinking how to make it balanced.